Much of my time on the interwebs is spent browsing news sources. I frequent sites from all over the political spectrum, national & international, from the anti-white fake news to the anti-whites’ fake opposition (fox/breitbart) to the alternative media. One thing that I’ve noticed from all the news sources is that every time pro-whites attempt free speech there is a group of masked gender/racially confused brainwashed kids attacking white people. Apparently they call themselves anti-fa, the news calls them anti-fa, and for some reason even pro-whites are calling them anti-fa.
On social media, some poor soul usually tries to enlighten me about how my lack of compliance towards the genocide of whites means that I am a “fascist” and/or a “nazi”. The term “fascist” is never applied to brown skinned people who would like to continue the existence of their race & cultures. “Fascist” is yet another word, like racist & supremacist, that only seems to apply to white people.
So why on Earth are some pro-whites calling them “anti-fa” or “anti-fascist”? It’s not an accurate label, not even remotely. Just as calling us “white supremacist” is not an accurate label. Calling them “anti-fa” is giving them respect that they don’t deserve. They call you a “white supremacist” and you call them “anti-racist” or “anti-fascist”. I’m certain that the anti-whites love this glowing endorsement from their enemy.
It’s mind boggling how many pro-whites are repeatedly making such a blatant rookie mistake, especially when they have the ball teed up so nicely for them to drill home the accurate label of ANTI-WHITES.
About a year ago I was watching a live stream from a protest in Portland, Oregon. One of these “anti-fa” kids was on camera looking at his twitter feed from his phone and said “why are they calling us anti-white? I’m white!”. The label of Anti-White sends them into a stuttered panic of self doubt; “I’m not anti-white….. am I?” I will be the first to admit that repetition is mundane and tedious, but the important thing is that IT WORKS.
The anti-whites are finding themselves getting BTFO on social media, audio/video chats, discussion boards & political threads. They are finding themselves in a situation where they must resort to a full blown draconian censorship & libel campaign to silence all dissent towards their objective of White Genocide. The media is obsessed with pro-whites, going so far as to blame pro-whites for the Florida school shooting only to later admit that they lied. Despite the TV media’s obsession, they have not invited a single pro-white to state our position, preferring to either lie about our views or just muddy the waters to confuse their viewers.
The anti-whites might have the full backing of government bureaucracy, media, entertainment, academia, the corporate world and Hollywood; but they are all realizing that they don’t have an argument. For pro-whites, the truth is a weapon. For anti-whites the truth is an obstacle to overcome. This is leading to hysterical frustration for anti-whites, causing them to become irate and violent. They rely on a fictitious moral high ground granted to them via Orwellian newspeak terminology. When you vindicate their terminology you cede them their narrative & their fictional moral high ground.
Never let the enemy get away with mislabeling or misrepresenting their position or your position. We have to let everyone know their PROPER label: they are simply Anti-White.
Lesson learned, thank you! I’m one of those who’ve called them by their fake Antifa name… although, truthfully, I’ve called them such names as Panty-fa and others. But you are very correct, they are in fact ANTI-WHITE. I for one will be calling them that from this day forward.
We’ve been fighting this battle for years, and you are honestly the first pro-white I remember ever responding as you have! We love ‘ya! 🙂
it’s easy for me to critique mistakes of others, god knows I’m not perfect, people still point out mistakes that I make. Sometimes I will first identify them as “anti-fa” just for the sake of specifying the group discussed, from that point on I just label them as anti-whites. You could also throw in phrases like “militant anti-whites” I suppose.
Although I completely share your vision (being a north american white nigger aka a french-canadian), I would like to point out that antifa is actually synonym with Intifada (a pro-moslem, not muslims, MOZLEMS= those who are unjust and evil; terrorist organization Related to all other “ALLEGED” terrorist groups which are in facts codename for units of the caliphate army, these groups were never “independant” but rather a taqyya-esque way to wage an hypocratic war without being targeted (saudi arabia is the head of the snake that we must chop off in order to achieve peace). I’m just a lowly ex-soldier, I don’t have any talent at eloquence. But I know aggression when I see it and we caucasians should stop turning the other cheek and defend our countries. My Canada is now as much lost as France with the introduction of a highly unconstitutional law making moslems the priviledged over us canadian (yeah supreme court is fine with anti-white, anti-canadian bills but WILL blow a gasket should the reverse ever occured). Heck, I even consider the younger canadian armed forces traitors for protecting Jihadis Justine and Mozlems against canadians (as if we didn’t lost enough brothers to coward-bombs laid by moslems in afghanistan – Yeah kids you shit on our fallen memories and sacrifices until proven otherwise and truedope walks to the gallows for his crimes against canadians — also you useful idiots, the treatment we vets get will also be yours once your service ends, think about that before truedope allows his moslems to rape your daughters and wives in total impunity)… But don’t worry, there is still more than enough of us old farts left to stop you from breaking your oath, the oath we all took, and ACTUALLY protect canadians. Protecting a traitor makes you one.
You know the craziest thing white-genocider are causing? They make this patriot think the KKK is now the only hope the white race has against white-genocider. How freaky is that right?
I can’t donate right now, but I will purchase a t-shirt asap, this cause is the worthiest war I will ever fight. Keep up informing the libtards sheeps, keep up fighting THE Good Fight.
A.J. (north-american white nigger)
“When you vindicate their terminology you cede them their narrative & their fictional moral high ground.”
YES!! For all that’s holy, folks, call them what they are, ANTI-WHITE!
Do NOT repeat their LIE that they are “anti-fascist”! — DON’T HELP ANTI-WHITES SPREAD THEIR ANTI-WHITE LIES!
If your context requires greater specificity than “anti-white,” identify them as
“the group of anti-whites who tell the lie that they are anti-fascists,”
or maybe better yet,
“the fascist group of anti-whites who tell the lie that they are anti-fascists.”
“the fascist group of anti-whites who tell the ridiculous lie that they are anti-fascists.”
Is whatever else you have to say really more important than helping hammer the pro-white terminology “anti-white,” as well as the FACT that that group are not what they claim, but are anti-white?
NOT LIKELY! We have been conquered by anti-white terminology — “racist,” “white supremacist,” “Nazi,” “bigot,” “intolerant,” etc. — and yet most pro-whites just trundle along OBLIVIOUS TO TERMINOLOGY! — I swear, it drives me absolutely freaking insane!
I’ve been railing against this absurd habit of pro-whites for years. So glad to see your excellent article on it, Ken! Hooray! 🙂
Can someone answer why whites seem to support there genocide. No other group would ever but whites do. Can someone please answer why?
They’re stupid.
White Anti-Whites, for the most part, are just highly demoralized & brainwashed people. They have endured a lifetime of constant anti-white propaganda to instill self hatred and guilt. It is easy to hate them for what they do, but at the end of the day it isn’t totally their fault, nothing they say or do on the race topic is of their own conscious volition but due to a reflex conditioned into them. Many times it’s hard to determine if you are dealing with a brainwashed person or just someone that is just evil, regardless you have to treat them the same, as they both push towards the same end goal of White Genocide, they are both Anti-White.
A related article:
The success of the phrase “Anti-White”
Pingback: The success of the phrase “Anti-White” - Fight White Genocide
Trump’s Accomplishments on free speech: he “threatened” to cut funding.
Trump’s Accomplishments on immigration: he takes orders from our judicial dictatorship.
He cut taxes, yey!
How many fucking times will White people be stabbed in the back by TRAITORS?
When anti-whites attack the white race, the cuck response is “it’s not about race” i.e. whites have no right to defend their own race from a racial attack.
Pingback: Your Stop White Genocide repeater phrases, talking points, memes - ready for use! - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: “We are witnessing a straight-out genocide [of white farmers in South Africa],” says Ann Coulter - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Ann Coulter, don't pass over the world's larger White Genocide when you speak of South Africa - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Battle of the genocides: Columbus Day vs. Indigenous Peoples Day - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Have anti-whites carrying out White Genocide snatched defeat from the jaws of victory? - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: March of the Stop White Genocide memes! - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Be a Stop White Genocide “Repeater Rifle” - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Anti-whites teach us the value of hammering the Stop White Genocide memes into the mainstream - Fight White Genocide
Instead of just saying “anti-whites,” and “anti-whitism,” some pro-whites are using the terrible phrasings “anti-white racists” and “anti-white racism.”
Pro-white compadres:
If we use the r-word as a valid word, we drive anti-whites’ favorite word-weapon deeper into white minds,
along with all the anti-white baggage that anti-whites have attached to it.
The r-word carries the fundamental lie that racial feeling is a learned pathology
rather than an innate trait that evolved to protect the survival of human groups.
Let’s not help hammer into whites the lie that racial feeling is a learned pathology.
Anti-whitism is a learned pathology — no white baby is born anti-white.
We fight anti-whitism and White Genocide, not “racism.”
Two other efforts to get pro-whites consistently on message:
Waking up pro-whites to White Genocide — can it be done?
The “Don’t Worry About White Genocide” Conference of 2018
Looking through some old articles on this site, I found this gem.
The top ten funniest things anti-whites say!
Pingback: Denmark accelerates White Genocide in its borders by introducing stringent assimilation enforcement - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: DNC Chair Perez says Ocasio-Cortez is the anti-white "future of our Party" - Fight White Genocide
Thank you, from Italy.
Yes! Here’s a reply on BUGS from July, 2013, to Bob’s checking if we were hammering the term “anti-white”:
I had assumed that, unlike the term “White Genocide” which always shocks, the term “anti-white” had been slipping into the culture almost unnoticed, but I overlooked its strong effect when it’s pointed out to anti-white whites that they are anti-white.
Pingback: Full White Genocide – The Endgame – ELLIOT LAKE News
Pingback: We are Pro-White, not "White Nationalists" - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Untrained pro-white Richard Spencer uses CNN opportunity to validate anti-whites' most destructive term - he calls Trump's tweets "racist"! - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Will our article about White Genocide get a million views? Today it reached 123,456 views! - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Congressman Jim Banks wants to fight White Genocide using anti-Whites' terminology! - Fight White Genocide