Anti-whites have stretched their dreary and weary “racist,” “nazi,” “white supremacist,” “hater,” “bigot,” etc. to their elastic limit and beyond. They now call the president of the United States a “nazi,” which does more harm to one of their most powerful word-weapons than it does to the president.
Meanwhile, pro-whites* are spreading our two core phrases, “Anti-white” and “White Genocide,” which name precisely the present situation that whites face on planet earth.
White Genocide is the flooding of EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with non-whites, followed by forcing whites through law and propaganda to integrate/assimilate with the non-whites to be blended out of existence or reduced to tiny minorities.
The introduction of the term “anti-white” into America’s vocabulary is scarcely noticed, but just a few years ago there was no word in the mainstream for the anti-white policies, persons and actions that are wrecking majority-white countries and facilitating White Genocide. There hardly existed even the concept that there could be things that were injurious to whites. But giving those things their proper name, “anti-white,” is now ushering that category into public discussion and into public consciousness.
Most white Americans haven’t yet heard the term “White Genocide,” and most whites will snort when they do first hear it. But after they’ve become accustomed to the term after hearing it a few hundred times, and are looking through its lens at the steadily browning world around them that directs ever harsher racial insults at them, the term won’t seem so snort-worthy.
When unrelenting repetition in the mainstream has put white genocide into every white mind and onto every white tongue, and the best that anti-whites can do is call all opposition to white genocide “Nazism” and “white supremacy” (are Tibetans who oppose their genocide in Tibet “Tibetan supremacists”?), which side will have the advantage?
Be a Stop White Genocide “Repeater Rifle”!
Your Stop White Genocide talking points, repeater phrases, memes — ready for use!
*Pro-whites oppose White Genocide. Anti-whites support White Genocide.
Mass immigration and forced assimilation in Tibet is called genocide.
When it’s done in white countries it’s called “diversity.”
“Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide.
And are Tibetans who oppose their genocide “Tibetan supremacists“?
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and Patrick Casey of Identity Europa had a recent video exchange about “diversity“:
“We have found some White people, chase ’em down, bring in minorities…”
If it glorifies “diversity,” it glorifies White Genocide.
“Anti-whites kidnapped and tortured the term ‘diversity’ until it screamed that everything that’s white must be made non-white.”
The world is already diverse, and what will keep the world diverse is for the overwhelming majority of humans to stay in their own countries.
Mixing up everyone all together would obviously produce a world completely lacking in human diversity, after just a few generations of interbreeding.
Clearly, diversity in the sense that anti-whites pretend to use it today would actually mean the end of diversity.
But not to worry. Anti-whites only pretend to mean “mixing the races together everywhere” when they use the word “diversity.”
Their project of mixing the races together is ONLY FOR WHITE COUNTRIES. After whites have been interbred out of existence or reduced to tiny minorities in all formerly white countries, the races that whites were mixed with to accomplish White Genocide will all remain intact in their own homelands.
Genocide needn’t wipe out a race down to its very last member (which of course the other genocides we know of haven’t done), and it needn’t be violent. The UN Convention on Genocide includes this in it definition of genocide:
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
Aside from arguments that all claim in one way or another that White Genocide is good, anti-whites don’t have any arguments. So all they can do is name calling — “nyah, nyah, nyah, — nazi, nazi, nazi.”
Last words of a dying anti-white:
Family member: “I bent over him and put my ear close to his mouth to hear his last whispered words…”
Friend: “What were they?”
Family member: “‘Racist’…’bigot’…’Nazi’…then he had no more energy to speak, but I saw his lips weakly forming the words ‘white supremacist.'”
Anti-immigrant messages posted on church — Medicine Hat News
I realize that genocide of the bloody sort represented in the graphic isn’t the White Genocide we speak of here, but I thought to post this anyway because of the hilarious statement by a police spokesman in Medicine Hat: “I can’t say at this time 100 per cent that it’s hate literature,” said Christmann. “We’ll be looking at it and see what we can determine.”
Intellectually, anti-whites are left today with nothing more than their frustrated rage and the walls they built to block discussion of things that matter.
Those walls are crumbling.
Anti-white politics hides truths, and pro-white politics uncovers truths. The principle truths are anti-whitism and White Genocide.
March of the Stop White Genocide memes
On using the right term — “White Genocide”
The terms “displacement” and “dispossession,” favored by pro-whites who reject the term “white genocide,” will put an audience to sleep. They’re also dishonest terms, since they imply that displacement and dispossession are the worse that is happening.
“That spell of a Dream World is broken when the long, hypnotic stream of clichés is interrupted by real world words like ‘genocide’ and ‘chasing whites down.’” ~ Bob Whitaker
There is already a law on the books against genocide. There is no international law against replacement or any other euphemism you can concoct because you don’t want to say genocide.
All that nonsense is wearing thin for them. Italy’s leader Matteo Salvini and Hungary’s leader Victor Orban are discussing how to turn back White Genocide at Europe’s borders, and France’s anti-white leader Emmanuel Macron characterizes such discussion as “hate speech.”
Macron warns far-right alliance of Salvini and Orban: ‘If they see me as their main opponent, they’re right’ — Independent
Self-preservation is now “hate speech.” It’s amazing that that one ever got off the ground, and it’s not going to fly very much longer.
Pingback: Whites are in an anti-white coma and will "wake up" slowly - Fight White Genocide
I love your website! So true about everything I read here! I agree 100% we definitely need to fight and stop White geNOcide worldwide! White Caucasian people are the backbone as well as the bedrock and cornerstone of America and the rest of the world also. Beginning with the Solutreans as being the real first indigenous Americans to North America that were White Caucasian, we can put the old “Indian myth and fairy tale” to rest. We should have a White American History month too! Build the wall! Build the wall! Build the wall! Hail Trump! Hail America! Please email Me back ASAP! My name is Ethan Anderson and my e-mail address is ethanchevy7@gmail.com
Pingback: Untrained pro-white Richard Spencer uses CNN opportunity to validate anti-whites' most destructive term - he calls Trump's tweets "racist"! - Fight White Genocide