The SPLC pitches in to help spread the White GeNOcide meme!
Our poster White GeNOcide posted the below elsewhere — his comments are in purple:
The falsehood of “white genocide” is pervasive. The people behind these murders share a common fear of the end of a white majority in U.S. And this dangerous myth is seeping into the mainstream, just as easily heard on the evening cable news as it is seen on flyers defacing college campuses.
Lol! Knowledge of White Genocide “is seeping into the mainstream” in large part because the SPLC writes articles about it and the mainstream media copies them.
This radical and racist idea is now the animating principle of many of our elected leadership and the guiding light of the current administration.If only! Does anyone actually believe anything so absurd? But hey, when you only have several hundreds of millions of dollars saved for a rainy day, you have to stretch things a bit to keep those donations coming.
We’ve seen this idea become mainstreamed for three reasons:
One, in the mid-1980s, 77 percent of the U.S. population was white. Today, it’s roughly 60 percent. In 30 years, it will be under 50 percent.Preach it, SPLC.
This kind of change creates existential anxiety that, after being fed a steady media diet of xenophobia and fear, metastasizes into hate.
It’s no mystery who’s doing the hating (SPLC) and who’s being hated (whites).
Two, the internet is a highly effective tool for spreading propaganda and indoctrination. It would be impossible to overstate the sheer volume of misinformation that foments extremism available to all of us on our smartphones.
“It would be impossible to overstate the sheer volume of misinformation the SPLC spreads in its attempts to create tolerance for White Genocide.”
Three, the president of the United States is actively stoking these anxieties, demonizing immigrants, spreading conspiracy theories and lying everyday about the cause of society’s challenges.
All in all, a rather amateurish effort, SPLC. But we appreciate it nevertheless.
Support the SPLC’s project of spreading knowledge of White Genocide into the mainstream — tweet this:
The issue isn’t violence done by a few crazies. The issue is White Genocide, carried out by mass third world immigration and forced assimilation.
Spread the Stop White Genocide memes
No school, no town, no country is allowed to be White.
“We have found some White people, chase ’em down, bring in minorities…
‘Diversity’ means chasing down the last White person.”
Billboard links to a TV News clip about it.
Will the SPLC with its hundreds of millions of dollars and the mass anti-white old-timey media succeed in shutting down all consideration of the fact of White Genocide except their portrayal of it as a myth that inspires violence? Or will their efforts end up aiding pro-whites who are working to bring the fact of White Genocide to mass attention?
Hm, let’s see. The daily life of masses of whites promises to get less and less tolerable in coming years, during which the mass media may continue to put “White Genocide” into those white minds with their campaign against the meme.
I’m hopeful.
The word “hate” appears 43 times in the 10-page written testimony.
Are you making sure to use the phrases “anti-white” and “White Genocide” at least 43 times in any 10 pages you write??
For your interest, here’s a few excerpts from the testimony:
SPLC begins its “discussion-of-White-Genocide-leads-to-violence” campaign:
Excerpts from the SPLC’s recent written testimony to Congress:
I haven’t looked at GAB very much, but “a global terrorist threat” is ridiculous, and what an incredible lie that last statement especially is.
Is anti-white SPLC taking aim at “White Genocide” because one or two crazies mentioned it? No. SPLC recognizes that White Genocide is a reality that pro-whites are making whites aware of, and they must coat it with poison before too many whites are woken up to it.
But in doing that, SPLC repeats the term for us. Time will tell which is most effective, the term itself and the reality it names, or SPLC’s lies and poison.
Name me an ideology that violence hasn’t been committed in the name of.