Dec '18
December 8, 2018
activism, billboard, No Free Speech for Pro-whites, petition, Religion of Political Correctness, War On Whites, White House meme-messages, White Self Hatred is SICK!
Petitions at Change.org remain active for one whole year. (The White House petitions must be renewed every month.)
Both platforms are venues for spreading our Stop White Genocide memes into the mainstream.
Our last petition displayed at the White House has been submitted to Change.org also, with an additional sentence at the end to fit that site’s format.
You can sign it and spread it to increase its impact.
I can’t say, “‘Diversity’ means chasing down the last white person.” (goo.gl/SG3FGd)I can’t say, “EVERY white country and ONLY white countries are being flooded with third worlders, and whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to ‘assimilate,’ i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.”I can’t say, “Diversity is a code word for white genocide.” (goo.gl/3H136D)I can’t say “White self-hatred is SICK!” (goo.gl/bkVLTC)The enforcers of no-free-speech-for-whites say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.But if I say “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,” I’m fired. (goo.gl/4HvCFw)Free speech is denied to whites so that white genocide (goo.gl/6a6e25) can masquerade as “diversity.”Solution
Free speech for whites equals a future with white children.Create a DOJ task force to extend free speech to white people!
Retweeting this tweet is also helpful:
There is no universal right.
Human rights are made up by humans.
Nature doesn’t give a crap about rights.
In this regard Might is Right.
If the powerful want us dead, they will kill us, and nothing will stop them, especially not some cute “right” which is just a couple of words on a dead piece of wood. It basically means NOTHING.
What makes it “YOU MUST OBEY (LAW)” are the powerful.
We must simply become stronger than them.
There is a reason they keep us divided.
94 views of this article and not a single signature added to the petition. I often wonder why our readers come here. To see what’s happening? Readers, it’s only YOU who will make something happen.