Apr '19
April 30, 2019
Guest article by Tom Bowie
Exercise and Nutrition for the Soul.I’ve seen programs and commercials galore that promote exercise and nutrition for the body and proclaim it’s benefits. Yet it seems that a program to strengthen the soul is much harder to come by..There’s an old saying, “Break the bones and the body will heal. Break the spirit and the body will die.”.Years ago when I started activism, I started out like any exercise program, low stress light repetitions building in intensity over time. While I didn’t think of it in that way initially, I do now. Just like any exercise, there was no big noticeable difference that occurred overnight; It was only years later as I reflected upon myself that I found I’d changed. I’d made no great change in the world but I’d changed myself..One of the earliest things I did was simply signing ProWhite petitions pointing out White GeNOcide. Not once did I do so with the expectation that the petition was a petition, but rather it was a warning and rallying cry for our people. While I didn’t think of it as being exercise or nutrition for my soul when I started, that’s the effect it had. Still today I visit FightWhiteGenocide.com and look for the latest petition as a small part of my routine..Many would say such acts are a futile waste of time and will never accomplish anything. As someone who attended the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally, I think reaching out to your folk by any venue possible is its own reward. Exercise and nutrition for the Soul only require caring enough to make the effort..Be it Charlottesville, cutting the grass at the Christian Revival Center, or a few clicks of the mouse attempting to reach others; it’s the caring enough to reach out and/or do something for our folk that provides the exercise and nutrition for a healthy soul..A quote from Pastor Tom Robb: “Love Your God and Love Your People”
We invite all White Knights to fight White Genocide by using the White House’s megaphone to spread our Stop White Genocide memes.
Please go to this new article for our current White House petition:
From Tom Bowie’s article:
“Many would say such acts are a futile waste of time and will never accomplish anything.”
I’m sick of whites who proclaim there is no hope UNLESS THEY HAVE ALREADY WON THE GAME.
I believe this is an excerpt from one of Bob’s articles: “One of the sacrifices a revolutionary makes is being alone and knowing that the tide may not come in his lifetime. The people at the party will remind you that all your effort may be wasted. You will not remind them that ALL their effort is wasted. When the tide of history comes, nothing they do will mean a thing.”
I for one am ultra confident the tide will come in my lifetime, and I should have a better idea than people who are not in the fight.
I also sign the petitions.It makes me feel like I’m doing my small part to fight White Genocide even when I’m not finding other ways to counter anti-White propaganda.
And of course the purpose of posting “petitions” at the White House is not to petition anyone for anything – what good what that do at this point? – but to spread into the mainstream an understanding of White Genocide and spread its supporting Stop White Genocide memes.
The official website of the President of the United States is available to pro-whites as a billboard to advertise pro-white messages, if we will only use it. It’s a rather extraordinary opportunity in this era of censorship.
The White House is just one venue of many to mainstream that new way of viewing the world for Whites.