With all the recent media frenzy over a possible nuclear war with North Korea, I am reminded of another mutual agreement of destruction that Fake News & their Fake Opposition refuse to discuss: the Anti-White demand for a mutual agreement that white kids must be eternally drowned away in a sea of “diversity” in all of their countries. Anti-Whites refer to this global program of “diversity” on to white countries as an agenda towards “racial harmony”. However, the legal term for their program is genocide. They call themselves “Anti-Racist”, what they are is Anti-White. Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White.
ALL races are EXPECTED to embrace this forced destruction of whites. Naturally, the bulk of dissent to this genocidal campaign seems to come from white people, or if you prefer to use #FakeNews terminology, “racist Nazis”. Whites who object to this genocide are disrupting the “racial harmony”! Meanwhile the fake opposition cuckservatives either remain complicit and/or silent on this issue in fear that objecting to white genocide might offend those that hate whites. We can’t have that now can we? The Church of Political Correctness proclaims that we are all under a “moral” contract to destroy whites & that only heathens, bigots, or witches would object.
I never fully realized just how different the races really are until White Genocide became blatantly obvious to me. If every black country was deliberately being turned non-black & blacks who objected were harassed, threatened, or assaulted, whites would line up to speak against it. What do we hear from non-white pundits & celebrities about this ongoing program of genocide against whites? We only hear the demands for total silence on the issue. The anti-white programming has convinced many that this anti-white sentiment will suddenly change once your kids, nieces, nephews, grandkids are minorities in Europe & America. Only when white kids are minorities in all of their countries will we have finally achieved this racially harmonious balance.
Cuckservatives like to point to the Ben Carsons, Sheriff Clarkes, Dinesh D’Souzas; all of whom I can ASSURE you are very much aware of white genocide & know they could speak out against it without the repercussions that whites face. So what is THEIR response to it? Crickets. It’s not comforting to come to grips with this, but it’s a reality whites will have to finally accept.
Nobody is going to defend us or speak out for us.
It is up to US, it is up to YOU to do something.
Failure to identify the people and the policies they wrote.
Pingback: Chris Rufo hammers "colorblindness" to slip support for White Genocide into DeSantis's campaign - Fight White Genocide