When opportunity knocks, “Little Richard” Spencer says this:
At 2:15 minutes, Spencer says of Trump, “He gives us nothing, outside of racist tweets.”
How untrained does a pro-white have to be to repeat anti-white terminology to a mass TV audience when he has the opportunity to repeat pro-white terminology to that huge audience instead?
If he wanted to trash Trump, he could have said this which repeats and strengthens pro-White terminology:
“Trump likes to appear pro-white, but his actions are anti-white.”
Anti-whites’ mighty r-word is the main weapon with which they’ve conquered us and now rule us! Let it die a natural death, don’t breathe fresh life into it by repeating it!
Pro-white repeating the r-word
When you repeat the r-word, you repeat all the anti-White baggage that anti-Whites have attached to it!
Repeat instead the pro-white terms “anti-white” and “White Genocide.” They describe what white countries are mostly about today, so you’ll have no trouble finding opportunities to repeat the terms to eventually normalize them.
The division of white societies into “racists” and “anti-racists” must be replaced by a division into “pro-whites” and “anti-whites.
Pro-whites oppose White Genocide, anti-whites support White Genocide.
Has Spencer succumbed to the lies told us by our media, etc. that our nation is awash in what anti-Whites name with their r-word?
It’s not! What pervades our nation today is anti-Whiteism!
Spencer has opined in the past that the terms “anti-white” and “White Genocide” aren’t useful phrases to repeat.
Spencer on the term “anti-White”:
The McSpencer Group – Episode 1: New Zealand, Yang Gang, GOP Infiltration
Richard Spencer
2:10:17 minutes:
I think “It’s okay to be white” is a much stronger thing. We want a positive identity. Before we can start attacking the people who are against us, we need to say it’s okay to be who we are. I think we should focus on a positive identity first, and that without that positive identity, all that ”you’re an anti-white” stuff doesn’t work.
The people who use “anti-white” find it works great. Call anti-whites “anti-white” and see.
This TV incident will never happen if pro-Whites repeat the r-word instead of repeating “anti-white”:
Among its many strengths, the term “anti-white” brings clarity. Before white people ever heard that term, almost no whites even knew there could be anything that was anti-white, as hard as that may be to imagine now. Lacking that understanding, whites felt secure in their countries and felt no need to have any kind of conscious identity at all.
Spencer on the term “White Genocide”:
Richard Spencer Interview – Race, Birthrates, WWII (Pt. 3)
2:10:17 minutes:
It’s a bit much. It does kind of turn people off.
Well of course it does! It has to be repeated tens of thousands of times until it becomes normalized!
Spencer and a lot of prominent pro-whites want acceptance and popularity within the mainstream right now, which simply can’t be done.
But their desire for that causes them to enthusiastically embrace memes like “It’s okay to be white” to the exclusion of memes that look further down the road.
“It’s okay to be white” is a good meme for right now, but 100 years from now we don’t want the few remaining white people to be walking around mumbling “It’s okay to be White.” We want a large, healthy white population saying “Thank goodness we stopped White Genocide!”
This article isn’t intended as an attack on Spencer. It’s written in hopes that pro-whites (including Spencer) will wake up and use pro-white terminology!
Much of this article is from our poster White GeNOcide. The three graphics in the article are also links.
Deprogrammer puts his finger on the fundamental problem in his comment below.
An exchange between two pro-whites on another site:
Great reply from PW #2.
The core lie of the word “racist” is that racial feeling is a learned pathology rather than an innate trait that evolved to protect the survival of human groups.
We validate that harmful lie as a truth every time we treat the word “racist” as a valid word by using it!
Don’t punch the lying tar babies that anti-whites set out for us, and don’t try to use them. Attack with OUR OWN weapons — call anti-whites “anti-whites” and charge them with their crime of carrying out White Genocide.
The longer the wait to use the term genocide, the closer the violent end part of it becomes. When White people become a small weak minority, it will be easier to use violence against us and get away with it. These pro-Whites who shy away from our memes are like the” respectable ” GOP, still enabling the Left to maintain power and legitimacy,imo.
An excellent comment posted elsewhere:
When you use anti-whites’ terminology, you meme against yourself.
An interesting comment from elsewhere:
The detoxification of the word “racist” in the mainstream appears to have begun, but whichever the answer to the question just posed may be, IMO our strength is best applied to spreading our own terminology in the mainstream.
Most pro-Whites think only of building a movement. We focus on shifting public discourse and changing the outlook of the white population.
Psychological warfare vs. building a movement: an open letter to pro-whites fighting White Genocide
Imagine if advertising companies thought that the only way to build enthusiasm for a product was to recruit prospective buyers into a mass political movement!
Here’s some words on BREAKING THE HYPNOSIS from one of Bob Whitaker’s comments to the article I just posted:
(Bob’s complete comment contrasts the situation in America with that in Europe, where Bob sees pro-white organizations as holding more promise because “The European Thought Police State is there to be seen…in Europe they throw you in jail for heresy.” But in America, Bob thinks the hypnosis must first be broken, because “In America the first amendment and the mentality is such that we think we are free.”)
The article and Bob’s comment were written 4 years ago, and today the visible excesses of anti-whites are probably also contributing greatly to breaking the hypnosis.
A pro-white posted this about Spencer elsewhere:
Yeah, I wish all pro-whites would spread our Mantra material, but for reasons I don’t understand that’s apparently not going to happen. But the things that some other pro-whites are doing are doing some good. The effect just quoted occurred because Spencer did NOT use language that may initially put off ordinary whites. And Spencer is putting himself out there, which of course also deserves respect.
Prominent pro-whites could do what they do, and still occasionally insert a statement aimed at other pro-whites, “Bob Whitaker’s Mantra method is a good tool for changing public discourse and reorienting the perspective of white populations.” Something like that.
I just listened to a new podcast at Counter Currents — always interesting, but like most pro-white podcasts, sadly at sea when struggling to shape verbal tools to use in the present war of words.
We already have the tools! Developed by a genius and experienced political operative!
I posted this to the Counter Currents podcast:
The verbal tools developed at most pro-white sites may be more for one-on-one deprogramming than for mass deprogramming using media.
Outside of the solid activism of spreading the Mantra and its supporting memes, has pro-white activism mostly aided the pro-white goal of halting White Genocide, or mostly aided the anti-white goal of carrying out White Genocide?
I don’t know. Harm to our goals would certainly have been eliminated, and benefit greatly increased, if all pro-white groups and individuals had focused entirely on spreading the Mantra material, but that’s not going to happen even now. So best to quit fussing over it and stay focused.
Richard Speizer is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. What has he come up with that is NEW or deserving of any attention as some type of leader? the “alt-right” label is Degenerate Empowerment and is IMAGE-ORIENTED ONLY. Images are Man-above-them. Every image is BULLSHIT. There are NO IMAGES that do not mean something IN REALITY. Why play an image if you can BE IT in REAL POWER???? Controlled opposition does not have to know that they are controlled, as long as they are empowerment Man-above-them. The jewish controlled media will want to direct everyone’s power/unconscious-attention onto ones that they can beat easily at any time. If they use him, he is under their control. Does Speizer not know that he could totally jew CNN on live TV? how do they know they can put a Richard Speizer or a Davvid Duke on live TV do you think?
I don’t keep up with Richard Spencer, but if his style gets him quoted on “The View” or other programs very often, then he’s contributing significantly to normalizing pro-whitism as a participant in the national discourse, which is very good.
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