Jan '18
January 13, 2018
Podcast #2 from FightWhiteGenocide.com! Featuring Laura, Jeff, & Ken! A general conversation on tactics & narratives dealing with white genocide & recent events. We hope you enjoy & we look forward to bringing you more podcasts & media.
When I’m called a ‘racist’ , ‘White Supremacist’, ‘Hater’, etc… I use the following:
“‘Racist’ is just an anti-white hate slur thrown at us White people who oppose White Genocide”
“In your opinion i’m a ‘Racist’ but you’re just a hateful anti-white who wants White Genocide”
I like to throw this one at people who use any one of the anti-white hate slur on me:
“‘White Supremicist’ is just an anti-white Hate slur used by anti-whites who want White Genocide”
We should start having more kids so we can up white population.
The way that you bring all this stuff to white people is to inform them of the nature of the unjust and immoral systematic targeting of White people and our children. Once they become morally engaged in understanding the nefarious nature of the targeting that we have suffered they will be attracted to the pro-white cause. But the entry point for them will always be a moral attraction to this racial cause.
The only thing needed for White Genocide to flourish, is for healthy normal White people to say nothing about it.
For an analysis of news from our perspective just have a listen to my Youtube podcasts:
Lastly, our narrative is how everything has been used to JUSTIFY or further the ongoing program of White Genocide. Simple as that. The ‘Opioid Crisis’ for example is actually an ‘Opioid War’ being directed at White people to target, harm, and destroy White people and ONLY White people, and this is in total service to the ongoing program of White Genocide.
Again guys, you’ve explored some more interesting and provocative issues. Very stimulating. Can’t wait for the next one.
TFF, talking about “the opioid crisis” is a tailgate, IMO. It’s like trying to say feminisim and porn are reasons why White Genocide is happeneing. As bugsers we are soley focused on mass non-white immigration and forced assimilation.
It’s also important to talk about the suic… issue as well. That’s probably partially the result of white genocide.
What is suic?
Suicide and it being white genocide. Also Laura we need to start pushing to increase births to.