“Black Lives Matter” lawn and window signs appear on almost every block in many predominantly white neighborhoods in some U.S. cities.
But no spottings of “Stop White Genocide” signs have been reported.
Anti-white propaganda constantly trains whites to care about every race except our own, so the hoped-for elimination of most of the white race from the planet has become inconsequential compared to the tiny fraction of police interactions in the U.S that result in (black) individuals being shot.
And whites can lose their jobs or worse by publicly opposing white genocide.
But, the Sleeping White Titan is beginning to stir! The two main memes that BUGS set out to get into the mainstream were “White Genocide” and “anti-white.” The former was spoken on national TV by candidate Hillary Clinton, and “anti-white” has been used twice in the present FBI report.
When I was a child, “racist” was not yet a word that ordinary people had ever heard, but look at how that word was finally everywhere, and how much that accomplished for anti-whites who are carrying out white genocide!
Most of us today lived in an era when we never heard the terms “White Genocide” nor “anti-white.” So let’s continue to spread those terms deeply into the mainstream and see what they can do for pro-whites who oppose white genocide!
FBI terrorism unit says ‘black identity extremists’ pose a violent threat
If even police officers are fearful of being violently attacked by “black identity extremists”, why would any pro-White risk the same by putting up a lawn sign at this point? That would be like early Americans who were pro-independence putting up lawn signs alerting the British of their sympathies.
Well said!