In early March an event called “Culture Galore” was held to celebrate the “diverse” cultures whites are being forced to assimilate with in New Zealand.
The billboards for the event showed an Asian woman dressed in full traditional attire.
The details on the website for the event stated the following:
“Culture Galore celebrates our city’s diversity with food, art, crafts and music and dance performances from more than 80 cultures who call Christchurch home.”
But, of course, there is no celebration of white new Zealanders. What anti-whites are REALLY celebrating is the destruction of white culture. And they’re asking white people to join in this celebration of the invasion of their home. All of these non-whites have their own lands where they can practice their culture. But white people are being denied homelands worldwide.
We are seeing this across ALL White Countries, where any celebration of White people and our unique achievements is labeled “racist”.
We are constantly forced to profess our own self hatred and, if we don’t, we will be labeled with anti-white Hate words like “racist”, “Nazi” and “white supremacist”.
Using stickers to oppose this attack on White people is an effective way to have our message heard and to force the conversation on what is taking place: White Genocide.
ALL white countries are being flooded with millions of non-white 3rd worlders. We are being FORCED to assimilate and any dissent from this proposition is silenced.
There can be no freedom of speech in a proposition nation. There can be no free speech for pro-whites.
In a proposition nation if you dare speak out against the proposition, which is the program of “diversity”and “multiculturalism” taking place in ALL White countries, you will be harassed and physically threatened; you will lose your job and have your career destroyed. You can even be thrown in prison.
What you can do…..
Because of the constant censorship pro-whites are subjected to, we must find ways to get our message out any way we can. We can do this online, in comment sections, in the streets with stickers and signs or on the airwaves. Get creative! There are endless ways to get the message out about White Genocide!
Grab some stickers, flyers, banners or yard signs from our FWG Shop and start forcing the conversation in your local area.
The goal: Get the media to report on it. Get people talking about it. Get the message repeated that this IS White Genocide.
We encourage all Pro-White dissidents to: GET OUT – GET ACTIVE – GET PICTURES of your activism Fighting White Genocide just like the FWG activists in New Zealand!
Make the cucks recoil in horror.
Honour your Ancestors, live by the 14 words. Respect nature, strive for self sufficiency, never trust anyone fully but yourself, network like-minded people in huge numbers, acquire means to defend yourself with extreme efficiency, have as many White children as possible and teach them the value of tradition and identity.
We live on a planet with limited resources where foreigners are overpopulating and invading our homelands in order to claim those resources for themselves… it’s time to defend what is ours. Focus on the end goal and allow people to develop their own methodologies of getting there. People are creative when faced with life or death situations.