The message below was displayed on the White House’s “petition” website for a month. Most links in it are to news stories about the removal of our billboards that displayed the memes in the petition. One link is to West Virginia governor Jim Justice’s firing a woman for appearing in the video at the bottom of this article.
Extend the right of free speech to white people
I can’t say, “‘Diversity’ means chasing down the last white person.” (goo.gl/SG3FGd)
I can’t say, “EVERY white country and ONLY white countries are being flooded with third worlders, and whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to ‘assimilate,’ i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.”
I can’t say, “Diversity is a code word for white genocide.” (goo.gl/3H136D)
I can’t say “White self-hatred is SICK!” (goo.gl/bkVLTC)
The enforcers of no-free-speech-for-whites say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
But if I say “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,” I’m fired. (goo.gl/4HvCFw)
Free speech is denied to whites so that white genocide (goo.gl/6a6e25) can masquerade as “diversity.”
Free speech for whites equals a future with white children.
If you’d like to help spread our memes, 150 initials on that message will display it on the White House’s website for a month, dated from the day of its submission.
Click on the title for access, and the White House Meme Team thanks you and welcomes you!
The White Dragon was an avalanche in old Europe.
An valanche is a mass of individual white crystals moving in the same direction.
YOU are that avalanche! YOU are the White Dragon!

Pro-whites oppose White Genocide, anti-whites support White Genocide
All our White House meme messages are archived at Stop White Genocide memes at the White House
If some activists would put those words on billboards I would laugh my ass off and check the news or newspaper to see if the media goes loony on it, just like with the “Its ok to be White” paper.
The short URLs that follow each meme in the article report exactly what you’re imagining, WhiteMaleSurvival.
Here’s the message with the short URLs replaced by links:
Extend the right of free speech to white people
I can’t say, “‘Diversity’ means chasing down the last white person.”
‘White genocide’ billboard taken down, Springville mayor denounces message | AL.com
I can’t say, “EVERY white country and ONLY white countries are being flooded with third worlders, and whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to ‘assimilate,’ i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.”
I can’t say, “Diversity is a code word for white genocide.”
Racially charged billboard removed in north Arkansas city – Washington Times
I can’t say “White self-hatred is SICK!”
‘White Self Hatred is Sick’ Billboard Removed in West Virginia After Claims of Racism – Big League Politics
The enforcers of no-free-speech-for-whites say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
But if I say “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,” I’m fired.
WV attorney general fires aide who recited white supremacist slogans in video | Politics | wvgazettemail.com
Free speech is denied to whites so that white genocide can masquerade as “diversity.”
Free speech for whites equals a future with white children.
None of this links above lead to anything! It’s linked back to this same page!
Here is a fantastic article – “What Is The Current State Of Free Speech In The United States” – https://www.mastersincommunications.org/current-state-free-speech-united-states/