“The pro-White defense of Southern statues or other White statues is a protest against White Genocide.
“White culture, and the visible objects of White culture that we hold dear, anchor our identity as Whites in our hearts and enable us to resist being blended out of existence by the millions of third-worlders that anti-Whites usher into our countries.
“The goal of anti-Whites is to chase down the last White person and blend him out of existence with diversity.” – Robert E. Lee vs. White Genocide
Monument Ave. in Richmond, VA, the capital of the former Confederacy, was denuded today of its last statue of a White man, leaving only the statue of a Black tennis star.
All of the below are now gone except the last one:
- J.E.B. Stuart Monument
- Robert E. Lee Monument
- Jefferson Davis Memorial
- Stonewall Jackson Monument
- Matthew Fontaine Maury Monument
- Arthur Ashe Monument
Robert E. Lee’s statue was the final one removed today amid loud cheering and singing, and chants of “Whose streets! Our streets!” from anti-Whites eager to do to the White race itself what they’re doing to that race’s cultural artifacts and institutions.
Lee of Virginia had been asked by Abraham Lincoln to head the Union army, but in an age in which men still strongly identified as sons of their state, he chose instead to stand with his own people of Virginia rather than wage war against them.
Which White leaders today will do the same?
Certainly not the recent anti-White Governors of Virginia.
We received this from a contributor who lived in Richmond, VA as a child in the 1940s:
“I grew up a few blocks from Lee’s statue, piling up fall leaves to jump in as a child next to another Confederate statue on Monument Ave., listening to the trolly go by on Robinson St., and dunking for apples at Halloween in the neighborhood elementary school I walked to in completely thoughtless safety every weekday morning, zippity doo dah bluebird on my shoulder! It all seems like an idyll to me now. The Confederacy was very much alive in our minds when I was born in its capital. A book “Sunstar and Pepper” my parents gave me (or maybe it was Santa Claus) for Christmas, about a boy who ran away with his horse to join Jeb Stuart, was as beloved by me as my collection of WWII “Yankee Flier” books. When I was older and wearily hitchhiking home from Mexico, how good it felt to suddenly see on that two-lane highway in the Appalachian mountains the sign, “Welcome to Virginia”! And now Virginia is ruled for years by freak anti-White governors who campaign on platforms of carrying out White Genocide!”
White Genocide is happening!
Robert Whitaker’s Mantra – Spread It!
An article from 2017:
An article from 2054!
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how much longer are we going to let theese animals go unchecked?
Pingback: Robert E. Lee vs. White Genocide - Fight White Genocide
“Lee of Virginia had been asked by Abraham Lincoln to head the Union army, but in an age in which men still strongly identified as sons of their state, he chose instead to stand with his own people of Virginia rather than wage war against them.”
Robert E. Lee was loyal to his people, which in his day were his fellow Virginians, rather than loyal to the U.S. government.
I doubt he’d consider the U.S. government of today worthy of his loyalty either.