Anti-Whites are flooding White countries with third-worlders, and then using laws and propaganda to force White integration/assimilation with those third-worlders that will blend Whites away.
Integration to force Whites into close association with other races is enforced by law, and anti-Whites relentlessly target Whites with advertising and other propaganda that urges Whites to intermarry.
When races are forced to live together they make babies together. But in a sudden burst of “white supremacism,” anti-Whites say Whites should rise above and be an exception, despite anti-Whites’ propaganda that demoralizes Whites and urges White intermarriage!
We would have voted overwhelmingly against flooding our countries with the third world, and against the laws and propaganda that press our assimilation with that third world. We didn’t come to the present situation voluntarily.
Under normal conditions (no forced assimilation with floods of immigrants of other races), an overwhelmingly majority race wouldn’t be threatened with extinction in its homelands by its infrequent marital unions with small racial minorities in those homelands. But anti-Whites have put White countries today under the very abnormal conditions of mass third-world immigration and forced White assimilation with that third world.
Bob Whitaker said it best in his Stop White Genocide Mantra. Feel welcome to use it or anything else on this site without attribution.
Note that the genocide is being carried out only against Whites. The races that anti-Whites are flooding into White countries to blend Whites out of existence will survive intact in their own homelands. No one is flooding African countries with millions of non-Africans! No one is flooding China with millions of non-Chinese!
Some of the graphics in this article are links
I copy/pasted that excerpt recently because I thought it was so powerful. I sent it to an old friend who is married to a non-White woman because I thought it would help explain to him how I felt. I don’t think he is a bad person because of his intermarriage and I had hoped he would understand that I’m against White Genocide and not against him and his wife. He just accused me of being racist and full of hatred. Some people just can’t be reached. It’s like a mental wall that can’t be penetrated. Anti-Whites love to get us to tailgate onto side issues like individual cases of intermarriage because that is a familiar battleground for them.
[This comment by YankeeRebel was made to an earlier version of this article that was extracted from the last part of another article. — WM]
When I wrote those few paragraphs, I wasn’t sure what purpose they would serve, but you’ve shown me with your last sentence. I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you with your friend and his wife.
Yours is a very well-written post btw, and a poignant comment on the present era — if a historian comes across it a hundred years from now he’ll be happy.
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Anti-whites who call for open borders to flood our countries with non-whites, and who support the laws that force whites into close association with those non-whites in all areas of public and private life, and who applaud the mass propaganda that assaults whites all day every day with words and images telling us the only way to be “anti-racist” is to intermarry with all those non-whites — those anti-whites say “it’s all voluntary.”
We weren’t allowed to vote on any of those conditions that have been imposed on us, and that amounts to genocide by UN Convention:
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
Another bit of bs that anti-whites love is “You just need to make more babies,” as if we don’t deserve to survive unless we can outbreed the third world in our own countries.
Anti-white: “You just need to make more babies.”
Pro-white: “Whites don’t deserve to survive unless we can outbreed the third world in our own countries? What’s your next stupid excuse for White Genocide, anti-white?”
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@WM: Re your note in YankeeRebel’s comment above, I like the extract that was the original article better than the present version. It more strongly separates the core of White Genocide from the anti-white’s “true love” meme that they’ve made into a sacred cow.
@Luke: I like the original extract better too, but when we disagree here it’s necessary to compromise. I think the present version is okay. Those who agree with you and will be here after I’m gone need to keep the BUGS group from drifting into attacking the sacred cow directly, which has already happened occasionally and IMO is clearly not Mantra.
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Browsing Whitaker online, I came across the rather thorough comment below from 2012. I’ll call it
“And you say anti-Whites are flooding us with non-Whites principally out of economic motivations? You miss the whole picture, but even if you were correct, if you murder someone in order to rob them, do you absolve yourself of the murder by pleading that your principal intent was to rob the person?”

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Pingback: Hey, Tucker Carlson! Will you call God a 'Nazi' for programming humans to love their race? - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Nick Fuentes says, “White Genocide is the most important thing going on in the world today.” - Fight White Genocide