
Google telephones, computers, airplanes, spacecraft, steam engines (the industrial revolution), television, radio, modern medicine, electric power, electronics, cameras, automobiles… An outstanding achievement of the white race has been the invention of virtually every modern marvel that has made our lives interesting, comfortable, and enjoyable, from the steam locomotive to computers. But instead of feeling proud of the invention of modern civilization, whites have been taught that it’s a “white supremacist” lie, that all that’s worthwhile has been a gift from other races!
That’s the great “white-out” of white achievement, a shabby example of “Stolen Valor”* in this era of White Genocide. It’s the lie helps maintain the white self-hatred that anti-whites have indoctrinated whites with, and makes it seem almost a step up for whites to be blended out of existence in a forced assimilation with more “gifted” races.
In a normal world every person would feel good about his race and proud of its attributes or achievements. But anti-whites have created an abnormal world in which they allow only non-whites to feel good about their race and proud of their race’s attributes or achievements.
Could you repeat that, please?
Your Stop white Genocide talking points, repeater phrases, memes — ready for use!
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
See also:
“Mathematics operates as Whiteness,” whines Prof Rochelle Gutierrez of University of Illinois
*The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 (Pub.L. 113–12; H.R. 258) is a United States federal law that was passed by the 113th United States Congress. The law amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim having received a valor award specified in the Act, with the intention of obtaining money, property, or other tangible benefit by convincing another that he or she received the award.
We don’t normally give attribution, but I want to thank eyeslevel for alerting us all to the Stolen Valor Act and its relevance to the topic.
Let’s also thank the white race for telephones, computers, airplanes, spacecraft, steam engines (the industrial revolution), television, radio, modern medicine, electric power, electronics, automobiles…
And yet the lie goes on — check out this comment to a later article, and also our article
“Mathematics operates as Whiteness,” whines Prof Rochelle Gutierrez of University of Illinois
Before I found BUGS and Bob Whitaker and began talking about little except White Genocide, I commented somewhere that almost everything of importance has been invented by whites, which incensed a reader so much that he harassed me for several days about a non-white who invented a valve in the steam locomotive. I asked him how he thought that compared with the invention of the steam engine itself and the accompanying development of the classical theory of thermodynamics — renown among physicists for its beauty — that enabled further development of steam power. (The world’s “Age of Sail” was followed by the “Age of Steam.”) The fellow was unmoved. I suppose lack of knowledge about science excuses some lack of a sense of proportion between the steam engine itself and a valve, but why in general is it so hard to make a dent in anti-white lies? Two of many reasons:
1. People don’t like to consider that mommy professor may have told them anti-white lies.
2. When there’s a contest of views, people tend to believe whichever party they see as holding the moral high ground. Anti-whites have convinced a very large number of whites that being anti-white and supporting White Genocide is the moral high ground.
A race has a right to exist of course whether it ever invented anything or not. But if whites understand that there’s been a white-out of the fact that their race created modern civilization, maybe they won’t be so easily taught that their race has no culture (!) and in fact doesn’t even exist!
Such ideas keep whites supine while White Genocide is being carried out.
(Anyone wanting a 5 or 10 minute course on the white invention of our modern world and its marvels can simply google the tags to this article, maybe preceded by “invention of,” and read a few words about each one: airplane, automobile, computer, electric lighting, electric power, electronics, locomotive, radio, space flight, steam engine, telegraph, television.)
“Anyone wanting a 5 or 10 minute course on the white invention of our modern world and its marvels can simply google the tags to this article…and read a few words about each one: airplane, automobile, computer, electric lighting, electric power, electronics, locomotive, radio, space flight, steam engine, telegraph, television.”
That fact that those 12 marvels were invented by whites is just 12 hate facts. Writing about them is hate speech, and thinking that those inventions were more important than an improved valve in a steam locomotive, or an improved filament in a light bulb, is hate thought. And the look on your face as you’re reading this — you’re exhibiting hate face.
Give up all your hate and accept White Genocide.
The bald statement of those 12 hate facts without first issuing a trigger warning is a ghastly failure of empathy toward our suffering brother and sister humans whom whites have othered.
And would it really hurt so much to pretend that our civilization is the gift of non-whites? Non-whites could continue to enjoy their altruistic happiness in giving us our civilization, and we could be happy in giving them that happiness! Everyone would be happy!
As for White Genocide, can anyone think of a sight more sordid than white people openly exhibiting hate against being genocided? Such a display may have been normal under the prejudices of an earlier age, before whites learned tolerance, but we are now in 2018.
“Anti-whites have convinced a very large number of whites that being anti-white and supporting White Genocide is the moral high ground.“
Anti-whites teach whites that virtue requires them to support the genocide of their race even though their race doesn’t exist.
“One minute they scream for diversity because there are too many white people and the next minute they scream there is no such thing as white people.”
Bob Whitaker, The Bizarro World of Anti-Whites
“…taught that their race has no culture (!)”
The guy right at the beginning of this is hilarious:
Interesting. So what exactly were black people doing when white people were supposedly inventing all these things? Being lazy? Slavery wasn’t exactly ideal conditions to be innovating, right? However, despite the oppression, black people still managed to innovate and invent things. This is something white men cannot say for themselves. While white men throughout the world were trying to figure out how to pollinate plants, a 12 year old slave kid was smarter than every white man in the world, teaching the world how to pollinate plants. Let’s not forget Lewis Latimer who invented the filament that made electric lighting last more than a few seconds. He also drew up the schematics for the telephone. Some say he actually invented it. All while being oppressed. I have tons more.
We applaud the achievements of all races. Our concern is White Genocide, and peripherally, the absurdities anti-whites concoct and then impose in order to facilitate White Genocide. If you’re inclined to illuminate one of those absurdities with “tons more” detail, feel welcome.
[BUGSers: this comment of mine is a good example of what NOT to do when replying to anti-whites. Please see the reply to it just below by the commenter A future with White children. With that commenter’s correction, this comment section could have stayed more on the issue of White Genocide — WM]
Sure! “White” people are approximately 22% of the World’s population, yet you come from only 6.9% of the world’s real estate. This means you’ve been breeding like rabbits for a long time now and have likely strained your DNA. This likely is the reason for your low fecundity and low birth rates. We Africans however, because of your genocides come from 30% of Earth’s land and are only 16% of the world’s population. What you view as “genocide” is really Mother Nature taking you down to the amount you are supposed to be. P.S. the only reason we think in terms of race is because white men created these foolish human categories. You guys would be black by now if you didn’t try to distinguish yourselves. You could have had the capability to be the next fastest runner or music style creator but you’ve reduced yourselves to being violent cowering complainers. Let it go and you can finally enjoy life.
“the only reason we think in terms of race is because white men created these foolish human categories.”
Marrow Donors Rare For Mixed-Race Patients – CBS News
Bone Marrow Transplants: When Race Is an Issue – TIME
Remove the word “foolish” from your statement, and in a sense the statement becomes true: white researchers (I assume with some non-white contributions also — would you please research that for me?) are uncovering the deeper biological differences between races that allow them to create life-saving medical procedures.
Guys like yourself ALWAYS show up whenever there’s posting about white achievement. Sadly, whites have received the same anti-white training that you have, which eases the way for white genocide.
LOL. It’s hard to find bone marrow donors within someone’s own family, as the Times article says. The article also does not say that only people from their racial mix are candidates to be a donor. “White” is synonymous with achievement because no one mentioned black achievement until recently. White people are not making it a point to fix that mistake so we must force ourselves into the dialogue or America might go another 100 years thinking blacks haven’t achieved much. P.S. The invention of “race” was ALL white. No black people involved. Friedrich Johann Blumenbach and Christoff Meiners at Götingen University in Germany solidified the theory of inherent superiority and inferiority. They had plenty predecessors and successors building on their foolishness and you guys continue it today in 2018.
“We applaud the achievements of all races. Our concern is White Genocide, and peripherally, the absurdities anti-whites concoct and then impose in order to facilitate White Genocide. If you’re inclined to illuminate one of those absurdities with “tons more” detail, feel welcome.”
Wuntz, you TAILGATED the anti-white with your sentence I’ve put in bold.
Or if that link fails, then:
This would have been a satisfactory BUGSer reply:
“We applaud the achievements of all races. Our concern is White Genocide, and peripherally, the absurdities anti-whites concoct and then impose in order to facilitate White Genocide. You offer one of those absurdities as justification for White Genocide.“
Don’t forget your basic training, Wuntz! We always bring it back to White Genocide!
Thanks for kicking my butt back in line. You’re right of course, and I’ve added a note to BUGSers in my comment above.
Laura does it right on the next thread.
I don’t think you can understand anything since considering its blatantly, bluntly, clearly obvious you are
brainwashed, convinced, hallucinating, illusional, influenced, manipulated, propagandized rused by liberal delusion
distorting, skewing, twisting, spinning and or bad mouthing, vilifying, slandering white people an making stuff up on the spot
like the typical lying democrat you are.
oh yeah name one or a dozen I Bet you I can debunk it or some one else will in fact you know the black inventions I can easily prove to you how wrong you are. that none of the creations that you are using is actually invented by your people you evil, scum, slimy, garbage, trash chimp an the patent system is for actual inventors so they can show evidence ( proof ) that they are and or were the ones that did it in on that certain second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, century unlike your kind that sucks at creating things not to mention you’re just making excuses, justification’s for your peoples actions, failures, issues an blaming it on the white man which of course is not surprising that your doing, having that typical black attitude, behavior, mentality. that’s why you can’t fix the black behavior they are born genetically evil, inept, corrupt, genocidal, greedy, gory, narcissists, low I.Q., psycho, rapists, savages, jerks an violent and obnoxious, stupid, ebonics, denial, ugly, snobbish, arrogant, self entitled, jealous, delusional, loud or very loud, gullible or very gullible, superstitious or very superstitious, delirious, no original thoughts, manipulative, annoying, primitive, irritating, tribal, ignorant, looters, rioters, lying, coward, lazy , deceiving, rude, douche bag, jenkem, skew, crime prone, disgusting, twisting facts and stories, lack impulse, spinning stats an evidence, uncle tom and or magic black, child mentality, blaming white people for your actions an failures & issues, pouring fuel and lighting white people on fire, throwing any type of acid on white people, always saying I didn’t do nothing, sex crazed an always talking about your dicks and doing white women, highly opinionated, attack in groups an or mobs, knock out game, slashing game, mostly all talk, shit face, dumb assholes, opportunists, afro centric, always playing the victim non stop, about themselves, rioting, fights, mobs, shootings, L.A. Riots, Detroit, Atlanta, Baltimore Riots, Philadelphia, rap & hip hop and R & B concert shootings, Mall fights an or mobs, black school fights an or shootings, ghetto fights, project fights, gas station fights, home invasion, theme park fights, carnival fights, cemetery & funeral fights, Chuck E. Cheese fights, Church shootings, Drive by shootings, Wal-mart fights, KFC fights, Mc Donald fights, Airport National & International fights, Apple store lootings, Burger King fights, Bar fights, IHop fights, Taco Bell fights, Wendy’s fights, Target fights, Black Lives Matter riots, restaurant fights. and this is only the tip of the ice burg since I have quantity of links including black on white crime, black on yellow crime, black on brown crime after all Youtube, Vidmax, Liveleak an other web site video service’s has plenty of videos in them committing it. their proving everything I said, typed about them and their kind in my previous comment’s & right now because they are nothing more than animals an calling truth racist is so contradicting, double standard, hypocrisy since considering their are magnitude’s of videos of them bullying white and yellow people in various ages at the same time killing, raping, robbing, throwing them off into the sub way tracks all their doing is exhibiting an picking on white people like the typical Democrat ( liberal ) super bullying whites for being who an what they are but accepts and or tolerate black people for who and what they are as barbaric, criminal, violent, gory. in fact notice that they are the only race that only needs to have “stop the gun violence rally’s” do you see that in any other civilizations, societies an communities ( white, yellow civilization’s ) another thing is when it comes to typhoons, earthquakes among other natural disasters and man made ones they are mostly the racial group that loot and don’t help out when it comes to tragedy’s. than why don’t they prove me an or us wrong that blacks can make themselves rich without the white mans help with physical, evidence, facts, figures, graphs, stats but we all know you guys. none of you an your people can do it make themselves that wealthy without asking demanding for any help ( aid ) from other races, ethnicity’s because if that is and was the case your people would have proven, done it long time ago this is how all or most of them think. the link’s I have is a reflection on how they feel, think but of course will, wont actually admit it at the same time they’ll manipulate, influence the circumstance’s discussions, controversy too spin it in their favor and the narrative that will benefit in their situation. like what they are doing right now they really are showing their dumbness in full view and they wonder why humans ( Caucasians, Asians ) around the world considers their kind, race, ethnicity the number one asinine retarded race, ethnicity on the planet since they believe in their own crap (delusions, lies, warped reality ) this much so easily which they do. not to mention cities in America, Sub Saharan Africa ( Johannesburg ), Haiti did not always look like that its because blacks are the ones that made it that way with all the looting, rioting they did over the years same goes for other states, countries, continents. black people were not being successful in their own neighborhoods cause if that is an was the circumstance Sub Saharan Africa, North America, Haiti will not look so ghetto, slumish, projecy. any way no one believes in the delusions, lies of the blacks they will come up with anything too make themselves look ( appear ) and sound like they are equal to the white man an or yellow man, brown man. when in fact they are not their people still can’t even built their own civilizations and modern day cities, communities an societies and lets not forget they claim they have invented everything at the same time indicting white people for stealing their so called technology’s but never given the answer how the white man defeated, destroyed their precious black futuristic utopian wakanda considering they always keep conveying how primitive sub human white people are but can never fully explain how a primitive group like white people are able to obliterate them so easily you’re the same bozos that claim they’ve built ( Kemet, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world ) but forgot to built, rebuilt ancient advanced civilization’s an modern day cities in their own Sub Saharan continent with in these nations like Ghana and the Congo an a country like Haiti because if you are and or were able to do those things than why do your people always keep relying so heavily on white people to do stuff for them. ( blacks ) had reparations long time ago meaning white people have been paying hundreds of trillion’s of dollars every centuries, decades, years ever since they got off the boat ( ship ) and plane still are by giving them clothes, food (EBT, food stamps, welfare ), shelter house, section 8 housing an apartment, Mansion, condo & free education, money, bikes, cars and free everything an stuff. a race group of people like them cant, couldn’t, shouldn’t forget how to construct civilizations no matter the terrain, climate condition’s ( Icy frozen tundra, sandy hot and or humid desert, tropical jungle) or where ever they are an go in the world. while saying that white people lived in caves & stating that they were the ones that civilized Europe at the same time claiming they are & or were the ones building civilization’s, dynasties, kingdoms, empires in Africa, Sub Saharan Africa while the continent of Europe was still primitive when in actuality, reality it was the other way around. considering the continent of Europe already has magnitudes of sources and or resources too that they can an did use to make their continent the wealthiest in the western hemisphere and at the same time trading goods, cultures, ideas from other countries mainly in Asia at that time after all Europe is not like Japan where they barely have any resources or that their resource less. the funny thing is I find it funny that black people and liberals keep using that as an excuse, justification for their hatred of whites not too mention the Vikings are and were able to set sail an inhabit Iceland that is pretty much like in the same way as Japan, Britain, Ireland, Isle of Man you know barely having any resources to work with. yet both of them ( Celtics, Gaelics, Vikings, Anglo Saxons, Japanese ) they still managed to create civilizations, communities, societies modern day cities in Iceland, Isle of Man, Britain, Japan. Africans how ever they weren’t even the first ones to inhabit Madagascar Asian group tribes from Indonesia are and or were the first ones to do that same goes for white people that settled in Iceland, Isle of Man, Ireland in a god unforsaken frozen tundra so what does that say to you about black people’s intelligence when they weren’t even the first ones to reside in on a island that wasn’t that far away from them considering its only right next to Sub Saharan Africa mean while the Andaman people are still living barbarically, criminally, violently, primitively, savagely, gory lives. wrong mostly whites built this country not all people that is such a liberal thing too say the only thing that wasn’t built by them are Asian, Latin American towns and Native American reservations an pretty much all the nationality’s their talking about are from Europe & some of them from Russia, Asia in the late centuries of North America besides Sub Saharan African nationalities of course and not one single building is built by blacks today physically without the help from white people here in North America through out the century’s, years, decades to where we are now in North America let alone that there is an or was any physical proof, evidence, facts, figures, graphs to back up the claim that they did. what’s next their going too tell me the Great Zimbabwe Wall & Dhar Tichitt is and or was built by them to. have any of you actually physically seen a black construction crew built a one or two, three, four, five story building let alone skyscrapers like the ones they use to have in New York ( Twin Towers ) or the one they have in Dubai which is the Burj Khalifa an one they have in Britain Big Ben not to mention built bridges like the Golden gate bridge, Manhattan bridge and you expect people too ( believe, think, know ) that blacks are responsible for a couple of buildings that was allegedly built by them when their is none please if they could, would, were, can able to do that they will not be living the way they are in the America’s always pulling the race card an any or every other card that’s known, unknown to man and getting, having, needing, wanting things to go their way non stop because if they don’t than its “ racist “. right and yet the blacks in the ghettos of North America, Sub Saharan Africa, Haiti still live extremely poorly an mostly get help from the United nations, gentrification, peace corps by digging wells and growing crops, organization an cleaning up for them and living in rubble, debris, ruins on that one island adjacent to the Dominican Republic also have you seen an all black carpenter crew build house’s that are one, two, three, four stories high or even a Mansion. both Caucasians, Asians are trust worthy compared to them at the same time who cares about them any way with their black privilege. the number one kind, race, ethnicity and group minority an or ginormous population non white that is ultra very extremely super duper uber overwhelmingly omega vocal for centuries, decades, years in North America, Sub Saharan Africa, Europe, Haiti are usually black people their the number one complainers, grunting, groaning, moaning, whining, cherry picking, nit picking over the smallest dribble, drivel, menial, trivial, crap, tripe, nonsensical things at the same time blacks an or white guilt liberals they are number one in pushing the diversity, equality, inclusion racial quota bull crap into and onto everybody when nobody no one asked, demanded, got, have, needed, wanted them not too mention they don’t even really care about these things they just say one thing an do another and vice versa, versa vice they like, love ruining peoples lives how else can you explain the stuff they have done like removing busts, statues, historical land marks, school names, black washing, culture appropriating & than replacing them with black nonsense. most of the world don’t see black people as human anyway so why are we trying to appease a race of bozos that hate Asians, Caucasians. truth of the matter is outside of the good ol U. S. A the rest of the world couldn’t give too craps about black peoples haves, needs, wants let alone see them as human beings. when it comes to black people they always or mostly misconstrued in what white people say, do an no the reason these guy’s have a very high crime rate is because those fools just cant seem to fathom that they are the cause and effect for making it happen no matter where you & or they go in the world sure other races, ethnicities do crime but no where even close remotely compared to the level of crime their people have committed over the years for instance black on white crime, black on yellow crime, black on brown crime its because the people from Europe, Asia, Eurasia, Latin America particularly ( Mexico ) they don’t have to deal with them an their kind, race, ethnicity. and they act like other races, ethnicity’s commit the same equal level of crime as blacks. evidence, facts, figures, stats prove they do not also they’ll say crime doesn’t discriminate but the prison system an the color of crime is mostly black. blacks are the number one kind, race, ethnicity to ( corner, monopolizing the innocent, victim market not too mention they are the number one race card pullers ) I should add that black people are number one in crime nationally, internationally also they are number one in being bad delusional, distorting, greedy, evil, indistinct, lying, narcissistic, skewing, twisting, unreasonable, warping, evidence, facts, figures, statistics, revisionizing history an narrative to benefit their mission at the same time getting, having, needing, wanting to be immune in any thing, everything or most things to make things one sided and getting, having, needing, wanting things to go their way. they are number one in being ungrateful an hating white people and number one in not taking full responsibility for their peoples actions, failures, issue’s. it does sadden me that their are whites that just seem too take this baloney, malarkey an accepting and or tolerating this crap from white guilt liberals an non whites more especially, specifically black people. I mean for crying out loud I wish some white hackers out their can view all the crimes these bad, evil race and democrats did in an on what they have done to white people, yellow people expose their blatant delusional lies on the biggest screen for the whole world to see who the true racist are like the New York time square that has the biggest tv screen on the building not to mention the jumbotron an cyber space. having pride in and love for your race an wanting to ensure its survival is not a crime, it is the most natural feeling in the world. I mean if other races, ethnicity’s ( black, yellow, brown people ) can be like that than why cant whites be and do the same thing. as the old saying goes ( to see who rules over you, look to whoever you are not allowed to criticise ). an that’s not Surprising when it comes to Democrats they will, would like, love to diversify, equalify, inclusify the Asian continent next by using the propaganda machine with their baloney, malarkey, nonsensical crap and call it progress every time though it has been proven countless of times that it doesn’t work North America, South America is a great example of that like Atlanta, Baltimore, Louisiana, Detroit, Florida, New York, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil an you know what continent’s, countries prove that it doesn’t need diversity, equality, inclusion Europe and Britain an Russia considering its mostly white, Asia and South Korea & Japan. blackness is the true evil articles, blogs, vlogs like this one & countless others an videos of them committing the crime’s are a proof of that not just against their own kind but white, yellow, brown people too whether verbally and or physically these dingle berry black devil underdeveloped demonic homo brain erectus, ergaster, habilis ape’s proves every second, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, centuries, decades, eons why they are hated, disliked, detested by everybody except for the white guilt democrats an some other minorities that advocate nonsense of any kind. people all over the whole world should know by now you can not win ( appease ) with these unreasonable race, ethnic of super dolts no matter what you do and or say to them. they deserved, earned the hatred an rightfully so you will have to be that extremely in denial delusional and retarded to keep on forgiving a race that hates you an don’t like your guts for all that time you have been taken care of them and it doesn’t matter how many centuries, decades, years, eons have past they are never going too make their lives better its in their dna to live all ghetto, slumish, projecy, run down, shanty places like that considering they had all that time to master, mastered their own environment in Haiti, Sub Saharan Africa like everybody else they couldn’t do it back than what makes black lovers ( white guilt liberals ) think they can do it now. heck it can be the year five thousand or nine thousand an they will still be living like that in Sub Saharan Africa, Haiti what excuses, justification’s would the white guilt liberals and blacks are going to make after that. besides they are different from us they are not even human. race science forensics among other things proves it whether you like, love ( believe, think, know ) it or not which I know blacks and white guilt liberals don’t. hate to break it to them but reality doesn’t care about their emotions, feelings & how they perceive things into reality on what they might, could, should think would will was an or is meant to happen. it doesn’t matter what status they have an or you give them or let them ( blacks ) have whether their rich very rich, middle class, poor, very poor or even treating them as first class citizens they’ll still commit way more crimes than any other race ethnicity in this world case in point Indians from India and sri lanka have the same, similar skin tone as blacks but yet don’t commit way out of magnitude of crimes as them where they live ( India ) an when they establish community’s here in North America. blacks will always say ” well we’re not all like that!” please considering for the moment until these guys would be like that if things didn’t go their way an not to mention my favorite statement is when those blacks get caught red handed doing crime it’s always (” I didn’t do nothing “) of course if you watch them in there natural habitat an leave them with their own devices the environment that they lived in would decline just like Haiti and Sub Saharan Africa blacks govern a nation an continent they make things go down. when whites and yellows have a nation an continent they make things go up. don’t mind these no name liberal losers they don’t even know what their talking about. they make up crap on the fly and or on the spot for instance { insert democrat name here } ( believes, thinks, knows ) an says that their is no scientific research when in actuality, reality their are and is evidence, facts, figures, graphs, stats to back up the claim that yes black people are indeed inferior in every or most ways. that’s what white people have been saying all along since ancient times and or modern times in the late centuries, decades, years ago that black people are in fact inferior in every way or most ways take your pick black people were never human too begin with you cant dehumanize something that was never human in the first place just because black people call themselves human doesn’t make it so considering they don’t have any human features like a symmetrical facial features not to mention how gross an grotesque looking they are and yet in foreign countries like Europe their winning in beauty contest which we all know the reason why at the same time the only thing they have is sub human traits like a prognathic head, sloping forehead, simian shelf an primitive teeth big donut lips, big round nose cavity wide horse nostrils, small brain and frontal lobe, pubic hair on their heads, protruding maxilla & jaw, round small ears, short body stock, urea inside their sweat glands, higher estrogen an testosterone, hyper sexual, bone ( skeletal structure ) is denser than both ( Caucasians, Asians ) that is why they drown way more than any other kind, race, ethnicity, mostly short necks, long limbs. liberals their just calling it racist because they don’t have any real answers. that’s there go to answer typical democrat response. democrats are not that smart too begin with they are the dumbest political party group in the world I’m going to create a instance like first I don’t want any white people to go berserk, insane, crazy on me in what I’m about to say and or use an I am not guilt tripping ( white guilt ) you. before the Europeans came along America is an was entirely inhabited by the indigenous population same goes for Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand until white people came along and replaced them now these crazy liberal extremists, fanatical, supremacist, radicalist, elitists, zealots, elites are making excuses, justifications commenting on about that whites are not being replaced when they actually are its not even a theory it is evidently, factually happening. you will have to be that super blind, dumb & in denial at the same time delusional not to see that happening against your own people.
for a race that is proud and or allegedly proud to be black ( black excellence, experience, melanin ) I find it funny they try & or want to be anybody, every one else except be themselves an needing wanting trying to be something that they are not. also not too mention correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t you the same kind, race, ethnic people that keep saying that white people have no civilization, heritage, culture but here we are seeing these bunch of race of losers stealing the very same culture that they accuse, indict white people of doing to others but yet they themselves are the number one contradicting, double standard, hypocrites are actually the ones stealing from the white mans culture. they do know they cant have it both ways. either the white man has no culture there for they can not steal what isn’t there let alone theirs or they do have a culture but have to admit their nothing more than a race of people that steals from other racial groups civilizations, heritages, cultures and of course their going to say white people are culture vultures an or cultureless when in fact any one with half a brain or a quarter of a brain let alone and ounce of brain matter ( believe, think, know ) that black people are the real true culture vultures & barely have no culture or cultureless. white people are the ones that invented the very same things that non whites ( blacks ) are using to insult the same people that they hate, detest, dislike so much. I understand now that some whites claim they invented everything in away an or sense they almost did considering besides the creations, inventions, revolutionary, innovative, recipe, tech that is and or was built, made by them an being used, worn, eating even the names certain ( words ) that are and or were coined by the Greeks, Italians ( Latin language ), German, French, Modern & Old English like terminology’s itself. phrases like constellation, solar system, universe, planets, galaxy, etc. the planets an moons and earths moon including the sun were named, called by Greek, Roman European’s who happened to be white. now if you stop too think about it carefully no matter where white people go in the world their culture will be every where on this planet meaning they’ll see their ancestors handy work when it comes to inventions, technology, revolution, improvements, innovation even in the modern times like for instance, bikes, cars, planes, helicopters, computers, telephones, movie theaters, stadiums, air conditioner, television, high class restaurants, fast food, carnivals, theme parks ( Disney land & world, Universal studios, Knots Berry Farm, six flags, water theme parks ), electricity, super computers, quantum computers, robots, radio etc because they did indeed in fact modernize this world
back in the past ( 20th ) century 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s through out the years to where we are now even in those days if an or when they ( blacks ) misunderstand a scenario they pull the race card and any or every other card that’s known an unknown to man.
when they ( blacks ) don’t do something correctly they pull the race card and any or every other card that’s known an unknown to man
if and or when they ( blacks ) don’t like something they pull the race card an any or every other card that’s known and unknown to man.
when they ( blacks ) don’t like a particular race, ethnicity they pull the race card an any or every other card that’s known and unknown to man
not to mention they always create a predicament where they always win while at the same time they make a situation where white, yellow, brown people always lose mostly white’s.
Write an article “Anti-white lies that facilitate White Genocide.”
That would need to be a daily column just to keep up.
Can you name some of those lies?
You’re writing the article for us, right on this page.
I didn’t think you could. Most white supremacy and racism depends on vague notions. “The blacks are ruining this country.” “immigration takes jobs.” “multiculturalism is white genocide.” “Anti-white lies facilitate white genocide.” However when you ask someone to back their words up, they can’t explain how. We black people are guilty of it too. Some of us say, “the white man is holding us down.” When you ask, “why.” They can’t tell you how. We Americans (on both sides) need to stop being led by race-baiters. If we got smarter, we could actually fix our problems pretty easily.
Two anti-white lies from Andre:
Our civilization is the gift of inventors who made improvements in light bulb filaments.
When it comes to comparing intra-racial and cross-racial bone marrow matches, 30% = .01%.
Your first lie aids White Genocide in the way that’s explained in the article, and your second lie serves the larger lie “there’s no such thing as race,” or at least “no such thing as white,” which means there can be no such thing as genocide or White Genocide.
The purpose of this site is to wake up whites to the fact of White Genocide, not to distract whites with all the other topics that pro-white sites cover.
Anti-white Andre, I’m afraid you haven’t earned the bother it takes to reply to you.
This thread is probably at the end of its usefulness.
the continuing problem with blax is their never ending resentment and envy of all the great things brought to all societies from the white mind and delivered to all peoples from the hand of the white man — you see black people we do our utmost to avoid you and your dead culture — but you scratch and pine away to include and integrate your cursed race with us whites and try with all of your might to think somehow your are relevant to society as a whole — we abhor the 80% of your kind and try to have some kind of social dialog with the other 20%
I liked this site’s other article on the same topic:
“Mathematics operates as Whiteness,” whines Prof Rochelle Gutierrez of University of Illinois
47 out of 50 greatest inventions were by white men:

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Pingback: Will SCOTUS's reversal of Roe v. Wade loosen anti-Whites' control of White Genocide? - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: White Genocide Snapshots! - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: School shootings - collateral damage of White Genocide? - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: "Mathematics operates as Whiteness," whines Prof Rochelle Gutierrez of University of Illinois - Fight White Genocide
A post on Revolver News mocking an anti-White’s question, “What are white people superior at?”
“Oh, I don’t know. How about inventing nearly everything upon which civilization was built? For example, electricity, batteries, electric motors, generators, transformers, lights, telephones, radio, television, lasers, radar, sonar, vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, computers, Internet, planes, trains, automobiles, tractors, tires, steam engines, steam turbines, internal combustion engines, gas turbines, rockets, satellites, telescopes, microscopes, eyeglasses, thermometers, steel, cement, rubber, plastics, antibiotics, insulin, antiseptic surgery, X-rays, particle accelerators, nuclear reactors, sliced bread, buttons, zippers, flush toilets, toilet paper, calculus, polyphonic music, pianos, guitars, brass and woodwind instruments…I could go on…”
Don’t forget to celebrate National Refrigerator Day!
Pingback: Thank you, President Ye and President Fuentes, for returning Richmond, Virginia's disgusting "White Genocide Boulevard" to being beautiful "Monument Avenue"! - Fight White Genocide