Author: Uriel Gluck
`Dictatorships are not the only major type of oppression. Systems of social and economic oppression also exist.`
Gene Sharp, author of The Politics of Nonviolent Action, the bible of modern civil resistance
On the 26th July a demonstration took place against illegal immigration in the second biggest city of Hungary, Debrecen with several hundred participants. This is not the first such demonstration as there were many protests lately in this city in the wake of the immigrant riots on the 29th of June this year in the city center near the newly built “refugee” camp which is forced on the locals by the international anti-White elite. Protest marches spread across the country so as to oppose the permissive, anti-White immigration policies of the European Union.
For this reason we urge everybody to join our efforts and participate in worldwide pro-White action in order to destroy the oppressive social structure of “multiculturalism” “diversity” and “anti-racism” – better called anti-Whitism – which oppresses us native Europeans. This enforced social structure prevents us from organizing ourselves, it also prevents us from standing up for our interests and from defending ourselves and our families. This tyrannical structure has overtaken our institutions and has to be disposed of since it is geNOcidal and sinful. Its supporters willfully conspire to commit geNOcide against us Whites by denying us the right to exist as a distinct racial, ethnic and cultural group. Anti-Whites should stop acting against the existence of our people, they should stop their crimes.
Here are some additional manuals which give effective weapons into the hands of weaponless, dispossessed groups which happen to be oppressed by dictatorships, foreign governments or tyrannical social institutions:
And the 198 methods of nonviolent action:
The other resistance manuals I previously suggested to you can be found here.
Let us go forward and wage our struggle, for we need to shatter and break the heart and spirit of the ideology of diversity! Let us toss its worthless ideals and “morals” into the dustbin of history and the sick, self-hating behaviors that come with it!
Remember you CAN’T vote yourselves out of this system, the only solution is REVOLUTION, so please stop being a spectator and begin to ACT! Start your resistance cell – a group of 3-5 people – today or begin to work alone. Change is possible even if you might not believe it now!
This system will end when YOU do your part in dismantling it, however small your act of protest is. It can be a small act of resistance like internet activism or putting stickers on signs, you may decide to do something more spectacular like staging a protest or organizing a flashmob, you may also decide to make a tremendous sacri
fice for the cause and organize civil disobedience with the aim of actively ignoring and disobeying this system`s oppressive laws. It is up to you, what risks you will take to tear down this international, tyrannical power and its institutions.
The ultimate choice is yours though. Life or death? Eternal life for you and your people or eternal death and damnation for all? It is an important question to decide because only through European blood can our ancestors reincarnate in us and we in the blood of our descendants.
Uriel Gluck, Hungarian Bugser