Stickers, fliers, banners, etc.!
The terms “anti-white” and “white genocide” are now in the mainstream, thanks to being hammered, hammered, hammered there by the same folk — Whitaker’s BUGSers — who offer you and your group the Whitaker phrasings below to also hammer, hammer, hammer at every opportunity !
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person
White self-hatred is SICK!!!
Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, white countries for EVERYBODY!
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white
It’s not okay to be anti-white
That’s what we’d like to see in Times Square!
The billboards below are real and link to news articles about them.
Repeat the term “White Genocide” tirelessly!
Hammer the term “anti-white” everywhere!
An Anti-White By Any Other Name
The success of the phrase “Anti-White”
March of the Stop White Genocide memes!
The simplest and easiest of all the powerful things you can do to restore sanity to whites’ way of viewing race today is to use the term ANTI-WHITE.
The replies that you can think up that have ANTI-WHITE in them are endless, and each time you use the term before an observing white audience, that audience soaks up the term a little more.
“Are you anti-white?”
“What you say makes sense from an anti-white perspective.”
“You’re just anti-white.”
“You’re just an anti-white who supports White Genocide.”
Once that stubborn relative of yours is already using the term “Anti-White” because it’s been repeated to him in the Media and elsewhere a thousand times, you’ll find him easier to talk to.
When Whites view the world through the lens of “Anti-White” and “White Genocide,” instead of through the lens of the r-word, they will see the world differently.
(that’s a link)
On repetition:
Click on the tweet to access and retweet it.
Bob especially liked this arrangement of his memes in mass emailings or in fliers, and its individual parts can be spread in the same way:
Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY!
Mass third world immigration is promoted in EVERY white country and ONLY in white countries.
Whites are forced by law and encouraged by propaganda to integrate with those third worlders so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence or reduced to a small minority.
Massive immigration and forced assimilation is called genocide when it’s done in Tibet.
When it’s done in White countries it’s called “diversity.”
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.
Our schools teach White students that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support White Genocide.
Their teachers never tell them, “White self-hatred is SICK!!!“
Their teachers claim to be anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
No school, no town, no country is allowed to be White.
“We have found some White people, chase ’em down, bring in minorities…”
“Diversity” means chasing down the last White person.
Bob’s MANTRA as a flier, mass email or, best of all for one-on-one interactions, a recitation, is our fundamental weapon for focusing white minds on White Genocide. We consider it to be the best explanation of White Genocide. Like all the above, its effectiveness increases with continued repetition. That’s why we call all this stuff “Mantra.”
The Mantra
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
The Stop White Genocide Video — spread it!
Responding to Anti-Whites
Whitaker Stings
Meme images
The best answer to that question is the Mantra, just above. Here’s a briefer answer (the links are just a bonus):
White Genocide is the flooding of EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with third-worlders, and using law and propaganda to force white integration/assimilation with those third worlders that will blend whites out of existence or reduce whites to small minorities.
WHITE GENOCIDE explained in ONE SENTENCE that you can spread!
Here’s couple of repeater images you can drag to your desktop and then post over and over:

We’ll build this section with more repeaters you can use as we gather them up.
- An anti-white calls you “Nazi,” “racist,” “white supremacist”?
“Anti-whites hide behind slurs to carry out White Genocide.”
“You’re just saying that because I’m white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”
Always bring it back to “anti-white” and White Genocide!
2. “White privilege”?
‘White Privilege’ to you anti-whites just means White existence
‘White Privilege’ to you anti-whites just means White people living and thriving
‘White Privilege’ to the anti-whites just means White people who haven’t been force-assimilated out of existence, i.e.White Genocide
‘White Privilege’ to the anti-whites just means Whites who’ve evaded White Genocide
‘White Privilege’ to the anti-whites just means White people existing in White countries
‘White Privilege’ to anti-whites just means White people existing
Always bring it back to “anti-white” and White Genocide!
“White privilege” is a code word for White Genocide
That article with its title is very good to post or link at any discussion of “white privilege,” but just the title alone, without the article to explain it, probably won’t work well as a stand-alone meme until understanding has substantially increased.
..3. “Hate”?
You’re not anti-hate. You’re just anti-white.
4. “Opposed to intermarriage”?
“You are saying that this whole program of immigration and assimilation and chasing down every white on earth who wants to live in a white community is just for True Love?”
4. “Marriage between races is ‘voluntary'”?
“Peoples who are forced to live together make babies. We didn’t vote to have our countries flooded with non-whites, nor for laws that force us to mix with the non-whites, nor to be hammered with constant propaganda that we are ‘racist’ if we do NOT want to intermarry with the non-whites. None of that was voluntary. You’re an anti-white who makes excuses for White Genocide.”
Sometimes this is useful:
“If you forcibly mix people together they’re going to make babies. That’s as true of whites as it is of any other race, and only a blind white supremacist anti-white like yourself would think that whites would be an exception.”
5. “Have babies”?
Anti-white: “You just need to make more babies.”
Pro-white: “Whites don’t deserve to survive unless we can outbreed the third world in our own countries? What’s your next stupid excuse for White Genocide, anti-white?”
#8 Mini-mantras to post.
Posting mini-mantras in the mainstream over and over and over was the core of our work for most of the last seven years. We have several collections of these that are scattered around, mostly at BUGS. A BUGSer who is still very actively posting mini-mantras to news articles on mainstream websites recommends these:
Bugs Buddy
Mini-Mantras Pro
#9 These two collections of tweets are also useful repeaters:
“Oh my gosh! Look at his tweets!”
Timeless Stop White Genocide Tweets to Retweet!
Beefcake’s Bootcamp is excellent! It’s been the core training tool for some BUGSers. (You may want to start with podcast #3, WE have the Moral Highground.)
Two anti-whites have a conversation in 1950:
Anti-white #1: |

Pingback: The success of the phrase “Anti-White” - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: "The Alt-Right is the Stop White Genocide Movement" - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Jeff Sessions says U.S. Constitution requires White Genocide be managed by federal government - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: "Who the f*ck are all these people, and what are they doing here?” - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Will Trump say “White Genocide” before he says “white”? - Fight White Genocide
This post by a BUGSer on /pol/ is great:
Hammer the term “anti-white” everywhere!
Hammer the term “White Genocide” everywhere!
When those terms are firmly in white minds and on white tongues, “anti-white” and “White Genocide” will be the new framework whites view race in.
Out with the old framework for viewing race that anti-whites have hammered into whites — “white privilege,” “racism,” “Nazi,” “white supremacy.”
“Drop these one-sentence Stop White Genocide memes on anti-whites and just walk away”
As Bob Whitaker used to tell us, we aren’t there to win arguments, we’re there to get these memes into white minds and into a national discussion.
Before discovering Bob’s methods, most of us at BUGS had won a lot of arguments but changed very few minds.
Whitaker’s memes are designed to be repeated in the mainstream over a period of time in order to gradually shift the outlook of white populations while also shifting what is allowed to be discussed. The memes work best if not coupled with other material that raises barriers in white audiences, or otherwise distracts white audiences from the force of the memes.
You’ve won the argument when the anti-White is silent in response to a meme they are not programmed to answer. The anti-White is a mere robot and can only parrot the responses it is programmed to by conditioning. Sad really.
Pingback: “White privilege” is a code word for White Genocide - Fight White Genocide
we need to get this out there to help stop the white guilt bs – https://wethoughttheywerewhite.tumblr.com/
Here is one of Bob’s twitter memes that should be included on this page as a response to anti-Whites,
“Every word anti-Whites say in response to the charge of #Whitegenocide is a justification for that exact policy.”
Pingback: School shootings - collateral damage of White Genocide? - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: “It’s okay to be white” and “White self-hatred is SICK!!!” - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Trump’s State of the Union speech kicks White Genocide down the road - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Be a Stop White Genocide “Repeater Rifle” - Fight White Genocide
Hey, hey, ho ho,
White Genocide’s
got to go!
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide!
Pingback: Waking up pro-whites to White Genocide - can it be done? - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: A guiding question: "How does this discredit anti-whitism?" - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Anti-white New Zealand denies free speech to pro-whites - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: "How does this discredit anti-whitism?" - Fight White Genocide
“Stop complaining and have more White babies.”
“So Whites have been forced into a position where they need to get into a breeding contest in their own lands to survive and you say there is no White Genocide?”
“Repeating yourself does seem childish, but that’s what rules the world” ~ H. Avenger
When anti-whites start talking about “nazis”:
Anything that interferes with White Genocide is “nazi” to anti-whites.
Pingback: Save the spotted owl - no room in the lifeboat for the White race! - Fight White Genocide
“If you forcibly mix people together they’re going to make babies. That’s as true of whites as it is of any other race, and only a blind white supremacist anti-white like yourself would think that whites would be an exception.”
Pingback: Southern Poverty Law Center testifies to Congress on White Genocide - Fight White Genocide
Re “It’s okay to be white,” see also the article “It’s okay to be white” and “White self-hatred is SICK!!!”
Pingback: Work at toppling the false idols that anti-whites have erected, or hammer White Genocide? - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Columbia Law School professor ties the SPLC in spreading the White Genocide meme - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Pro-white Richard Spencer uses CNN opportunity to label Trump with the anti-whites deadly "r-word" - lol! - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Whites are in an anti-white coma and will "wake up" slowly - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: White Knights against White Genocide - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: "Oh my gosh! Look at his tweets!" - Fight White Genocide
Other replies to anti-white slurs:
“Nazi” is an anti-white slur.
“White supremacist” is an anti-white hate slur.
Only anti-whites call white people racist.
There’s very good Mantra content here that can be repeated:
“Oh my gosh! Look at his tweets!”
Pingback: The Great White Out and Stolen Valor - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Anti-whites teach us why we should hammer the Stop White Genocide memes into the mainstream! - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Candidate Joe Biden, White Genocide messenger! - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Will our article about White Genocide get a million views? Today it reached 123,456 views! - Fight White Genocide