We are sad over the recent event at Marjory Stoneman High School in Florida, but we are not blinded by it.
Do you think we ascribe too many sad things to anti-whites’ program of White Genocide?
Let’s put grieving aside long enough to look at that.
Suppose a war was taking place in your country, and had spread to every part of your country.
Wouldn’t just about everything that happens in your country then be shaped by that war? Of course it would.
And of course a war is taking place in our country, and that war has spread to every part of our country.
That war is the war on whites that is being waged in all majority-white countries to carry out White Genocide by massive third world immigration and forced assimilation.
It’s a silent war and also a very loud war. About the honest purpose of the war, White Genocide, there is complete silence. But the lies that anti-whites scream about their alleged purposes for the war — that it’s a struggle for equality, peace, justice — those lies are an incessant clamor in the ears of all of us.
Amidst the screeching of those angry lies, angry eruptions of gunfire hardly sound a discordant note, since both are the sounds of a society in dissolution in which the normal bonds that regulate behavior have been broken.
Broken so that a new (lack of) order can be founded on The Anti-White Proposition, which holds that no white nation, no white region, no white town, no white organization, no white school, no white neighborhood, NO WHITE ANYTHING CAN BE ALLOWED TO EXIST.
It’s already claimed that white culture doesn’t exist (airplanes, computers, telephones, automobiles, etc., etc., etc. ad infinitum, are not products of a culture?), and even whiteness itself is now claimed to not exist.
Does our economy that’s been butchered and shipped to non-whites overseas still have a few job openings here at (what used to be) home? Get to the back of the line, white boy, you don’t even exist!
Blackness exists, Chineseness exists, “native americanness” exists — all races are encouraged to loudly and stridently proclaim their existence except whites, since whites, despite having created the civilization that most of the world now lives in, have never really existed.
These insanities are the new “American values” that anti-whites constantly scream at white populations to keep us subdued while White Genocide is being carried out. White countries world wide are flooded with masses of third worlders with whom whites are forced by law and conditioned by propaganda to assimilate, to be blended out of existence or at best reduced to small ill-treated minorities.
That program of White Genocide dissolves the societies that whites created. The effect on tenuous minds of replacing orderly societal and family attachments with today’s chaos of strident political, social and racial conflict is about what you’d expect.
But media will tell you that the present issue is not White Genocide, but is school shootings. In other words, if your skin is blotched with hideous eruptions because you have the bubonic plague, the problem isn’t the plague, the problem is the disturbing discolorations of your skin.
Our job is to help whites “Step Away From the Microscope,” as the title of Ken’s excellent recent article says, and look at the larger anti-white force that’s at work in white countries today.
That larger force is White Genocide, and it plays a substantial part in almost everything that’s happening in white countries today, just as WWII played a substantial part in almost everything that happened in European countries in 1943.
Readers, please feel welcome always to use our material as your own. That’s what we hope you’ll do.
Put these in your toolkit!
Thanks-a-mundo for the article. Cool.
Talk talk talk. If anyone ever decided to do something (in the real world) they might find others willing to help the cause.
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