If like Ann Coulter you support free speech today, Berkeley students will call you a Nazi!
And when anti-whites ridiculously use that slur (as projected on the wall in the photo below), do say what’s really going on:
“Anti-Whites hide behind their anti-White slurs to carry out White Genocide!”
UC Police report multiple arrests related to Ann Coulter appearance on campus
Do anti-whites ever get tired of their worn out pejoratives? (That’s as unkind as asking a cripple if he gets tired of his crutches.)
Hey, anti-whites, here’s some fresh memes you can spread:
Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, white countries for EVERYBODY!
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person.
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.
White self-hatred is SICK!!!
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Pro-whites want a future with white children.
Anti-whites want a future with no child left white.
That’s a good one!
When do we get a “day of remembrance” for the very much larger number of whites who are killed as the result of anti-white hate taught by our schools and other institutions?
Preach it, Queen Ann, we love you! (I do anyway, and most pro-whites I know do). Don’t be deterred by the screamers, thugs and thought police!
“Screamer University,” ain’t that a fact!
I like that Tweeter’s profile statement: “Welcome to the U.S.’s most active student organization: SCREAMERS, THUGS, and THOUGHT POLICE. Join us!”
All those tweets can be retweeted, liked, or replied to. (Later edit: Well, that used to be true, well before Elon Musk’s version of “free speech absolutism” arrived!)
But do today’s crazed anti-whites really need any help in doing our work for us? I think they do. Their blatant anti-whiteness is waking up lots of whites, but Whites need to be woken up specifically to the issue of White Genocide.
Add initials to our White House message to keep it on display!
Other tweets about the event, with very brief video clips:
Ann Coulter says why she is going to speak:
Ann Coulter is escorted into Wheeler Hall to give her speech:
Anti-white protestors:
Two-minute overview of Free Speech and Ann Coulter at UCBerkeley:
Without video clips:
Hate-filled anti-whites display banner against free speech:
A bit of anti-white hated directed at Ann Coulter during her Berkeley speech:
If the link to the photo of “Nazi” projected on the wall gets corrupted (again), hopefully this will get it:
(Links to the screen-shot tweets in the article if those Twitter accounts are ever restored):