Aside from his sizable errors in saying White Genocide “is not about race” (eh, what?!) and always referring to White Genocide as “replacement,” Tucker did a useful intro to the topic a few nights ago.
Tucker said White Genocide “is not about race” because it’s done as an “electoral strategy.”
Hey Tucker, next time say that this way:
But I thank Tucker very much, because maybe he’s pushing to the max what Fox News will allow him to say.
Tucker said the greatest problem with the floods of third-world immigrants into the U.S. is “the stability of the country.”
We say the greatest problem with floods of third world immigrants into Western countries is the irreversible blending out of existence of the founding race of our country and of the other countries of the West.
Anti-Whites work for White Genocide in every way they can.
Most of the sections in the UN Genocide Convention below apply to White Genocide, but consider especially section (c).
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
Let’s check that out for White Genocide:
Yep, it checks out. Let’s do one more check:
So White Genocide is a prosecutable crime by international law.
“Replacement” as described by Tucker is not a prosecutable crime, which is another reason to use the correct term and to identify its full meaning.
Our job as pro-Whites is to normalize the term “White Genocide” by repeating it in every appropriate setting. Then it will become part of normal discourse and even Tucker Carlson will be able to safely say it.
Pro-Whites want a future with White children. Anti-Whites want a future with no child left White.
A few more comments:
Anyone who speaks from within the confines of our mass Media must attach his remarks to acceptable anti-White falsehoods in order to not cause such an uproar that he’ll be fired. In his segment above, Tucker attaches his remarks to the falsehood “it’s not about race,” which is about as destructive an anti-White idea in the Era of White Genocide as anyone could think of.
Notice that Tucker never says the word “white” in his segment. That’s so he won’t be accused of being a nazi-who-wants-to-clone-hitler-and-kill-six-million-jews.
But in this era of non-White privilege, non-Whites can say whatever they wish about race, and can even speak the name of their own racial group aloud! Imagine such privilege, White people!
It’s easy to carry out genocide against a race that doesn’t even feel allowed to speak its name.
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See also:
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