It’s always the same scam. The head of the local NAACP chapter, a swarm of NGO’s that profit directly from facilitating White Genocide, managers of government equity agencies who want to enlarge their fiefdoms, businesses who either want or are being pressured to hire the worse and the stupidest and pay them the least, etc. etc. gather to tell you how concerned they are with your welfare and that only White Genocide will provide you a comfortable old age.
As if the United States were a seriously strapped banana republic instead of a country whose wealth permits it to finance any public policy it seriously wants to.
If our government can’t think of any policies to maintain or increase population that aren’t genocidal toward white people, they could review the incentives that PM Viktor Orban of Hungary has put in place that are increasing the population of native Hungarians.
The recent “Bring White Genocide to New Hampshire” conference:
New Hampshire, 94 Percent White, Asks” How Do You Diversify a Whole State? – NY Times
New Hampshire, like its neighbors Vermont and Maine, is nearly all white. This has posed an array of problems for new [non-white] arrivals, who often find themselves isolated and alone, without the comfort and support of a built-in community.
It has also posed problems for employers in these states, who find that their homogeneity can be a barrier to recruiting and retaining workers of different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds.
The issue prompted about 100 business leaders, government officials and members of nonprofit organizations to meet Thursday to search for ways that New Hampshire — which is 94 percent white — might lure other racial and ethnic groups, as well as younger people.
Will Arvelo, New Hampshire’s director of economic development, said the gathering appeared to be the first broad-based effort in New England, if not the country, to focus on how to diversify an entire state.
Dee Mwano (see video just below), left, and Will Arvelo, New Hampshire’s director of economic development, at the conference.
Immigrant success story Deo Mwano on a previous occasion, doing his part to open New Hampshire’s doors wider to White Genocide:
Continuing the NY Times article:
“We truly believe that this effort will be hugely beneficial to our business operations,” said Paula Parnagian, the diversity and inclusion manager for Eversource.
Part of the problem, Rogers J. Johnson, president of the Seacoast N.A.A.C.P., told the group, was “a lack of recognition as to the seriousness of this problem.”
For Jerri Anne Boggis, executive director of the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire, in Portsmouth, N.H., the participation of major companies is a sign of the urgency of the mission.
“It’s not just the social justice groups that are doing this, it’s the businesses,” she said. “We’re talking about the economic engine of our state, and we can’t move forward without them.”
Uh, why would “social justice groups ” be involved in this at all? Bringing in all those non-whites is just about economics, right?
Wrong. It’s all about flooding EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with third worlders, and using law and propaganda to force white integration/assimilation with them that will blend whites out of existence or reduce whites to small minorities.
That’s genocide by UN Convention:
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
Those 100 New Hampshire “leaders” are just barkers for the big anti-white circus, who cry “Come on in the big tent! See SOCIAL JUSTICE! See ECONOMIC GROWTH!” But inside the big tent there’s only social injustice toward whites, masses of third worlders in a third world economy, and White Genocide.
The NY Times article mentions troubled Lewiston, ME:
“In Lewiston, the second largest city in Maine, Somalis are well-established.”
No school, no town, no state, no country is allowed to be White.
“We have found some White people, chase ’em down, bring in minorities…”
(Click on the billboard if you’d like to watch a TV News clip about it)
This article adds a bit to the NY Times article:
One of the Whitest States in America Wants More Minorities.
Office of New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu: (603) 271-2121
Be courteous, but urge that the Governor prevent New Hampshire from participating in the anti-whites’ program of White Genocide by bringing more “diversity” into the state.
From the NY Times article:
The issue prompted about 100 business leaders, government officials and members of nonprofit organizations to meet Thursday to search for ways that New Hampshire — which is 94 percent white — might lure other racial and ethnic groups, as well as younger people.
Here’s a reply to that on another site:
If they want young people, they can just do a promotion campaign in the rest of the country advertising how White, clean and safe the state is. They’d only be getting young White people, tho, which is clearly not what they’re after.
Is it principally about economics?
If flooding white countries with non-whites and then placing the non-whites in every out-of-the-way white locality was just about economics, there would be no need to at the same time be teaching white children and the children of non-white immigrants that whites are evil, evil, evil, and, in the case of Mexican immigrants, that “those immigrant children had their country stolen from them and now they’re getting it back, and they need to promote the browning of universities, and…” as someone posted elsewhere.
The hatred of whites that’s being more and more openly expressed shows that there are plenty of anti-whites large and small who want a world without whites, and you see the extinction of whites explicitly called for.
And even if it were principally about economics, it would still be genocide. If someone murders you for your money, it’s still murder.
Someone said about this initiative to bring White Genocide to almost-lily-white New Hampshire:
“They have to stamp these places out, lest anybody go there and figure out how great things are when it’s that nice.”
I heard from someone I know who lives in Carmel California. Million dollar homes.
Golf popular there. A group complained a golf club there didn’t have any blacks at their club and if they didn’t get one they couldn’t compete. Now how do they get away with that.
It’s not diversity as Calif is quite diverse but want more I guess. It cost to be in the country club and they weren’t going to give someone a free ride or special privileges while others have to pay as its expensive there so they went private. They’re idea of diversity is putting whites on the hook and call it equality. Theres nothing equal about a free lunch at the expense of another, it’s parasitic. Nor was there anything constitutional when you can make up your own rules.
When pioneers came here they didn’t whine no one was here to cater to them. They made their own communities.
Just imagine what would happen if someone said or wrote that a particular state was too black??? All hell would break loose.
Washington D.C. A black friend from there told me D.C. stood for dark city.
I really can’t believe what I’ve just read. How the hell do they get away with this disgusting racism?
Maybe we should start a campaign for black genocide and see how far that goes before the whole world of leftist lunatics explode up their own backsides!
How dare they openly pursue the racist evil of white genocide so blatantly. The world truly had gone mad, and the lunatic left are no doubt wholly responsible. They need crushing, or better still deporting to totally crime ridden black countries, where they’ll be individually gang raped and skewered!! After all, that’s the utopian belief they seem to pursue!
Click on one of these tweets and retweet it, folks! There’s no time limit — retweeting these brings more readers to this article.
The “petition” expires after 30 days — click on the tweet to access the link to it.

This man is a member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives. Look at his tweet and note his “command” of English:

He’s since been forced to resign from the NH Legislature. I imagine his poor writing skills were too much of an embarrassment.
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