Jan '17
January 30, 2017
[From Educators and Students Against White Genocide]
These emails were sent to Drexel’s faculty, staff, and students:
White GeNOcide debate – Ciccariello/Whitaker!
“All I want for Christmas is White Genocide,” tweeted Drexel professor George Ciccariello-Maher.
“All I want for Christmas is to STOP White Genocide,” said the originator of the Stop White Genocide campaign Bob Whitaker.

Pro-White Bob Whitaker invites anti-White Prof Ciccariello-Maher to a public debate on White GeNOcide!
Bob Whitaker has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, and writer for the Voice of America.
Contact him on twitter: @robertwhitaker2020
Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY?
ALL White countries and ONLY White countries are being flooded with third world non-Whites, and Whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.
Massive immigration and forced assimilation is called genocide when it’s done in Tibet.
When it’s done in White countries it’s called “diversity.”
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.
No one says Black neighborhoods need more diversity.
No one says Asian neighborhoods need more diversity.
Only White neighborhoods need more diversity.
“Diversity” means chasing down Whites.
Drexel’s mommy professors teach their White students that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support White Genocide.
Drexel’s mommy professors never tell White students, “White self-hatred is SICK!!!“
Prof George Ciccariello-Maher says he’s anti-racist. What he is is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
No school, no town, no country is allowed to be White.
“Diversity” means chasing down the last White person.
Vote Bob Whitaker 2020 to
Stop White Genocide!
White GeNOcide Forum – Ciccariello/TRUMP!
“All I want for Christmas is White Genocide,” tweeted Drexel professor George Ciccariello-Maher.
“@White GenocideTM,” tweeted Donald Trump.
Invite Prof Ciccariello-Maher and President Trump to speak on White Genocide!
No school, no town, no country is allowed to be White.
“Diversity” means chasing down the last White person.

Educators and Students Against White Genocide
Support Bob Whitaker 2020 to
Stop White Genocide!
Drexel’s President Fry is asked to host White GeNOcide debate
[This letter has been sent by its author Ms. Fitz-Gerald to Drexel’s president John A. Fry]
Dear President Fry:.My name is Laura Fitz-Gerald. I am the proprietor of fightwhitegenocide.com and a member of a group of human rights activists calling attention to the crime of white genocide.I am contacting you today in regard to one of your professors, George Ciccariello-Maher, who tweeted on Christmas Eve, “All I want for Christmas is white genocide.”It is deeply sickening to see that the university has condoned such a tweet from one of its professors, with no consequence for the professor.The professor called for the genocide of an entire race. Genocide is a crime. He also posted on twitter, “..when the whites were massacred during the Haitian revolution, that was a very good thing indeed.” Does Professor Ciccariello-Maher think Turkish genocide would be a very good thing indeed, since Turks kidnapped and enslaved millions of white people?If a professor at Drexel University had called for Black Genocide, or for Japanese Genocide, even in jest, would that professor still have a job?In a statement released by the professor, he stated, “White supremacy is on the rise, and we must fight it by any means. In that fight, universities will need to choose whether they are on the side of free expression and academic debate, or on the side of the racist mob.”The only mobs I see on campuses are mobs of thugs who threaten violence against any speaker who dares to commit heresy against the Religion of Political Correctness as promulgated by its professor priesthood. The only people I see calling for speech restrictions are the anti-whites posing as “anti-racists” who call any defense of white people “hate speech.”Professor Ciccariello-Maher claims to believe in “free expression and academic debate,” so I ask Drexel University to facilitate an open discussion between the professor and our spokesman, Mr. Bob Whitaker.I think we deserve a chance to confront someone who considers opposition to genocide “supremacy.” President Obama himself says America will inevitably become browner. Anti-whites openly brag about turning white countries non-white. We just call that policy what it is: white genocide. The UN Convention on Genocide defines genocide as any attempt to eliminate a race in whole or in part. Let professor Ciccariello-Maher explain how flooding every white country with millions and millions of non-whites and force–integrating them by law does not fit the definition of genocide under international law.Mr. Whitaker created the campaign that has made White Genocide a public issue, and he has also been a college professor, an international aviation negotiator, a Capitol Hill senior staffer, and a writer for the Voice of America.Is Drexel University truly on the side of free debate? Is professor Ciccariello-Maher prepared to defend his position in open debate, or will he and Drexel University hide behind their mob of thugs and say, “Oh, we can’t do that. There might be violence!” I look forward to hearing from you and working together to have an open discussion on this issue.Sincerely,Laura Fitz-Gerald
Sent to you by Educators and Students Against White Genocide
Support Bob Whitaker 2020 to
Stop White Genocide!
Drexel White GeNOcide Debate – Trump, Bob Whitaker, and Prof Cicarriello-Maher
Mass emailing to students, faculty, and staff at Drexel University by Educators and Students against White Genocide:
Prof Ciccariello-Maher: pick Trump or Whitaker to debate White GeNOcide
Drexel’s President Fry asked to host White GeNOcide debate

’Twas the night before Christmas (a day that’s “too White”),
Not a creature was stirring, save a vile anti-White.
His tweets were all hung on Twitter with care,
In hopes that White Genocide soon would be there.
His children were lying cold in their bed,
Dad’s hatred of Whites filled them with dread.
Then from below came a clatter of keys,
Dad was emailing Santa, “Dear Santa please,
Bring us this year a joyous yuletide,
Bring us, dear Santa, White Genocide.”