It’s time for our deep cover brother Prof. George Ciccariello-Maher to come in from the cold and enjoy the acclaim that’s rightfully his, for so effectively fighting White Genocide while disguised as an anti-white who supports White Genocide!
We here at fightwhitegenocide.com struggle against anti-white censorship to spread the Mantra and the Mantra memes, but there’s no censorship of “the White Genocide professor” as the media has helpfully tagged him.
Our man Ciccariello-Maher hit the big-time with this tweet:
After praising White Genocide in Haiti, our man kept his momentum going with the mass shooting in Las Vegas:
That was brilliant, George! The absolute absurdity of almost all of it will erase any doubt from the reader’s mind that you are authentically “anti-white,” as you skillfully slip “white genocide” once more into readers’ minds.
Well done!
George, here are your Orders for the year ahead — please chew them up and swallow them after reading:
Continue doing exactly as you’ve been doing, Agent Ciccariello. There is absolutely no way your technique to date can be improved!
Yes, George is doing a great job of spreading the “grey goo” isn’t he?
He’s the best!
Beefcake’s Bootcamp – #8 The Enemy Likes to Roll in the Grey Goo