From Twitter:
#WhiteGenocide is #AntiWhites flooding #White countries with the #ThirdWorld and forcing #integration that will blend us out of existence.
White Genocide floods EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with third-worlders, and blends whites out of existence by integrating and assimilating them with those third worlders.
White Genocide is the flooding of EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with third-worlders, and using law and propaganda to force white integration/assimilation with those third worlders that will blend whites out of existence or reduce us to small minorities.
Some alternates and variations
White Genocide floods EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with third-worlders, and uses law and propaganda to force white integration/assimilation with those third worlders that will blend whites out of existence or reduce us to small minorities.
White Genocide: An Anti-White Elite importing endless Diversity into White Areas to inflict a “melting pot” zone on us until there are no more Whites.
Chasing whites down with diversity so they can be assimilated out of existence is White Genocide.
White Genocide chases whites down with diversity to produce a future with no white children.
#WhiteGenocide–Force-flooding ALL/ONLY White countries with non-Whites; Then, by law, Force-Integrating White people into these non-White populations causing White force-minoritization, and finally, assimilating Whites out of existence.
I’m sorry but could any sane person not see that flooding EVERY and ONLY White countries with #diversity, while using media to encourage Whites to reproduce with #diversity IS #WhiteGenocide?
Drag the images below onto your desktop to use on Twitter, etc.
Add “Anti-whites”
Anti-whites‘ program of White Genocide floods EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with third-worlders, and uses law and propaganda to force white integration/assimilation with those third worlders that will blend whites out of existence or reduce us to small minorities.
You can also add this short paragraph to any of those:
We didn’t vote to be flooded with the third world, nor to have to integrate with the third world in our schools, neighborhoods, organizations, etc. Those conditions have been forced on us.
The links in those are just bonuses when you spread them.
I’m finding the above collection very helpful when tweeting!
You can also spread the following, or any parts of it:
Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY!
Massive immigration and forced assimilation is called genocide when it’s done in Tibet.
When it’s done in White countries it’s called “diversity.”
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.
Our schools teach White students that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support White Genocide.
Their teachers never tell them, “White self-hatred is SICK!!!“
Their teachers claim to be anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
No school, no town, no country is allowed to be White.
“We have found some White people, chase ’em down, bring in minorities…”
“Diversity” means chasing down the last White person.
When whites view the world through the lens of “anti-white” and “White Genocide” because they’ve seen and heard those terms a few thousand times, the anti-white memes that control their minds will release their grip.
Genocide isn’t necessarily violent and doesn’t usually eliminate the entire group.
Genocide under UN Convention:
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
Genocide doesn’t require the complete elimination of a people, and if you consider the genocides of the modern era, that hasn’t been their result. There’s still plenty of Armenians and plenty of Tutsis.
It’s very good that the horrors being done to white farmers in South Africa are finally getting media notice, but that’s also enabling the anti-whites’ propaganda machine to pretend that imminent extermination of all whites by VIOLENCE is what we pro-whites ordinarily mean when we say “White Genocide.”
The more general White Genocide that is not necessarily violent and that is already in the process of blending us out of existence through massive non-white immigration and forced assimilation is being pressed in all white countries RIGHT NOW and is MUCH MORE LETHAL.
So these short explanations of the more lethal White Genocide are good to spread.
Feel welcome to post this graphic along with the explanations of White Genocide — just drag the graphic to your desktop and then you can load it into a tweet:
#WhiteGenocide is the force-flooding of EVERY and ONLY White countries with non-Whites, then using law and propaganda to Force-Integrate, Force-Assimilate Whites into the non-White populations, thus causing the destruction at least in part, ultimately in whole, of White people.
I think deprogrammer’s is the best version however.
#WhiteGenocide–Force-flooding ALL/ONLY White countries with non-Whites; Then, by law, Force-Integrating White people into these non-White populations causing White force-minoritization, and finally, assimilating Whites out of existence.
Please retweet this tweet — no time limit.
That may draw more readers to help spread our explanations of White Genocide.
Shortest of the short, and maybe the best:
White Genocide floods EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with third-worlders, and blends whites out of existence by integrating and assimilating them with those third worlders.
I’ve added this one to the article as the first choice.
I also like this short explanation of White Genocide in Laura’s last article:
“This deliberate attack on Whites is happening via massive non-white immigration into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries. It is being led by the anti-white leaders in power. And this attack is set to destroy Our race in whole via assimilation.”
These short explanations are helpful to spread around. Media is taking advantage of the horrors being committed against whites in South Africa to pretend that “White Genocide” necessarily means violent genocide.
I know this one is off the discussion a little bit. But since we have a group here working on Mantrafied points I would like to get going on the whole ‘refugee crisis.’ It’s clearly been manufactured by the anti-white in charge to continue and intensify the ongoing program of White Genocide. Does anyone else here have any ideas on this one. I’ve constructed the one below.
“‘Refugee’ is a codeword for: Another non-White person given residence in White countries by the anti-Whites in charge to obscure and continue the ongoing program of #WhiteGenocide by Force-Assimilation”
“We didn’t vote to have to integrate with the third world in our schools, neighborhoods, organizations, etc. That condition was forced on us.”
FILE – In this Sept. 25, 1957, file photo, white girls from Central High School laugh as troopers with bayonets force them to move in Little Rock, Ark. Federal forces were used to enforce integration in the face of racial tension in Arkansas. Associated Press
In many of the one-sentence explanations, the phrase “blended out of existence” can be replaced by “blended away entirely.”
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Pingback: Work at toppling the false idols that anti-whites have erected, or hammer White Genocide? - Fight White Genocide
An adaptation of a recent tweet by Laura: