White Genocide is the U.S. government’s largest domestic program. In his speech in Sacramento, California today to the California Peace Officers’ Association, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions publicly launched his government’s first strike in its turf war with the state of California over control of the local action.
California has boldly positioned itself as “The White Genocide State.” Scuttlebutt at the state capitol in Sacramento forecasts that license plates will be issued shortly that sport “The White Genocide State” as the state motto. (That last is of course “fake news,” but it would be actual fact if California’s politicians were honest).
California is putting pedal-to-the-metal to accelerate White Genocide, while the Trump administration is giving a few taps to the brake that will slow White Genocide. But with either driver, the car is still headed in the same direction, and, if enough whites aren’t awakened soon enough to block it, it will arrive at the same destination.
Jeff Session’s Dept. of Justice is suing the state of California over its sanctuary cities policy that shelters illegal aliens from capture and deportation. Some of you think that that and other Trump measures amount to serious opposition to White Genocide. You believe that closing the hen house door part way after the foxes have already been welcomed in will remove the threat to the hens.
But here’s the way White Genocide works:
The first part of the ongoing program of White Genocide is to flood white countries world wide with masses of third world non-whites. That part has already been largely accomplished, especially in the U.S.
The second part of White Genocide is to use mass anti-white propaganda and mass anti-white laws to force whites to assimilate with the non-whites that have flooded into their countries. In time, that assimilation will breed whites out of existence or reduce whites to small ill-treated minorities.
That’s White Genocide, by U.N. Convention.
Here’s what Trump and Sessions should be saying to white Americans, to break the spell of anti-white conditioning that causes so many white U.S. citizens to accept and even participate in White Genocide:
Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY?
Massive immigration and forced assimilation is called genocide when it’s done in Tibet.
When it’s done in White countries it’s called “diversity.”
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.
Are Tibetans who oppose their genocide “Tibetan Supremacists”?
White students are taught that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support White Genocide.
Their teachers never tell them,
“White self-hatred is SICK!!!“
Their teachers say, “we’re anti-racist.”
What they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
No school, no town, no country is allowed to be White.
“We have found some White people, chase ’em down, bring in minorities…”
“Diversity” means chasing down the last White person.
We need Trump and Sessions to say that, and repeat it over and over, and repeat the Mantra over and over that we’ve also linked in this article above and below.
Of course Trump and Sessions aren’t going to do that, but Trump has helped create an environment in which we can do that and be heard, so let’s bear down with it!
You can make an email or a flier out of that meme-essay that’s centered just above, and distribute it as widely as you care to.
You can do that also with the Stop White Genocide Mantra.
Put these in your toolkit!
This exchange occurred on another site where this article is posted. I think the second poster’s reply to the first poster is a masterpiece.
First poster:
Jeff Sessions never said anything about the U.S. Constitution requiring White Genocide or it being managed by the Feds. Fake News.
Second poster:
He said he supports White Genocide as long as long as it is legal. Do you support White Genocide if it is legal, ___?
Legal according to Jeff and his conservative bed buddies, is government bureaucrats handing out documents to the millions of non-Whites they are flooding into America each year.
According to Jeff if they have a piece of paper signed by him, White Genocide is legal. Jeff and his conservative bed mates must think the Whites that voted for them are pretty damned dumb.
What Jeff Sessions is doing has no other logical outcome for the Whites in America but Genocide. Flooding 1 million non-Whites with documents each year into a White country, is not Genocide for the Whites that live there? Are you freaking kidding me???
Below is where Jeff Sessions starts repeating that what he is doing is legal. But what Jeff and his conservative pals are doing to Whites globally is illegal!
Jeff says quite clearly he knows full well what is going on. He says it is done legally, and soon they will have the highest percentage of non-native people in America’s history.
So Jeff can’t say he didn’t know about it, it wasn’t intentional, or it wasn’t planned, because he stated clearly what is happening in public. In any genocide prosecution Jeff couldn’t say it wasn’t genocide because we gave the millions of non-Whites documents. The judge would laugh at that ridiculous defense and convict him.
Genocide has nothing to do with violence. Genocide is purposely bringing about the end of a group.
White Genocide is not a policy option, it is a crime.
I don’t know about Paw Paw Sessions.I do know that technology & Christianity will disappear one day for sure.And would you care to guess why.
California does need a lot of scrutiny, however, since that’s where some of the most grevious anti-white thuggery has been going-on. One man was hit over the head till he bled, by a former professor now on trial, named Mr Eric Clanton. It was when a group of an anti-whites crashed, uninvited, into a political meeting near San Francisco.
I’m a genius
In July 2017, a bill was proposed in Belgium that aims to sanction the denial, minimisation, justification or approval of the genocide committed in Rwanda in 1994. JAMBO recognises the genocide against Tutsi and supports the purpose of the proposed law.