“Pro-whites oppose White Genocide, anti-whites support White Genocide.”
“Are you a pro-white who opposes White Genocide, or an anti-white who supports White Genocide?”
“I’m neither pro-white nor anti-white, dude!”
“So you’re on the fence about White Genocide?”
“White nationalist” gets you nothing you can use, while “pro-white” gets you those two to use.
“The opposite of a white nationalist is simply a universalist. The opposite of pro-white is anti-white.” ~ Bob Whitaker: White Nationalist or Pro-White?
An Anti-White By Any Other Name – Fight White Genocide
When confronted with the term “white nationalism,” an ordinary white’s reaction can just be that he’s not interested in that, whatever it is.
But the term “pro-white” is a charged term that provokes confrontation with it, and it describes accurately the division between the opponents of White Genocide and the anti-Whites who support White Genocide:
“Pro-whites oppose White Genocide, anti-whites support White Genocide”
“White nationalist” trivializes White Genocide – it says “We oppose White Genocide of course, but nationalism is our first concern“ – pretty darn silly!
Brilliant observation by a BUGSer:
To me White Nationalist is a person whose only plan for survival involves having a country for White people.
Pro-White is a person who wants to survive by any means necessary.
“Our greatest ally” survived thousands of years without a country, surviving by any means necessary.
Anti-whites love the term “white nationalist”:
It’s okay to be Pro-White!
The above is a compilation of pro-white comments from our poster White GeNOcide.
What if you are Hispanic and white? can you join the club? I am white and hispanic and have a small penis and all Dominicans with color make fun of me. I want to be apart of the white people with small dicks in America and this seems like the perfect place to make friends.
You dumbass. Yeah the entire porn industry blew up because of white micro cocks. Are you retarded? Confused? It’s the asians that are known for having a small penis. I’m white and I swear on my entire family that I’m bigger than you. I’m very hung. So gtfo here with that basic level hivemind shit. Hit the gym dick fist.
Hispanic White’ Guy is a fucking moron. A feeble goy lurking around to spew retardation. not knowing he is a feeble minded lowly Goy and that even if you were actually White your level of retardation would make you an embarrassment to the race. Now go serve your masters the Jews until they get rid of all your assess soon, magnanimous imbecile.
YOU are the perfect example of why Jews want to mix up all the races… Retard
“Pro-white/anti-white” must replace “racist/anti-racist” as the in-group/out-group division of society!
That may be a little abstract for some readers. How about:
A country divided into pro-whites and anti-whites is better than a country divided into “anti-racists” and “racists.”
I swear to God, (just an expression) there’s ALWAYS one in EVERY comment section that spreads idiotic bullshit to derail the entire discussion. It makes you wonder, are there REALLY White people who think this is a joke? That’s it’s somehow funny? Because I sure as hell don’t see any humor in being wiped out!!
It’s quite obvious that you have a small penis, I mean who the hell would be that desperate to feel validated in his pathetic existence that he is forced to beg for attention on the the internet other than biologically deficient leftist ? Human refuse like you also lack of the most basic masculine quality which is the reason why you feel the need to mock white interests because you’re naturally a slave and you want to be acknowledged for your good service by your masters, at least you want to feel good for like the submissive good boy with a low quantity of testoterone that you are, that’s how you’ve been trained to behave by your owners.
You’re basically worthless by any mesurable standards, you’d better crawl back to whatever garbage dumpster you came from because nobody will care about a failure like you, the litteral garbage of our society.
It’s entertaining to read some of the recent mainstream articles that “analyze” the differences between various terms used to name or derogate pro-whites. It’s an inside look at how much of “journalism” is just made up content for an industry that pays salaries by putting out new articles:
How much time does any pro-white spend thinking about such stuff? Zero, except for a few whose pro-whitism stems from a desire to define themselves.
White Genocide is the issue, and the Stop White Genocide memes that will best awaken whites to that issue are the language we should use.
A comment from another site:
Another good and useful thing about “Pro-White” is that it doesn’t tie you down to a particular political or economic theory.
Pro-whites are not nearly as advanced as anti-whites in understanding what an important weapon the right terminology is. This article and comments about anti-whites’ long campaign to banish the term “illegal alien” in favor of “undocumented immigrant” should impress us all with anti-whites’ recognition of the importance of terminology:
Trump DOJ will NOT call illegal aliens “undocumented immigrants” — White Genocide clock moves back 2 minutes
Pingback: "White Nationalist terrorism" - Congress "investigates" the anti-white meme it built on pro-whites' thoughtless name - Fight White Genocide
Yes, the anti-white enemy will demonize any label we give ourselves, but let’s nevertheless choose a label that does something for us. If we call ourselves PRO-WHITES, the anti-white enemy will call us that also, helping us create through repetition the Pro-White / Anti-White dichotomy:
“Pro-whites oppose White Genocide, anti-whites support White Genocide.”
Replace “racist / anti-racist” with “pro-white / anti-white” by repeating the terms “anti-white” and “pro-white” relentlessly!
Pingback: Thank you, President Ye and President Fuentes, for returning Richmond, Virginia's disgusting "White Genocide Boulevard" to being beautiful "Monument Avenue"! - Fight White Genocide