If there were no mosques in New Zealand, the recent shooting in Christchurch could not have happened, but anti-whites require that there be mosques in New Zealand.
Every white country must be flooded with the third world, and whites compelled by law and propaganda to assimilate with that third world and be blended out of existence.
That’s the anti-whites’ program of White Genocide.
Anti-whites also understand that mosques serve as prime bait for the occasional unhinged and desperate white who foolishly hopes that a violent act will ignite a revolution that will return his homeland to him.
And so an atrocity is committed that helps whom? That helps anti-whites strengthen their censorship, which blocks whites from even becoming fully aware that they are being genocided.
No people have ever accepted willingly the genocidal event of other peoples pouring into their territory, but hopefully, just one person who feels an urge to emulate the Christchurch shooter may happen to read this and will instead think it through.
The Christchurch shooter could have devoted himself to spreading the points in his manifesto by relentlessly repeating them in the public space as we’ve done with the terms “anti-white” and “White Genocide.” He would have had a lifetime ahead of him to use his skills to educate whites and then help build a movement, instead of briefly serving the anti-whites’ narrative.
No war hero ever made the slightest difference in real human history. Those who used words have made real history. ~ Bob Whitaker
Adaptation of a post that appeared elsewhere after a previous similar event:
First. Western elites flood white countries and ONLY white countries with 3rd worlders. All done without a vote and anyone that says anything is a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
Second. The same Western elites attempt to FORCE integrate these same immigrants into white communities (and ONLY white communities, like Marin County, CA). This is all done with the aid of federal laws .
Anyone that objects is a automatically a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
Third. They push intermarriage/interracial relationships night and day in all the media and even the newspaper advertisements in white countries (and only white countries).
Anyone that objects is guess what? Can you guess?
Lastly, the same Western elites inform us of our inevitable brown future.
Supposedly this program is not Anti-White and supposedly this is not GeNOcide. S-U-R-E.
Again all these things were done without a vote in “democratic” countries. Furthermore, no discussion or debate was ever allowed. Now some elites are apparently surprised that someone white committed such an act of violence.
“Suppression of open debate always leads to Violence”
His act does ensure long-time publicity for his manifesto, which does give a good account of the present situation of Whites IMO. But it also associates the points he makes with his violent act, which probably doesn’t help the reception of his points. I think it’s hard to be sure at this point what his greater long term effect will be.
Very good video about the Christchurch shooting:
Luke writes above, “…his manifesto…does give a good account of the present situation of Whites IMO.”
I can’t agree with that, since after a short poem, the very beginning of the manifesto is
The present situation of whites is White Genocide, and the various ways in which anti-whites have encouraged low white birthrates is not the core of White Genocide and is not the principal problem. The principal problem is stated in the 2nd sentence of the present article and in more detail at the link in that sentence.
Low birth rates can be reversed, but we’re never going to outbreed the third world. White Genocide is the exploding third world population continuing to be poured into white countries, and forced integration and mass propaganda continuing to be used to raise the rate of interbreeding, until whites are blended out of existence or reduced to small minorities.
Genocide, by UN Convention:
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
can someone link me to a video of the NZ ting ?
Anti-whites will not stop spreading hatred of whites.