Jan '18
January 15, 2018
Podcast #3 from FightWhiteGenocide.com! Featuring Laura, Jeff, & Ken! In this podcast the FWG team discusses some their thoughts & experience on fighting the ongoing propaganda war. We hope you enjoy & we look forward to bringing you more podcasts & media.
How easy is for someone to dox any one of us as long as we stick to doing Youtube podcasts less than 15 minutes, and twitter/Gab posts?? As long as we use pen names of course. Thanks.
Fear of being doxed is a handicap we need to get over, TimeForFreedom. I know being doxed sucks, but at some point things are going to get far worse than doxxing for each of us, no matter how removed from the action we imagine ourselves to be.
Great show, FWG! Very useful information.