The crew discuss the recent purge by YouTube of heretics to the Religion of Political Correctness and their ridiculous justifications for political censorship.
2:44 Did we cause the purge?
7:46 Destroying supremacy.
10:41 The end of censorship is the end of the regime.
13:20 YouTube blog post censorship announcement.
14:17 Calling disagreement “hate” is childish.
16:05 Self-serving media/academia complex protecting its power.
16:29 Consulting “experts.”
17:13 Censorship causes violence. YouTube wants violence.
18:58 Bob on fake vs real censorship.
20:30 They’re admitting they don’t care about free speech.
21:15 Respectable Conservatives never talk about real censorship.
21:34 The REAL reason for this purge is to silence exposure of white genocide.
22:10 Anything government requires you to believe is a lie.
22:26 YouTube blog post cont’d specific actions.
27:06 Supremacy, superiority and separatism are all different things.
28:16 Separate to protect non-whites from oppression. Access to whites is a human right?
29:51 Separation is better than forced integration.
32:16 YouTube’s reasons for censorship are ridiculous.
32:30 CBS inciting violence.
33:20 A Respectable Conservative’s job is to protect leftism.
35:05 Religion of Political Correctness.
35:40 Did Hitler talk about Jews like anti-whites talk about white people?
38:15 YouTube blog post cont’d event denial.
39:15 Truth
40:32 The minute they let off on the censorship, they’re done.
42:22 To destroy the system, focus on white genocide
43:40 Alt-lite never defend our right to speak.
44:44 YouTube blog post cont’d allowable content.
47:44 We say nothing extreme.
50:11 Anti-whites have no shame, you have to repeat.
51:15 Get anti-whites on the defensive.
52:35 Intent
53:59 YouTube blog post cont’d allowable content.
54:54 Community Decency Act of 1996 Section 230 Internet platform indemnity.
58:39 YouTube blog post cont’d rewarding supporters of political correctness
59:00 It’s not about money, corporations are not in charge, Big anti-white is.
1:02:37 Pete Wilson
1:03:39 Contradictions, discrimination
1:05:26 Driving people into our camp.
Please put up a Bitchute link too, as antiwhitebook blocks Tor browser.
So youtube is going to allow anti-whites to discuss “the myth” of White Genocide, but pro-whites won’t be allowed to discuss the fact of White Genocide because it’s a “hate fact.”
Here’s the FWG Bitchute channel, but I don’t see #13 up there yet:
I like some of the terms used like “big anti-White ” and “bizarro clown world”.Those terms are priceless and funny while accurately describing those things. There needs to be competing video channel to YT. Perhaps this will be the thing to make that happen. Thanks for all the great podcasts.
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