Explain the program behind the “migrant caravan”
5000 people don’t just decide one day to walk 2000 miles to the United States. Arrangements have to be made for food, toilets, and motorized transportation in between the photo shoots of thousands of people “marching.”
This attempted invasion is part of a world wide program that is pouring the third world into every majority-white country and only majority-white countries. Laws and propaganda then force integration and assimilation with that third-world, until original white populations are eventually reduced to tiny minorities or blended away entirely.
That’s genocide by UN Convention:
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
We ask our president to explicitly call this program what it is.
You don’t have to be a U.S. citizen or live in the U.S. to add initials.
Folks, we know the White House calls it a “petition site,” but it’s actually a very visible billboard on which we can display our memes and messages!