The space for public debate is now controlled by a few huge anti-white companies.
Those companies pretend that the world’s racial problems will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries, and when those white countries “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry with all those non-whites.
Anti-whites hypocritically call blending whites out of existence “diversity,” their code term for chasing down the last white person.
They preach blending away whites as a “white genocide conspiracy theory,” while they silence pro-whites with social media bans and refusals of service by credit card companies and other payment platforms.
Mr. President, direct the DOJ to protect the right of whites to speak for a future with white children.
That’s why you need to host with censorship free providers.
Its also the reason why I left youtube and uploaded to Leekwire instead.
I also suggest you google “White Genocide” and check out the results if you haven’t already done so.
No surprises will be seen.