We thought this classic article by a contributor who experienced segregated and then integrated schools in the U.S. South had been lost, and we thank the person who saved it. It was originally published October, 2013 by the now inactive site White GeNOcide Project.
“The Lost Class of ’59”
That’s what Edward R. Murrow’s television special called us, the scheduled-to-graduate high school seniors of Norfolk, Va. when that city’s public schools were closed during the fall of 1959 to resist the Supreme Court’s edict that America integrate its schools.
I’d attended four other high schools in the South before coming to Granby High School in Norfolk, and what I recall about all of my childhood and teenage schooling in the 1940s and 1950s in the South is the relative order, serenity, and learning that marked it.
On a sudden hunch a few nights ago, I googled “Granby High School” + “security,” to see how Granby has fared in the half century since I was a student there.
Yow! Gang fights, police cars called to the school, a student arrested with a gun, TV news clips of groups of black students (only their handcuffed arms shown in the clips) being led out of the school under arrest.
Do the White students attending these schools today have any idea how unimaginable all that would have sounded to myself and to other White students in the 1940s and 1950s?
A security guard, in a school? What for? You’re kidding me! It will never happen! And what is a “security guard”??
In the cities I lived in, there were no “security guards” in any establishments whatsoever.
But old guys are always saying that things were better back in their day, right?
Well, at Granby High School, things were better back in my day.
A LOT better.
So, what does the forcing of new folkways onto Granby High School and onto the rest of our society during the last 50 years have to do with White Genocide?
Forced racial integration is a key weapon in carrying out White Genocide, and the degrading of our public schools in the last half century is collateral damage from that weapon.
Forced integration has caused a lot of collateral damage in our society. Knoxville’s gruesome Christian/Newsom torture/murders wouldn’t have occurred except for the integration of the apartment complex where Channon Christian was visiting the day the couple was kidnapped.
But forced integration’s chief role is to “assimilate” Whites with the non-whites who are being flooded into White countries world wide, so that Whites will intermarry with them in numbers sufficient to blend Whites out of existence or at least reduce Whites to tiny minorities in their countries.
Massive immigration and forced assimilation is called genocide when it’s done to Tibetans in Tibet, but it’s called “diversity” and “multiculturalism” when it’s done to Whites in White countries.
It’s genocide by UN Convention:
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
The enforcers of White Genocide say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-WHITE!
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
Trigger warning: This short clip will “bring tears to your eyes.”
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“Knoxville’s gruesome Christian/Newsom torture/murders wouldn’t have occurred except for the integration of the apartment complex where Channon Christian was visiting the day the couple was kidnapped.”
That fact of course was never mentioned even in the intense local coverage of the crime. This “petition” that was displayed on the White House’s website gave slightly more detail (this may take a moment to load):
Explain to the American people the connection between the Christian/Newsom torture/murders and White Genocide