A popular word among the cool kids on the internet is LARPing, it’s an acronym for “live action role playing”. In the pro-white sphere a LARPer refers to those who are acting out the “white supremacist” role that the media & hollywood have designated to represent any white person who isn’t anti-White. The rule of thumb has been that if you are a pro-white in frequent contact with media, it’s because you are a larper saying all the wrong things. If you are saying all the right things, the media will never want to interview you as you don’t quite fit the role that the anti-white Fake News are casting for.
You can’t deny that larpers exist in the pro-white movement, both liberal AND cuckservative media outlets focus entirely on the larping 1% while suppressing the views of, forgive me for saying, the 99%.
What is never mentioned is that the anti-white side consists almost entirely of larpers subconsciously acting out a role from their favorite “anti-racist” production. The reason the anti-whites struggle in any debate or discourse is due to the fact that we never recite the lines in the screenplay they are acting out. They are expecting our line to be “I hate jews and blacks” but instead they get “if diversity is a strength, why does it have to be forced?”. By not giving them the lines they are expecting, we are totally ruining their low budget remake of “To Kill a Mockingbird”, so NO WONDER they are violently attacking us! Any announcement of a free speech rally today has become a casting call for anti-white larpers waiting for their moment to be an extra in Oprah Winfrey’s latest production.
Although he never speaks about it in a racial sense, psychologist Jordan Peterson talks about a Pinocchio phenomenon that describes the “anti-racist” larpers extremely well. Peterson describes a person that has routinely lied so much about what they believe, they end up creating a totally fictional view of themselves, he refers to their fake persona as deadwood.
An example of this in real world application would be how “anti-racists” claim they are so amazing & virtuous by advocating the importation of the entire world into white countries. Some of these immigrants are doctors from India, Africa, Pakistan, and other places with an exploding population that need doctors far more than the west does, clearly what they are doing isn’t helping the 3rd world.
A much better solution for helping the 3rd world and the west would be to EXPORT these white “anti-racists” rather than importing the entire 3rd world into the west. The problem with this solution is that it assumes white “anti-racists” are genuine people that are not just stuck in a perpetually pretentious loop of virtue signaling. They aren’t true believers, if they were they would have moved already, they are 95% deadwood.
Some of the larpers on our side are doing it tongue in cheek & some are genuine weirdos reading from the same script as the average white “anti-racist”. The only defense I can offer for larpers on our side is that the media, hollywood, & half-baked intellectuals routinely insist that only a “naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews” would object to white genocide, one can only expect that decades of this narrative might create “white supremacist” larpers. Our constant dissemination of white genocide is starting to lead to white “anti-racists” being frustrated, instead of admitting they were duped/conned, some are deciding to larp out a role of a low level genocidal super-villain.
A few years ago, #FakeNews CNN journalist Drew Griffin sat down with Bob Whitaker for a 40 minute interview, all that CNN producers could manage to scrape up was a 5 second clip. This is because Bob was saying all the right things, all the things that would destroy CNN’s anti-white narrative if aired on national television. Needless to say, CNN put out the word to their anti-white cohort that Bob Whitaker should never be interviewed, Bob was a total pro with engaging the anti-white media on these issues.
Less larpers & more Bobs please.
All true what was said in this article. Whenever I debate an anti-White these days and stick to what works for us, the anti-White either reverts to silence or starts name calling with the usual scripted words like naziracistwhitesupremecistKKK,etc. It’s all an emotional venting. The frustration of being forced off-script for the LARPer is interesting to observe. Some of the “weirdo” LARPers on our side might be former anti-Whites in the early stages of waking up to having been duped. They might be realizing we make sense, but the only scripted pro-White role they know is the one given by their masters, so they become the naziracistwhitesupremecistKKK that the media portrays us as. Some of the weirdos may grow out of it, but some won’t of course.
A very enjoyable article to read.
A pleasing development is that some anti-whites are now larping to our script, saying in one way or another that yes indeed they are anti-white, and yes indeed they support white genocide.
At last they’ve found roles that are authentic. Of course we wish that white anti-whites would find a deeper authenticity for themselves.