“I don’t really care what trash talk Sarah Jeong or other anti-whites do, I just want pro-whites to be allowed the same free speech that anti-whites are allowed instead of our being steadily deplatformed. As long as this war remains mercifully a war of words, we need to be fighting FOR free speech, never against it.” ~ I Want White Grandchildren
But the conflict between anti-whites who support White Genocide and pro-whites who oppose White Genocide is growing toward the boiling point so rapidly that the idea of “free speech” is beginning to feel like a relic from a previous era. That statement of our commenter I Want White Grandchildren seems almost just a wispy bit of naïveté.
The outing of the NY Times’s new technology editor and writer Sarah Jeong’s brazen anti-whitism — Sarah Jeong Exercises Her Non-White Privilege to Bash Whites and be Hired by the New York Times — could be a pivotal moment. Will the chorus of pro-White voices continue to more or less press for Jeong’s dismissal in order to have a more fair and even curtailment of free speech, or will they use this opportunity to fight for free speech itself, which is the attempted direction of this article’s headline? Will Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter call for the protection of free speech for both the Jeongs and the pro-whites who oppose Jeong for her support of White Genocide, the program that’s being carried out through mass third world immigration and forced assimilation in white countries worldwide, or is calling for free speech for pro-whites a little over the edge of what either Carlson or Coulter can do and keep their platforms?
It’s the delegitimization and censorship of pro-white expression that needs to be attacked! The anti-whites who are in power and who support white genocide will only profit from further curtailments of free speech, while we pro-whites who are out of power and oppose white genocide will suffer from it.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white
Now proven to be true. Thank you, Ms. Jeong.
Sarah Jeong — will you write about the Internet deplatforming opponents of White Genocide?
The official anti-white censoring organizations that have pressed themselves into twitter, google, youtube, etc., are now reducing very sizably the public exposure of everything pro-white. If they finally have the same success they’ve had in other white countries, whites in the U.S. will go to jail as whites do in some countries in Europe if they speak ill of non-white immigrants or give independent accounts of historical events that have been elevated to being objects of worship.
“Will Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter call for the protection of free speech for both the Jeongs and the pro-whites who oppose Jeong for her support of White Genocide, the program that’s being carried out through mass third world immigration and forced assimilation in white countries worldwide,..”
Well yes, if the country was in the sensible state it was in some decades ago when there were only a smattering of non-whites from foreign lands and we were all pretty much okay with that (the fairly good-sized city I grew up in had, I believe, one Chinese restaurant, which had, I believe, or believed as a child, only two items on the menu, chicken chow mein and chop suey), then free speech for everyone would be the ticket.
And it seems to me that it still needs to be the ticket today, but it is a bit hard to swallow, considering that the large number of “jeongs” here today is NOT of our choosing, never voted on by us. A thoroughly messed up situation, when one of the most precious practices we have, free speech, is provided to those it was never intended to be provided to and they use it to attack the folk that the practice was intended for.
Imagine if this were still a white country, and some white person was publicly saying the things Jeong says. It would just be a sign that the person was nuts.
The laws and practices that protect a people can be used to destroy that people if alien peoples are admitted in great number and given the same rights and privileges. It’s nuts, but it’s what we have to work with.
Telephones, computers, airplanes, spacecraft, steam engines (The NY Times leading “technology writer” Sarah Jeong perhaps never heard of the industrial revolution), television, radio, modern medicine, electric power, electronics, automobiles. The idea of freedom itself and its development into a workable political system.
In short, Western civilization, i.e., civilization as we know it. And yet the lie is being widely propagated and believed that whites did none of this! This morning NPR offered its national audience a complete nothing-burger, a brief content-free “interview” with Vegas Tenold, the author of “Everything You Love Will Burn” — at 1:30 minutes into the interview, Tenold says of The Proud Boys, “They say that Western civilization, i.e. white civilization is behind pretty much all progress throughout history, which is of course nonsense.”
Of all the lies of anti-whites, the vague attribution to others of the astounding achievements of the white race that make that race the creator of our present civilization is the lie whose falsehood should be the easiest to point out — just google any of the items mentioned at the top of this comment. Only the last item even merits discussion.
Relevant articles on this site:
The Great White Out and Stolen Valor
“Mathematics operates as Whiteness,” whines Prof Rochelle Gutierrez of University of Illinois
The New York Times is going full anti-white to hire as their main technology writer someone who at best is pretending to not even know that technology is a white invention.
The present general situation is so bizarre, with pro-white and even just conservative voices being chased off the internet or being censored down to a small fraction of their previous reach, while most citizens go about their business in the middle of the battlefield as if nothing is happening, seemingly unaware of the war that’s going on in which it’s their minds that are being fought for.
NY Times: “Stop the presses! It’s just been decided that whites didn’t invent the printing press! We’ll be guilty of cultural appropriation if we continue!”
Oops, for a minute there my mind slipped into thinking the NY Times was white. Old habits of thinking sometimes never fully die.
Give us equal power and you can have equal speech. You use your power and head start in your country against us and we use your actions against you. The thing is, our gains against you (racists, not all white people) have been done without any violence, just cunning.
Will the chorus of pro-White voices continue to more or less press for Jeong’s dismissal in order to have a more fair and even curtailment of free speech, or will they use this opportunity to fight for free speech itself.
I hope the latter. The feeble safeguard of free speech is the strongest safeguard we have (we whites, humans, whoever) against our own stupidity.