Many readers won’t know that as recently as five or ten years ago the term “anti-White” was virtually never heard nor seen!
The following excerpt was written in March, 2013:
“Anti-white” creates a new category
When the word “anti-white” has been put into the minds and onto the tongues of every White person in this world by constant, determined, unceasing repetition, A NEW CATEGORY WILL EXIST:
That category does not exist today! Think how absolutely necessary that category is.
When that excerpt was written IN 2013, THERE WAS NO CATEGORY OF ACTIONS AND PERSONS THAT ARE INJURIOUS TO WHITES. Whites and everyone else had been trained to think ONLY of OTHER races as being targets of racial attack.
There was NO NAME for the racial targeting of whites! Something must be given a name before it can be made fully visible and ushered into the realm of existence.
During the last few years, Bob Whitaker’s BUGSers have hammered the term “anti-white” into the mainstream, where it now focuses whites’ understanding of attacks that are made against them because they are white.
Anti-whitism and White Genocide had been taking place right in front of our faces. But both had no names, and so both were going virtually unnoticed, until BUGS yanked the veil off them by hammering their names into White consciousness.
We repeated those names in the mainstream until they have now begun (we still have a long way to go) to have their effect in awakening the mass white mind and in shaping national discourse.
From the late Bob Whitaker and from BUGS, to whites everywhere:
You are welcome!
A very important article:
Call them what they are: “Anti-White”!
They say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white!
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
When whites view the world through the lens of “anti-white” and “White Genocide” because they’ve seen and heard those terms a few thousand times, the grip of the anti-white memes that control their minds will be released.
Put these in your toolkit!
Your Stop White Genocide Memes — ready for use!
Click on the first link in this article,
“Anti-white” creates a new category
and you’ll be led to a wonderland of useful links at the now-archived pioneer site White GeNOcide Project!

I hope you all get a chance to listen to my two new podcasts.
I like to publish about 5 podcasts a week to keep things interesting and fresh. The point of the podcasts is to inject the terms ‘anti-white’ and ‘white genocide’ into the popular discussion. The format is simply to examine regular news items from the perspective of exposing ALL manifestations of anti-whitism and white genocide. Given this, there is no shortage of material to use in my podcasts. I like to think that I’m playing a part in replacing the current anti-white narratives with our own.
Keep up the great work guys. Can’t wait for the next podcast.
I remember hearing comedian Sam Hyde, in an interview after his show’s (Million Dollar Extreme) termination from Mtv’s “Adult Swim”, say that he believes his show was canned because his comedy “wasn’t anti-White” (but simply made fun of everyone)…
I knew at that point that the term “anti-White” was digging in deeply. I use the term EVERY day. And why shouldn’t I? It’s every day reality.
The term anti-white is perfect, yet I admit when I am tweeting or making comments online, I can forget to use it. I will have to place a note next to my computer to remember to use it more often!
Pingback: Your Stop White Genocide Memes - ready for use! - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: "Camp of the Saints" White Genocide Caravan approaches through Mexico - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: March of the Stop White Genocide memes! - Fight White Genocide
“Anti-white” creates a new category: actions and persons that are injurious to whites.
It’s success in creating that category is shown in Professor Thornhill’s defense of his “White racism” course, “My White Racism course is not anti-white.”
Pingback: Be a Stop White Genocide “Repeater Rifle” - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: What good does it do to drive the Stop White Genocide memes into the mainstream? - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Waking up pro-whites to White Genocide - can it be done? - Fight White Genocide
“…you don’t realize what a short time it has been since when the term ‘anti-white’ was utterly unknown.” ~ Bob Whitaker
Here’s a comment made at American Renaissance to an article about Lauren Southern’s South African documentary “Farmlands.” The quote is from the beginning of the article.
I left the links in that are in the Amren article. The first link is to a video I can’t bear to listen to because it has rap music in it, but it looks like it might be worth a listen. The second link is to a very good article at counter-currents about the “anti-whitism” that “the right white people,” who are “urban, college-educated…from upper-middle and upper-class backgrounds,” feel toward “the wrong white people.”
I thought that second paragraph from the article worth including, since the film “Farmlands” should remove any doubt that anti-whitism exists.
Here’s a reply on BUGS from over 5 years ago, July, 2013, to Bob’s checking if we were hammering the term “anti-white”:
Readers may want to see Anti-whites are down to their last words! Pro-whites are just beginning!
Pingback: Swedish minister criticizes Hungary's failure to support White Genocide in Europe - compares Hungary's support of native Hungarian families to 1930s Germany - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: We are Pro-Whites, not "White Nationalists" - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Columbia Law School professor ties the SPLC in spreading the White Genocide meme - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Pro-white Richard Spencer uses CNN opportunity to validate anti-whites' most destructive term - he calls Trump's tweets "racist"! - Fight White Genocide
One of our most important articles:
An Anti-White By Any Other Name
Pingback: Thank you, President Ye and President Fuentes, for returning Richmond, Virginia's disgusting "White Genocide Boulevard" to being beautiful "Monument Avenue"! - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Congressman Jim Banks tries to fight White Genocide using anti-Whites' term "woke"! - Fight White Genocide