Please go to this newer article for our current White House meme-message:
It’s amazing what Bob Whitaker and his BUGSers have accomplished! Just a few years ago, “anti-white” and “White Genocide” were unknown in the mainstream, and now we’re in an era where the son of the President of the United States is accused of talking about “White Genocide” when he tweets that a political candidate “wants to repopulate Maine with Syrian and Somalian refugees.” And without the BUGSers’ work, would Donald Trump Jr. even be tweeting that?
Wth media now hungering to associate Trump with “White Genocide,” it seems a good idea to keep a little White Genocide on the White House’s website.
The White House meme team will post their submissions here, in case you’d like to help them get the 150 initials that make each message visible at the White House for roughly a month. Anyone anywhere can participate, and it works to put just initials in the name boxes.
Messages below that haven’t expired gain additional impact from your initials.
Messages expire 30 days after their date of submission.
Expires 10-22-19
Teach white Americans “White self-hatred is SICK!!!”
By now the White House surely has a plan to halt the flooding of EVERY White country and ONLY White countries with non-whites, and to overturn court rulings that force whites into circumstances where they will “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry with all those non-whites.
To undo the anti-white conditioning that’s made white people think it’s a virtue to support their own genocide, launch a national campaign with this title:
“White self-hatred is SICK!!!”
Explain that “diversity” means chasing down the last white person.
The campaign’s opponents will claim to be anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.
Mr. President, be PRO-WHITE and work for a future with white children!
Expires 10-09-19
Defund refugee resettlement agencies
A large government-funded industry has been created that profits from settling third-world refugees in majority-white countries.
Like other modes of “immigration,” the resettlement industry’s policy is “Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, white countries for EVERYBODY.”
The industry settles its third-world clients in the whitest parts of majority-white countries, pursuing an apparent goal of “no town left white.” bit.ly/2m4cnjf
We urge our Federal Government to stop funding these agencies that seek out almost completely white areas for settlement of peoples who are utterly alien to the inhabitants, who are forced to welcome “diversity.”
bit.ly/2m7R9kHThese anti-white agencies exhibit blatantly the fact that “diversity” just means chasing down the last white person.
President Trump: tell America it’s not okay to be anti-white
Every race except one in our country is allowed to publicly express its concerns.
Blacks proclaim, “Black lives matter.” Some Hispanics proclaim, “Abolish ICE.” Asians proclaim, “Admit us to Harvard in accordance with our test scores!”
But if whites declare simply, “It’s okay to be white,” or “It’s NOT OKAY to be anti-white,” we are censored or even suffer job loss.
“White Self Hatred is Sick” was removed from a billboard in West Virginia after the governor’s office declared the billboard’s message a threat to tourism, and pressured the billboard’s owner. (goo.gl/bkVLTC)
The sad truth, Mr. President, is that whites being allowed to speak as whites in public is so rare that it would be a tourist attraction.
Denying whites free speech is anti-white. We ask you to have the DOJ halt it.
Expires 10-01-19
Explain to the American people that their government is anti-white and supports White Genocide
Mass third world immigration and forced integration/assimilation is promoted in EVERY white country and ONLY in white countries, with the result that whites will be blended out of existence or reduced to small minorities.
Mass immigration and forced assimilation is called genocide when it’s done in Tibet.
When it’s done in white countries, our governments call it “diversity.”
“Diversity” is our governments’ code word for White Genocide. goo.gl/vFmsKG
Schools supported by our governments teach white students that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support White Genocide. Their teachers won’t tell them:
“White self-hatred is SICK!!”
Their teachers claim to be anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Expires 5 – 30 – 19
Explain to the American people that “diversity” means chasing down the last white person
“The defence of the country and the fight against migration form the core of our message…Hungary belongs to the Hungarian people…I built the border fence, defended the border and rejected the resettlement of immigrants.” goo.gl/iWth1Z
Hungarian parents receive payments for the birth of each child, and “Women who have given birth to and raised four or more children will be exempt from personal income tax for the rest of their lives.” goo.gl/2bBBpR
Unlike the U.S. and most white countries, Hungary’s government doesn’t flood Hungary with the third world and then use law and propaganda to force its white citizens to integrate with those third worlders to be blended out of existence.
Hungary knows:
“Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide.
White self-hatred is SICK!
Submitted 5 – 05 – 19
Declare that mass immigration is forced adoption and stop making whites pay for White Genocide
Imagine arriving home one day to find a dozen new people living in your home and they refuse to leave.
Instead of evicting the squatters, the police inform you that you have too few children, and since family is just a social construct, these are your new family members.
Money is taken from your paycheck to support your growing family, and compulsory loans are taken in your name to pay for food, clothing, school, and transportation for your new family.
They’re all put on your health insurance and added to your will.
This mass of third-world adoptees occupy our national home while law and propaganda press our integration/assimilation with them to blend whites away.
And if we don’t bankroll this white genocide with a smile, we suffer the labels of “racist” and “hater.” (goo.gl/vFmsKG)
I don’t know if collectively the mass of third world immigrants here pay their way or not. Many clearly do, and many clearly don’t. In any case, it’s irrelevant to what deeply matters, which is White Genocide, the blending of whites out of existence by mass third-world immigration and forced assimilation. Stay on message, White House Meme Team!
Submitted 4 – 29 – 19
Invite Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban to the U.S. to explain how to fight White Genocide
Distinguished French author Jean Raspail (goo.gl/oQpBae) foretold in his 1973 novel today’s flooding of EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with the third world, and the forced integration/assimilation of whites with those third worlders that will blend whites out of existence.
Today’s priests of anti-whitism train their young demoralized white students to support this genocide of their race by calling it “diversity” and “love.”
Anti-whites want a future with no white children.
Establish “A Future With White Children” program in our schools to read Raspail and discuss these truths:
White self-hatred is SICK!!
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person.
“Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide (goo.gl/vFmsKG)
Submitted 3 – 20 – 19
Distinguished French author Jean Raspail (goo.gl/oQpBae) foretold in his 1973 novel today’s flooding of EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with the third world, and the forced integration/assimilation of whites with those third worlders that will blend whites out of existence.
Today’s priests of anti-whitism train their young demoralized white students to support this genocide of their race by calling it “diversity” and “love.”
Anti-whites want a future with no white children.
Establish “A Future With White Children” program in our schools to read Raspail and discuss these truths:
White self-hatred is SICK!!
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person.
“Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide (goo.gl/vFmsKG).
Submitted 2 – 1 – 19
Protect white people as well as we protect spotted owls – block white genocide!
When barred owls seek a better life by migrating into spotted owl territory, the U.S. government actually shoots them (goo.gl/gHFRg3), to prevent their interbreeding with the spotted owls and blending them out of existence.
But when it’s white humans instead of owls that need protecting, it’s another story. When large numbers of non-whites seek a better life by migrating into majority-white countries, our governments welcome them, and use laws and propaganda to encourage white citizens to assimilate and interbreed with them, until whites are blended out of existence.
Urge Congress to repeal laws that uphold this white genocide, and to proclaim these truths:
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person.
“Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide.
White self-hatred is SICK!
Submitted 11 – 23 – 18
Extend the right of free speech to white people
I can’t say, “‘Diversity’ means chasing down the last white person.” (goo.gl/SG3FGd)
I can’t say, “EVERY white country and ONLY white countries are being flooded with third worlders, and whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to ‘assimilate,’ i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.”
I can’t say, “Diversity is a code word for white genocide.” (goo.gl/3H136D)
I can’t say “White self-hatred is SICK!” (goo.gl/bkVLTC)
The enforcers of no-free-speech-for-whites say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
But if I say “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,” I’m fired. (goo.gl/4HvCFw)
Free speech is denied to whites so that white genocide (goo.gl/6a6e25) can masquerade as “diversity.”
Free speech for whites equals a future with white children.
The shortened URL’s in that message are to these articles:
‘White genocide’ billboard taken down, Springville mayor denounces message | AL.com
Racially charged billboard removed in north Arkansas city – Washington Times
Robert Whitaker’s Mantra – Fight White Genocide
Submitted 11 – 16 – 18
The space for public debate is now controlled by a few huge anti-white companies.
Those companies pretend that the world’s racial problems will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries, and when those white countries “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry with all those non-whites.
Anti-whites hypocritically call blending whites out of existence “diversity,” their code term for chasing down the last white person.
They preach blending away whites as a “white genocide conspiracy theory,” while they silence pro-whites with social media bans and refusals of service by credit card companies and other payment platforms.
Mr. President, direct the DOJ to protect the right of whites to speak for a future with white children.
Submitted 11 – 10 – 18
Direct the FCC to issue a legislative rule that media may not call elections before polls close
Our national media called the results of several races in the recent midterms prematurely, possibly with the intention of influencing voters who had not yet voted, but certainly with that result.
Our media is overwhelmingly anti-white. It supports the program of blending whites out of existence in white countries via mass non-white immigration and forced integration/assimilation with those non-whites.
Media cloaks its support of that genocidal program with its code word, “diversity.”
Our media works for the day when “diversity” will chase down the last white person.
We ask the FCC to issue rulings that force media to not interfere in elections and to not censor views that support white survival.
Submitted 11 – 04 – 18
The authors of the Constitution and the 14th Amendment would be appalled at their being used to flood EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with the third world, and to force white integration and assimilation with those third worlders until whites may be blended away entirely.
That’s genocide by UN Convention:
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
We ask the administration to deliver this message to whites who support their own genocide:
“White self-hatred is SICK!”
Whites have been subjected to mass propaganda that claims to be “anti-racist” but is just anti-white — “anti-racist” is a code word for anti-white.
Please take action before diversity has chased down the last white person.
Submitted 11 – 04 – 18
Submitted 10 – 23 – 18
Explain the program behind the “migrant caravan”
5000 people don’t just decide one day to walk 2000 miles to the United States. Arrangements have to be made for food, toilets, and motorized transportation in between the photo shoots of thousands of people “marching.”
This attempted invasion is part of a world wide program that is pouring the third world into every majority-white country and only majority-white countries. Laws and propaganda then force integration and assimilation with that third-world, until original white populations are eventually reduced to tiny minorities or blended away entirely.
That’s genocide by UN Convention:
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
We ask our president to explicitly call this program what it is.
Submitted 10 – 22 – 18
President Trump: tell America it’s not okay to be anti-white
Every race except one in our country is allowed to publicly express its concerns.
Blacks proclaim, “Black lives matter.” Some Hispanics proclaim, “Abolish ICE.” Asians proclaim, “Admit us to Harvard in accordance with our test scores!”
But if whites declare simply, “It’s okay to be white,” or “It’s NOT OKAY to be anti-white,” we are screamed at or censored outright.
“White Self Hatred is Sick” was removed from a billboard in West Virginia after the governor’s office declared the billboard’s message a threat to tourism, and pressured the billboard’s owner. (goo.gl/bkVLTC)
The sad truth, Mr. President, is that whites being allowed to speak as whites in public is so rare that it would be a tourist attraction.
Denying whites free speech is anti-white. We ask you to have the DOJ halt it.
Submitted 10 – 18 – 18
Defund refugee resettlement agencies
A large government-funded industry has been created that profits from settling third-world refugees in countries that are predominantly white.
Like other modes of immigration, this resettlement industry’s policy appears to be “Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, white countries for EVERYBODY.”
The industry often settles its third-world clients in the whitest parts of majority-white countries.
We urge our Federal Government to stop funding these agencies that seek out almost completely white areas for settlement of peoples who are utterly alien to the inhabitants, forcing those areas (who usually have no choice in the matter) to welcome “diversity.”
These agencies exhibit blatantly the fact that “diversity” just means chasing down the last white person.
Submitted 4 – 31 – 18
The office of West Virginia’s governor responded to a complaint against our billboard “White self-hatred is sick” by persuading the billboard’s owner to remove the message. (goo.gl/bkVLTC), (goo.gl/8pUz6o).
We bring this discriminatory act to the attention of President Trump since the president opposes political correctness that censors free speech.
We respectfully request these actions:
1. Urge the governor of W. Virginia to restore our billboard or provide one similarly located.
2. If the governor fails to do the above in a timely manner, bring Federal charges against his office for having violated the civil rights of the renter(s) of the billboard by interfering with their free speech.
Thank you very much.
The White Dragon was an avalanche in old Europe.
An avalanche is a mass of individual white crystals moving in the same direction.
YOU are that avalanche! YOU are the White Dragon!
Do all those messages seem pretty much the same? We hope so! They’re intended to spread a small handful of memes, all of which were created, inspired, or given life by Bob Whitaker.
White Genocide
White self-hatred is SICK!!!
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person (link is a good news video)
And of course Bob’s Mantra
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white
Pro-whites want a future with white children
Anti-whites want a future with no child left white
Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, white countries for EVERYBODY!
We wish that last billboard were real like the others!
We presently have 6 messages protesting White Genocide visibly displayed on the White House website. Thanks to all of you who added initials and helped make that possible! Additional initials will increase the messages’ impact.
Unlike our White House messages posted under Obama, none of the 6 has the phrase “White Genocide” in it. One message does end with the phrase “genocide of whites.”
We’ll be testing a message with the phrase “White Genocide” soon, but our first submission under Trump was written in that more open style and was removed, so we are slowly working our way toward finding “where the line is” under Trump.
Well here’s our first submission with the phrase “White Genocide“:
Prosecute tech companies whose deplatforming of pro-whites allows only anti-whites to use the term “white genocide”
Media has shown itself eager to associate the president with “White Genocide,” and we intend to help media with that goal in every way we have imagination and energy sufficient to do, until the president has to answer questions from the media about White Genocide!
Here’s something readers can post here and there (sometimes just the last two lines), including the link where possible:
No school, no town, no country is allowed to be White.
“We have found some White people, chase ’em down, bring in minorities…”
‘Diversity’ means chasing down the last White person
Extend the right of free speech to white people
Thanks to everyone who put initials in the name boxes of that message to get the 150 that just made it visible!
The short URLs we included in that one tell a story of anti-white censorship that’s kept in place by anti-white conditioning and fear:
(billboard #1 removed)
‘White genocide’ billboard taken down, Springville mayor denounces message | AL.com
(billboard #2 removed)
Racially charged billboard removed in north Arkansas city – Washington Times
(billboard #3 removed)
‘White Self Hatred is Sick’ Billboard Removed in West Virginia After Claims of Racism – Big League Politics
(woman fired)
WV attorney general fires aide who recited white supremacist slogans in video | Politics | wvgazettemail.com
Three billboards removed, but we get to display our memes on the White House’s billboard.
You turn up the lights on our displays on that billboard if you keep adding initials.
The White House Meme Team will take a break now until sometime in January, and we wish everyone a happy and deeply satisfying Christmas!
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