Twitter is today’s preeminent public square! Retweeting our White GeNOcide tweets is an easy way to spread Whitaker’s Mantra and its supporting Stop White Genocide memes!
Please “plagierize us! Use the phrasings in these tweets for your own tweets or posts. The same goes for all the material on this site — “steal” it and spread it!
A few tweets may not be timeless.
Why do you anti-whites never talk about making Africa less black by flooding it with millions of non-blacks and assimilating them into a black population because "black is just a freaken colour"?
Why are you ONLY demanding this to be done in white countries?#WhiteGenocide https://t.co/oqhpgvFcAh pic.twitter.com/WbcmDya4ju
— Tomasz Danecki (@t_danecki) September 28, 2019
#ProWhites! Let's all deliver the same unified message to #WhitePeople:
"Stop #WhiteGenocide!" pic.twitter.com/jAhddMBPAB
— Anti-White HateWatch (@AW_HateWatch) January 21, 2020
#WhiteGenocide forces Diversity & integration knowing that with enough propaganda & time White people will become assimilated & brown. https://t.co/ktzlbpUrPs
— new england emerald (@RightStuff47) October 5, 2019
— Anti-White HateWatch (@AW_HateWatch) October 26, 2019
The first tweet above is by a BUGSer whose tweets are especially good. Please see also:
“Oldies but Goodies” could be the title of this article.
Let’s all be Rockin’ Robins against White Genocide!
Add initials to our White House message to keep it on display!
No free speech for white people!
This tweet is a close copy of the second tweet in the article, but is addressed to “White People” rather than “Pro-whites”:
#WhitePeople! Let’s all deliver the same unified message to other white people:
“Stop #WhiteGenocide!”
The white race in the United States is being marched to the top of an Aztec pyramid where its heart is being cut out and offered to the God of “#Diversity.”
It’s not just about being outnumbered. The official policy is to chase down our race with “diversity” to integrate and racially assimilate Whites out of existence. They want us gone. #WhiteGenocide
Diversity means chasing down the last White person

Democratic Party (this one may time out eventually):
#WalkAway from #WhiteGenocide!
The Democratic Party has already chased down its whites in its Congressional Campaign Committee and expelled them:
Sing this song and walk away: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbzMIqjyrBI&feature=emb_logo
(This one may time out in a year or two):
Will you #WalkAway from #WhiteGenocide? Or will White Genocide chase you away?
#AntiWhite #Hate Patrol!

Anti-white hate hides behind the words “love,” “tolerance,” “racist,” “white privilege,” etc. Help these fine gentlemen expose anti-white hate!
Tweeter: Are you a pro-white who opposes White Genocide or an anti-white who supports White Genocide?
Participation in “#WhiteGenocide,” as you call it, is a universal human right.
It guarantees a future with no white children.
You want that, don’t you?
Or are you a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews?
Conservatives and Progressives
#Conservatives want to conserve the present steady pace of #WhiteGenocide, whereas #progressives want White Genocide to progress more rapidly.
White Genocide succinctly explained
Today millions of 3rd worlders are flooding into every white country and only white countries. Whites are told we must integrate/assimilate with these non-whites until we are a minority and eventually non-existent. #WhiteGenocide
#WhiteGenocide–Force-flooding ALL/ONLY White countries with non-Whites; Then, by law, Force-Integrating White people into these non-White populations causing White force-minoritization, and finally, assimilating Whites out of existence.
I’m sorry but could any sane person not see that flooding EVERY and ONLY White countries with #diversity, while using media to encourage Whites to reproduce with #diversity IS #WhiteGenocide?
“You are saying that this whole program of immigration and assimilation and chasing down every white on earth who wants to live in a white community is just for True Love?” ~ Bob Whitaker
(Anti-white tweet):

Doc 🇿🇦 @TawandaMugomeza
We all know that all white people are born racists by nature but #RachelKolisi isn’t. She was born with a heart full of love. May God bless her.
(Pro-white reply to the anti-white tweet):
Xenophon @Xenophon_0000
A White woman who wants her kids to be White is a #Racist
A White woman who wants her kids to be NON-White is “full of love”
#AntiRacist is a codeword for #AntiWhite
#Diversity #WhiteGenocide
Pingback: "Oh my gosh! Look at his tweets!" - Fight White Genocide
Pro-Whites don’t demand that the entire world must be White.
But #AntiWhites demand that the entire world must be non-White.
Diversity is a code word for #WhiteGenocide.
Conservatives, Liberals, Libertarians:
Liberals: White genocide NOW!
“Conservatives”: Hold on! We need a phase-in so we can ASSIMILATE with them. White genocide must be done carefully, smoothly, and LEGALLY!
“Libertarians”: Slowing down genocide is COLLECTIVIST! And costs money! Leave GENOCIDE to the MARKET!
It’s hard to see #WhiteGenocide when you’re #AntiWhite.
Turning ALL White countries and ONLY White countries into #Diverse melting pots will cause Whites to eventually become assimilated and Brown
This action constitutes genocide under article II section C of UN resolution 260
It’s hard to see #WhiteGenocide when you’re #AntiWhite
Excellent combo of graphics on this one!
90% White: “A problem”
100% non-White: “Historic First”
Imagine not realizing “diversity” just means “No White People”
The phrase “…forced assimilation thru forced integration…” handles the sacred-cow word “integration”:
“Refugee resettlement” ALWAYS occurs in White countries & ONLY White countries.
“Refugee resettlement” ALWAYS comes with forced assimilation thru forced integration.
“Refugee resettlement” is a justification for #WhiteGenocide.
Pingback: Your Stop White Genocide talking points, repeater phrases, memes - ready for use! - Fight White Genocide
Here’s a few with images that offer an explanation of White Genocide — you can drag the images onto your desktop and use them yourselves.
The white race has the right to exist. #AntiWhites carrying out #WhiteGenocide say the white race doesn’t have that right.

The graphic in this tweet will serve when you want to display Bob’s Mantra without displaying the term “White Genocide.”
Bob Whitaker and his BUGSers put #WhiteGenocide into the mainstream. It took roughly 10 years.
Bob’s Mantra remains the best explanation of White Genocide.
RIP Bob.

“#Hater” is a slur that #AntiWhites hide behind to carry out #WhiteGenocide.

“…where no one is targeted because of their faith, race or ethnicity.”
You’re recommending an end to #WhiteGenocide??
BRAVO! And to think that I considered you to be #AntiWhite! So embarrassing to be so wrong!

Three anti-white contradictions:
AntiWhites openly boast about the BROWN future they demand for EVERY White country, and ONLY White countries.
Then they say #WhiteGenocide is a conspiracy theory
(Good graphics with this one):
AntiWhites promise Whites if they return to Europe, they will be allowed to shelter themselves from diversity.
In the real world: Europe has open borders, mass NONWhite immigration, and forced integration, which continues to destroy our genepool via assimilation
AntiWhites will demonize the White race for having #Privilege, then SWEAR that there’s no such thing as the White race.
Flooding ALL White countries with non-Whites and forcing White people to share every aspect of their lives with non-Whites, will inevitably lead to enough interbreeding to completely destroy our race.
AntiWhites always try to make things personal rather than address that point.
#AntiWhites hide behind hate words as they carry out #WhiteGenocide.
Anti-white contradiction:
“There’s no such thing as the White race but the White race has to go.” ~ Anti-Whites
“Diversity” means chasing down White people. #WhiteGenocide
What is White Genocide?
#WhiteGenocide is #AntiWhites flooding #White countries with the #ThirdWorld and forcing #integration that will blend us out of existence.
It’s not anti-racism, it’s anti-whitism.
Asians, Africans, and Arabs are allowed to keep exclusive territories at will but Whites are not. Whites across the globe must be chased down by #Diversity.
The mixing that will eventually happen will ONLY get rid of my people, White people.
“Does mere skin color matter?” (Bob Whitaker)
“Does mere skin color matter?
Make a list of dark skinned countries.
You have just made a list of countries hundreds of thousands of people want out of.
Make a list of light colored countries.
You have made a list of countries hundreds of thousands want INTO.” ~ Bob Whitaker
Would you be in favor of all white world because skin colour doesn’t matter?
Or are you just trying to cover up #WhiteGenocide?
When you use the phrase “chasing down whites” or “chasing down the last white person” and the reply is “who is doing the chasing??
lol. You’ve never heard of White Flight? They do studies to find populations of White people and make them “diverse.”
“Diversity” is a code word for #WhiteGenocide
Here’s a good graphic to tweet:

White self hatred is SICK!!!
And white self hatred is taught daily. Evil white people.
White guilt, white privilege, evil whites had slaves, come on, don’t play stupid.
Here’s a good graphic to tweet:

The entire non-white world practices ethno-nationalism. You just hate white people.

No one knew what a “racist” was in 1960. Ten years later most White people were scared to death of being called one.
Repetition works. That’s why #AntiWhites complain when we do it.
Anti-racist is a code word for #AntiWhite.
“Diversity” is a code word for white genocide.
“Diversity” MEANS chasing down white people.
You calling this “some weird race-mixing fetish” makes you the pathetic one. Don’t you believe in loving someone else regardless of their race and ethnicity?
You’re saying that this whole program of immigration and assimilation and chasing down every white person on earth who wants to live in a white community is just for true love?
(The sentence in bold is a meme by Bob Whitaker.)
You’re saying women having a choice of who to have children with is genocidal?
I’m saying that white people not having a choice on massive non-white immigration and assimilation is genocidal.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white
There has never been any “anti-racist” campaign that targeted any non-white group.
“Anti-racist” is a code word for #AntiWhite.
“Who is white?”
White person: anyone an #AntiWhite would demonize for defending their own people and territory.
“There’s no White Genocide”
There’s no white genocide you utter utter moron
If there is no #WhiteGenocide exactly which countries are allowed to remain White?
You can’t solve a problem until you identify the problem. How did we get into this situation where ALL white countries that have been white for hundreds or thousands of years are being flooded & force assimilated with millions of non-whites to the point they will be the majority?
Africa will still be full of all African tribes, Asia still full of all Asian peoples but white countries for EVERYBODY, where the program of “diversity” chases down anything “too white” and demands it accept more non-whites.
“Diversity” is a code word for white genocide.
You can’t solve a problem until you identify the problem. How did we get into this situation where ALL white countries that have been white for hundreds or thousands of years are being flooded & force assimilated with millions of non-whites to the point they will be the majority?
Africa will still be full of all African tribes, Asia still full of all Asian peoples but white countries for EVERYBODY, where the program of “diversity” chases down anything “too white” and demands it accept more non-whites.
“Diversity” is a code word for white genocide.
Click on one of these tweets and retweet it, folks! There’s no time limit. Retweeting these brings more readers to the popular article that’s linked in them, which was posted on this site two years ago and has almost 20,000 views at the moment.
Diversity means chasing down the last White person
#Diversity means chasing down the last White person, because no area is allowed to remain White. #ChasingDownWhites #whitegenocide
From your anti-white point of view…but to the untrained eye…
LOL I suppose, from your antiWhite point-of- view, History does look that way.
But, to the untrained eye, it looks like you’re trying to use history to justify destroying White groups of people.
There’s no justification for genocide.
“hate speech”…free speech
Anti-White hate speech is free speech.
Pro-White free speech is “hate speech”.
“Hate speech” is any speech anti-Whites hate.
Duh, what’s a “white country”?
You know exactly what a white country is, stop playing dumb.
Non-whites are always moving towards white countries, white towns, white schools, white sports teams.
In our white countries, “diversity” MEANS chasing down white people.
You’re free to move to asia/africa
Anti-Whites are not sophisticated enough to understand that #WhiteGenocide means MORE than one immigrant, and MORE than one marriage.
“Diversity” means CHASING DOWN the last White person to blend us out of existence.
(excellent gif at end)
“Have more babies!”
The reason why you all are getting the influx in immigration in the first place is because you’re not having enough children.
Imagine telling a family that they must have a certain number of children in order to keep their property.
Telling my race that we’re only allowed to keep our homeland if we overpopulate is just a lame excuse for #WhiteGenocide…
“Non-Whites are superior, wonderful”