Dr. Christina Cliff, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Security Studies at Franklin Pierce University recently reached out to us to ask us some questions. The wordist class is perplexed that some white people would actually oppose their own genocide and is starting to become interested in examining this baffling phenomenon.
I am an academic researcher and I am writing to request an interview with you (either by phone or via email) for my project on the rise of what the mainstream media calls the “alt-right.” My goal is to talk to leaders of groups affiliated with the movement and other notable identity advocacy figures to discuss their views regarding the current political climate. ~Dr. Cliff
Dr. Cliff has written for the Boston Herald and Newsweek.
In their 2017 meeting, the American Political Science Association (APSA) had a session titled “White Genocide is Gonna Get Your Momma!”
There is debate in pro-white circles about whether we should respond at all to media inquiries. They won’t be fair so why bother? They will twist everything you say to reinforce their anti-white narrative, so why give them ammunition? Our attitude is that in deciding whether to engage with the anti-white media, you should use your own discretion. Keep in mind that if you just run away that makes YOU look like you have something to hide. If you get waylaid you could say something like, “Pro-whites know from long experience that the anti-white media is not going to treat us fairly or report what we say accurately. When I have the equipment to make my own independent recording of our exchange, I will be more than happy to answer your questions.” Or, go ahead and engage. But whatever you do STAY ON MESSAGE. If you make your own recording of the exchange and stay on message, you can make a win-win situation out of an engagement with the media. They can report accurately what you have to say thereby spreading your message. Alternatively, if they lie and distort what you said, you can hold it next to what actually happened and use that to discredit them.
Dr. Cliff may be a genuine truth-seeker, but, generally speaking, these are dishonest people with an agenda. Their goal is to twist everything you say into an American History X narrative. If you choose to respond, a good rule of thumb is to never accept the premises of their questions.
Dr. Cliff was kind enough to give her questions in writing so we would have a complete record of the exchange. Here are Dr. Cliff’s questions and our responses to them:
- How would you describe your beliefs/ideology?
- We’re pro-white. We’re against the genocide of our own race. We’re against all things anti-white. We are loyal to our own kind. We are not wordists. We do not worship any particular set of words.
- We’re human rights activists calling attention to the crime of genocide being committed against the white race. The crime of genocide was codified under international law by General Assembly Resolution 260 (adopted Dec 9, 1948 in effect Jan 12, 1951), The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. This genocide is being carried out by means of mass non-white immigration and forced assimilation in ALL and ONLY white countries the goal of which is to force blend ONLY white people out of existence. Anyone who objects to this crime is subject to harassment, intimidation, violent acts and threats of violence, psychological terrorism, job loss, and prison terms. We DEMAND an open and free discussion of white genocide without threats of attack from screamers, thugs, or thought police. We DEMAND a worldwide repeal of all laws that make it illegal for white people to speak out for their racial interests. Genocide is any attempt to eliminate a group, in whole or in part, by any means. It need not be violent.
- We’re also pro-black. We have no problem with 50+ black countries in Africa. We’re also pro-Japanese. We have no problem with Japanese in Japan. We’re also pro-Vietnamese, pro-mestizo, pro-muslim, etc. We don’t demand that the entire world be turned white, but anti-whites demand that the entire world be turned non-white over time.
- Nationalists (people loyal to their own kind) say each group should have its own space. Nationalists can accept other nationalists. Wordists (those who are loyal to a set of words) cannot accept nationalists nor can they accept any other wordist who is loyal to a different set of words than the set of words they are loyal to. Wordists like Communists, Muslims and Christians have historically been far more vicious and intolerant than nationalists. Communism killed 100 million people in the name of peace and brotherly love. In the 30 Years War, religious wordists ended up killing a third of the population of the German states of Europe. The moment a significant number of non-whites had been brought into Europe after WW2, censorship laws were imposed there. That’s why we say multiracialism and free speech are incompatible. Nationalists occasionally go to war but are at peace most of the time. Wordists are ALWAYS at war, whether it is violent war or psychological war, against anyone who doesn’t believe their particular Universal Truth out of the thousands or millions of Universal Truths which have been concocted over time.
- The entire non-white world rejects diversity but no one screams “Nazi Racist Supremacist!!” at them. ONLY white countries are expected to drown themselves in a sea of diversity. That’s why we say “Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, white countries for EVERYBODY?!”
- ALL races have engaged in conquest and slavery but ONLY whites are demonized for history.
- Do you consider yourself and/or the Fight White Genocide project part of what the mainstream media calls the “alt-right”?
- We’re pro-white. To the extent the alt-right is pro-white, we are pro-alt-right. If they want to do something effective in the global struggle against white genocide, wonderful.
- What events, patterns in the US would you use to explain why you believe in your ideology?
- We don’t concede that loyalty to your own kind is an ideology. Policies of white genocide are being imposed on the United States and all white countries, specifically mass non-white immigration combined with forced assimilation. This is not a matter of belief. These are facts which anti-whites openly brag about. Anti-whites openly brag about the inevitable brown future. The only difference between white countries is WHEN they are projected to become minority white. Whites are the only group being actively denied the human rights to homelands and self-determination. No one’s turning Japanese into a minority in Japan. No one’s turning Chinese into a minority in China. No one’s turning blacks into minorities in 50+ black countries. White genocide is a global phenomenon and it is disingenuous and misleading to focus on only one country when talking about white genocide. To name just a few of the events which taken together add up to white genocide:
- 1925 Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi clearly and unequivocally states the intent for white genocide in Europe. Kalergi is subsequently awarded the Charlemagne Prize and is considered the “Godfather of the European Union.”
- 1957 Little Rock High School is forcibly integrated by paratroopers with bayonets fixed on their M-14 assault rifles.
- 1965 Immigration Act is enacted under the false pretext that it would not upset the ethnic make-up of America.
- 1999 General Wesley Clark says “There is no place in modern Europe [ed. not Asia or Africa] for ethnically pure states” while bombing the hell out of Serbia to enforce the Clark Doctrine.
- 2008 President of France Nicolas Sarkozy says: “The challenge to race-mixing in the 21st century is not a choice, it is an obligation, an imperati
ve. We cannot do otherwise. If republican voluntarism doesn’t work, it will be necessary to move on to more coercive measures.”
- 2012 Peter Sutherland says the homogeneity of European Union states should be undermined.
- 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (The Fugitive Whites Act) is promulgated.
- 2017 Charlottesville pro-whites are denied their constitutional rights to speech and peaceable assembly by anti-white thugs and police.
- 2018 European Council President Donald Tusk says mass migration to Europe must continue and a “solution” is needed to “put an end to” Europeans objecting to this genocide.
- We don’t concede that loyalty to your own kind is an ideology. Policies of white genocide are being imposed on the United States and all white countries, specifically mass non-white immigration combined with forced assimilation. This is not a matter of belief. These are facts which anti-whites openly brag about. Anti-whites openly brag about the inevitable brown future. The only difference between white countries is WHEN they are projected to become minority white. Whites are the only group being actively denied the human rights to homelands and self-determination. No one’s turning Japanese into a minority in Japan. No one’s turning Chinese into a minority in China. No one’s turning blacks into minorities in 50+ black countries. White genocide is a global phenomenon and it is disingenuous and misleading to focus on only one country when talking about white genocide. To name just a few of the events which taken together add up to white genocide:
- What (or who) do you think are the greatest threats to the US?
- America was founded by a group of white nationalists as a white homeland for “ourselves and our posterity.” The first Immigration Act of 1790 limited naturalization to “free white persons.” The greatest threat to ourselves and our posterity is deliberate policies of white genocide and the people who push such policies. It is hilarious to believe you can have white civilization without white people. Any nation based on a set of words cannot allow any serious questioning of those words. Therefore, it cannot allow free speech. Since diversity and freedom are incompatible, the greatest threat to freedom is multiracialism.
- The Fight White Genocide Project has become a topic of discussion across various platforms, including being a topic of discussion at the 2017 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. To what do you attribute your success in making this a topic of discussion?
- Do you believe that the election of President Trump is beneficial to your overall goals? If so, why? If not, why not?
- Hillary Clinton likely would have put the throttle to the floor on white genocide. Trump may occasionally tap the brakes.
- The election of Donald Trump is an indication that white people are starting to come out of their brainwashed, demoralized, self-hating state.
- In office is not in power. Conventional politics is largely a sideshow. We mostly use Trump to draw attention to what we have to say. Trump didn’t embolden us if that’s what you’re trying to get at.
- A recent article on your website seems to be somewhat critical of President Trump’s recent statements, but others seem supportive of President Trump’s policies – do you think President Trump believes that white genocide is occurring?
- We don’t know, but Trump did retweet a tweet from someone whose Twitter handle included “white genocide” as Hillary Clinton felt compelled to point out in her “deplorables” speech.
- What have been your most effective tools for promoting you project/goals?
- The terms, talking points and narratives which expose the anti-whites’ lies, contradictions and their anti-whitism.
- Do you believe that the current political environment will assist you in achieving these goals? If so, why? If not, why not?
- Everything the anti-whites are saying, doing, and trying to do today proves our points.
- Do you support the creation of PLE’s (Pioneer Little Europe) or some other form of white sanctuary such as New Albion, Maine as a way to slow white genocide?
- When whites flee to escape “diversity”, they are chased down and the anti-whites in power force them to accept non-whites.
- We demand a completely free and open discussion of white genocide without threats of violence, imprisonment, or job loss.
- We demand the right to speak out on behalf of white interests without being shouted down or subjected to university censorship, social media censorship, deplatforming, heckler’s veto, attacks by anti-white terror squads (“antifa”) or police stand downs. Our Paypal account was shut down. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are routinely suspended. We can’t even lease a billboard!
- It’s disingenuous to ask people for solutions to a problem you can be fired or (in Europe) imprisoned for talking about. That’s like asking someone in the Soviet Union in 1936 “What’s your solution to Stalin?”
- Pro-whites didn’t cause white genocide, anti-whites did. It’s only fair to ask THEM how they are going to clean up THEIR mess.
- AFTER pro-whites have free speech, we’ll be glad to talk about solutions to white genocide.
- What are your favorite sources for news, or what news sources do you consider credible?
- When CNN characterizes a call to burn down the suburbs as “calling for peace”, they have certainly destroyed their own credibility.
- Any reporter who uses the term “supremacist” without a shred of evidence that the people they are making that libelous accusation against want to supremacize anybody has certainly destroyed their own credibility.
- Any reporter who engages in schoolyard name-calling by saying that anyone who disagrees with the Religion of Political Correctness is a racist, nazi, bigot has certainly destroyed their own credibility.
- You are one of the most prominent female voices in the pro-white movement – have you experienced any difficulties as a woman in a sea of male voices? Do you think more women will become active leaders in the movement?
- Being a pro-white woman has afforded me more of a platform. I have not experienced any difficulties working with the men. The male dissidents in our group understand the power of women and we have sought to use that power on many occasions with our various videos.
- We are seeking to empower both men and women but as the mass consensus changes it is certain that more women will take the lead.
- After the death of Professor Whitaker, what was your biggest challenge in continuing with his efforts? Do you think that the BUGS Swarm can continue/thrive?
- Bob’s legacy continues. In hundreds of articles and audios he laid out a worldview far more in line with reality than the official worldview and he laid out a strategy for saving white people. He doesn’t need to be alive to have an enormous impact on political discourse. His work is more well known than ever and his tactics are repeated more and more every day.
- With or without Bob, it’s crazy to think a whole race of people will just allow themselves to be destroyed without a struggle.
- You mention that he was your mentor in “practical politics” – what does practical politics mean to you and how do you approach it?
- Practical politics means changing public opinion. It means discrediting the anti-white system by repeatedly pointing out its lies, its contradictions, and its anti-whitism.
- Are there any particular speakers or authors beyond Professor Whitaker (classic or contemporary) that you admire or believe have done good work in identity theory?
- Talking about “identity theory” is a way to imply that whites don’t exist so its OK to get rid of them.
- When anti-whites talks about white privilege or white supremacy or “whites stole America” they certainly don’t regard race as a theory. We accept the anti-whites’ definition of race, of white, and we agree with them that races can own land. We’re not going to spend any time defining these terms that the anti-whites have already defined.
- Whites have a right to exist. Whites have as much right to homelands and self-determination as every other race. We’re not going to spend any time justifying our basic human rights.
- What else would you like people to know about your ideology, your group, your goals?
- We would like to inform them that White Self-hatred is Sick!!!
- Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
- Please visit our site fightwhitegenocide.com and consider making a donation.
Excellent article. It would be great if we were able to not only win the fight against white genocide but also be have 50+ countries and world was basically all white! Thoughts?
“Excellent article. It would be great if we were able to not only win the fight against white genocide but also be have 50+ countries and world was basically all white! Thoughts?”
Nah. Not for me. What fun would that be? I’m married to a Cambodian. Different strokes for different folks. I like differences. I have eclectic tastes in about everything, to include women. But such differences lose their value if we are all just mashed together into one big blob of genes. So don’t get me wrong. I’d just rather not have everyone be like me.
All I’m after, here, is just to keep people from committing genocide. Caucasian genes are unique. Just like the genes of all the other races. Let’s not get too carried away.
What would be much more valuable that have the whole world be white, as I see it, would be to have the whole world be basically all conservative. With just a few progressives kept around just to help us remember why we got rid of all the rest. (After all, it’s mostly only the progressives who have committed genocide and slavery. Conservatives don’t even think like that, generally.)
Great article and excellent replies. Hope you guys get a chance to listen to my latest podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW_Cj9RHpvc
Great job guys, will use and spread asap.
Very good, to the point and powerful!
Let’s hope this woman can think.
Sometimes I think that the definition of genocide can and will be turned against us if we were ever to seek to establish a white ethno-state, as in clearing out the non-whites who have come in recently or were here even before 1965. For now, you have side-stepped that by not discussing the issue until “we have free speech” or putting it back on the anti-whites to “clean up their own mess”. Still, this is a sticking point because they are among us and life is so easy for them here that they want to stay and incentives otherwise might look like genocide according to the definition.
#1 the only thing we advocate is an open, honest, fair discussion on white genocide
#2 you seem to be implying that the “pro-humanitarian” Anti-whites will not choose a humanitarian method to fix their screw up, which would be to the fault of anti-whites, not pro-whites. It has nothing to do with us
Dr Cliff has a masters degree in “National Security Studies” from American Military University, and lists “Genocide” as one of her research interests.
I wonder if she’s had the thought that the genocide of whites that’s being carried out in her country is a threat to her country’s “national security.”
It’s more likely that someone in her position would see opposition to White Genocide as being a threat to this country’s national security.
But as blind white anti-whites regain their sight, some of them even in academia will stop being anti-white.
It’s pointless to talk about solutions to White Genocide when we can’t even talk publically about it without losing our jobs, being threatened, attacked, etc. Whites can’t be talked about as a group in public except in a negative way. We are not allowed to even exist as a people with a culture or anything. If we don’t exist, then how can there be any genocide, right? We are not even treated as 2nd class citizens- because we don’t exist! It’s insanity!
Very well handled interview. That is the perfect way to conduct the interview.
Also to follow up on what others previously said. One commenter brings up marrying interracial. That’s contributing to white genocide. It makes you question whether pro white?
True, i thought exactly the same thing. He also said he doesn’t want everyone to look like him. I find that to be anti white and not useful to us in anyway….
Excellent replies, thank you for your commitment to our struggle.
Your answers were clear, concise and on point. Thank you for your service in our struggle against extinction !
Pingback: Portland City Council Hears Resolution Condemning White Supremacy, unanimously passing it as they were EXPECTED to - Fight White Genocide
Wait a second, was this done by Evalion?! It seems like the wording she would use. She has some debateable points, but I am still alt right. Just remember the “alt-right” is alright.
Join us in resisting White Genocide!
Bob Whitaker’s Practical Politics: Your Stop White Genocide talking points, repeater phrases, memes — ready for use!
What a breath of fresh air! Finally, somebody’s ideology that i can relate to …..I am so sick and tired of people using the word “racisst”. Every time a debate is on, i get called a racist….and you know what? instead of shutting me down …i’ll flip it. Nobody said anything about race., except them. It’s their goto argument. But let’s go there. Maybe I am racist. not by color but by level of logical thinking and reasoning. If all they’ve got is the racist argument to prove their point then they’re ignorant as all hell. And i’ll agree with them just to see where it leads….it doesn’t. They have nothing. What really gets my goat, is everybody’s going along with them. I love the fact that the Silent Majority spoke up and came out in droves to elect President Trump. Why do our Public Institutions have to lean towards the left? They’re mainly white too. I don’t get it. But i will say this, I am tired of seeing brown women on t.v., in commercials, in movies, in magazines, UGH. I despise that shit. I really do. How can we change things around? I’ve been thinking and wondering why I’m labeled a white supremacist right wing extremist just because we defend ourselves” All of my life, i’ve yelled at the television at Republican white men for not aggressively responding to the Left’s rhetoric and virtual signaling attacks. And I applaud our President for the way he handles those disrespectful “reporters”. He calls them out on every point every time. I believe you’re right. i believe there is a concerted effort to squash our voices talking over us and trying to make us feel ashamed ….and for what? I believe that Obama instilled this race hate division against whites. I’ve been diggin’ and going down many rabbit holes ever since he was elected the first time. And i believe that he and many of the Left rigged lied and cheated their way into powerful positions. i have a degree in Political Sciences and i’ve seen this shift to the left although gradual over time but a definite shift away from individualism and nationalism to the marxist socialist authoritarian prevalent in higher education institutions. Shockingly it’s grown like a sick weed and it’s all over our schools. I’m very interested in answering the questions you asked…Thank You For Listening.
P.S. I have some theories but my views on the women’s role in government is probably Ultra Right Conservative. To me, Women have become so … that’s for another day.
True. As white’s we need to take the power out of the word racist. So I get called racist all the time shocking huh anyway. We need to own it and say yeah now what. I have found it shuts there argument down. The turm racist comes from Marxist communism to indeed shut down arguments. So basically its just a buzz word with no real meaning. The same was done to the German soldiers. Again Marxists Communism was the invention of the turm Nazi and is Jewish at heart along with what we are experiencing right now. I don’t care about being called a anti-semite because just saying the word Jewish will get you that name regardless. So again we need to own it when ethnomasochism is on the rise and they come at you sideways own it all. It literally takes the power away from there argument. Because that’s all they want from you, is to prove your a racist in their own mind. So taking that away takes the power right from under there feet. Another point I’ve Discovered and again the world Jewish comes into play so I found 99% of antifa member are Jewish and they are the ultimate racist. They have been caught out sterilising blacks that they had to except as refugees because they literally don’t take in people that aren’t Jewish. You can find many examples on YouTube I was shocked to see rabbis cussing out blacks who wanted refuge in Israel. And blm highlights just how racist other races are so nobody can take the high ground in this argument. It just hard trying to go against the narrative they push…. The media are again owned by Jewish interest so on a personal level you can defeat there arguments on a national level that’s where the real fight starts.
Was a good interview.She stuck to the core points & had reasonable answers.To the nice lady above my comment: The leftward shift of all institutions rests with the lack of right wing involvement & backbone when they are present.If 1 in 10 professors are leftists then expect a leftist outcome.Sh*t in sh*t out.Rightwing & traditional people are typically laborers & tradesman.If we don’t apply ourselves to being involved in a serious way we won’t get the outcome we desire.We can in the meantime either stop supporting these institutions or attempt to create our own.The leftism has been happening since the 60s.It was balanced once upon a time.But now that it’s left dominant we’re silenced for wrong think.Even though university has an obligation to protect free speech.If we don’t defend it,it will be lost.This fight needs people showing up in numbers not alone.If parents go together to express their discontent they fair better.One by one we can be picked off.Also inform conservative ulumni.Universities beg for donations from these old ulums who have no idea that campuses are marxist indoctrination centers these days.The campus wars are easy fixes compared to anti-white adverts,societal norms,immigration policy etc.The left pushes very hard when they see a way to get their way & they get involved.Our inaction hurts us more than their actions.
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Anti white people and , white skin people , that are Not White Race people , are making laws controlling us White Race people causing White Race genocide leading to White Race extinction soon , if not already , it might be too late to come back from extinction even by more reproduction of White Race kids but we have to try . SEPARATE White Race communities Controlled by White Race almost pure 93 percent plus , with almost pure White Race genetics , and or Hybrid White Race over 75 percent almost pure White Race genetics up to 93 percent must be the only people in control making rules in those SEPARATE independently controlled living communities with White Race preservation being priority one . Caucasians are not White Race people , they have genetics outside the geographic evolution areas of White Race people . People think Caucasian means White Race , it does not . People with evolutionary ancestry predominantly south of the latitude of the Alps would also be not White Race but Mediterranean Race instead or mixed race of the 2 with less than 75 percent almost pure genetically White Race genetics . A large number of white skin people think they are White Race but are not . They just think you have to have white skin to be White Race . Because of people not knowing their genetic ancestry and having white skin thinking they are White Race the numbers left of actual proven White Race people is much much much smaller !!!!!! We must be preserved from EXTINCTION for the good of humanity .
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