Chris Rufo has led the war against Critical Race Theory, the weapon of mass destruction of Whites that anti-Whites are deploying in American schools, companies and government agencies. CRT is used by anti-Whites to instill deep feelings of unworthiness in White adults and White children, by charging them with being incorrigible oppressors of non-Whites. If sufficiently paralyzed by self-hate, Whites will submit meekly to White Genocide.
It may seem stunningly contradictory, but anti-CRT warrior Chris Rufo strongly supports White Genocide — in fact, he exults in it! Blending White people out of existence with mass third world immigration and forced assimilation? “I think ultimately that’s going to be good!” gushes Chris Rufo!
(Please excuse the word that Scott Greer introduces that clip with. The accurate term is “White Genocide”)
Rufo says, “Whoever you love, go for it!” But is he talking about interracial marriage in the same sense you may think of it, as simply a decision between two individuals to marry? Absolutely not! To create the America that Rufo proposes, with no White people left in America at all, and to do the same to other majority White countries, anti-White Western governments must continue their programs of mass third-world immigration and forced integration plus propaganda to intermarry that result in mass outbreeding that will blend Whites away.
Under normal conditions (no forced assimilation with unending floods of immigrants of other races), a race that’s overwhelmingly the majority race in its homelands wouldn’t be threatened with extinction in those homelands by its infrequent marital unions with small racial minorities residing there. But anti-Whites have put Whites today under the very abnormal conditions of mass third-world immigration, forced integration, and mass advertising that depicts mixed marriages as the new normal for Whites.
Creating conditions to BLEND A RACE OUT OF EXISTENCE is only being done to Whites!
Sure, Chris. White folk who oppose White Genocide are morally inferior to decent White folk like yourself who dream of White Genocide’s success.
As with so many issues, anti-White ideology guides both sides of the CRT issue!
Chris Rufo illustrates perfectly that CRT’s most prominent opponents share the same goal as CRT’s supporters: keep White people from developing any sense of a White identity that would cause them to oppose White Genocide!
The tactical taboo that Anti-Whites have created against Whites caring about themselves as Whites, and therefore opposing White Genocide, must be maintained at all costs, while persons of all other races are encouraged to express their racial identities to the utmost.
Has Chris Rufo ever called the much stronger racial identitarianism of non-white races “pathetic and disgusting”? I doubt it! Only Whites must be made to feel like scum if they care about their own race!
The graphics in this article are links.
Rufo speaks as if all races are to be blended away by the current genocide, but the races that anti-Whites are flooding into White countries to mix en masse with Whites, to blend Whites out of existence, will survive intact in their own homelands. No one is flooding African countries with millions of non-Africans! No one is flooding China with millions of non-Chinese!
“Interfaith unions”? These interracial marriages were reported to be “surging” even a decade ago, which forecasts that over time the number of such marriages will contribute heavily to White Genocide in Britain.
1. Trends and patterns in intermarriage
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
Those conditions, which we’ll repeat over and over in this article, are mainly forced integration with never ending floods of third-world immigrants, and mass propaganda to intermarry that blankets us constantly from “our” media and other institutions. Those are forced conditions — White people would never have voted for any of them!
Also, Rufo’s “Whoever you love, go for it!” implies that the extinction of the White race rests on nothing but the personal choices of White people.
That view completely misrepresents human nature, and pretends that the advertising industry and all other projects of mass conditioning have been just an ineffective waste of trillions of dollars!
So why does Chris Rufo support White Genocide? He’s led large numbers of Whites in successful campaigns to block anti-White CRT through legislative and other pressures on school boards, etc., actions which should be the first steps taken by his White followers in recognizing their collective strength and organizing to halt White Genocide. Why is Rufo so opposed to the Whites who follow him acquiring a sufficient sense of their identity as Whites that they will work to halt White Genocide?
Surely a big part of it must be that he has a mixed family himself. Using his own words, I’ll interject that it’s “pathetic and disgusting” when a person seemingly tailors his ideology so perfectly to his personal circumstance.
But really I don’t consider Rufo‘s ideology to be perfectly tailored to his personal circumstance at all. Mixed families like all other families should oppose genocide and oppose White Genocide! No single mixed family is a sizable threat to the White race just by being mixed, a fact that often escapes notice in our innumerate society.
Anti-Whites love to pose the issue as being just the issue of individual intermarriage, in a vacuum, rather than the issue being the imposition of conditions that raise the amount of intermarriage to extinction levels!
There’s no good reason that that lady above, the same as Rufo and all decent citizens of majority White countries shouldn’t organize against mass third-world immigration and forced assimilation that can raise the amount of interbreeding so high in those countries that Whites will be blended away. If they have no qualms about genocide itself, then their love for their own families should at least cause them to reflect honestly on what a world without White people will actually be like. There’s a reason that all the countries that non-Whites try to get into are White countries.
Chris Rufo is a senior fellow and director of the Initiative on Critical Race Theory at hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer‘s Manhattan Institute, one of the many organs of Conservatism Inc. that produce content to keep conservatives’ minds away from White Genocide.
Paul Singer donates generously to a group that supports amnesty for illegal immigrants, the National Immigration Forum (NIF).
“For Singer, the move to become involved financially is in keeping with his history of pro-business policies…”
The attractive couple larping as “dreamers” below would like to give you a reminder:
Your regular reminder that Dreamers still need a pathway to citizenship. pic.twitter.com/L6OsbjOetz
— National Immigration Forum (@NatImmForum) July 3, 2021
Chris Rufo and Paul Singer are financially rewarded for supporting White Genocide, as is Rufo’s opponent Howard Ross, whose remuneration Rufo laments.
Diversity mogul Howard Ross states that he’s built his life around an historical event. That event and others that should be fading into history are kept alive by academia and media as if they were happening today, in order to keep Whites (including Chris Rufo) stoked up to a white-hot fear of Whites acquiring any sense of identity.
White people, pull your heads out of that torrent of anti-White propaganda about the past, and turn your minds to anti-Whites’ program of White Genocide that’s being carried out TODAY!
The number of mixed children we’re already seeing in the place of White children isn’t going to remain static. That’s not the way exponential growth works!
Possibly by rubbing their noses in anti-White CRT for so long, Rufo will unintentionally awaken his White followers to their Whiteness and to the need to oppose White Genocide.
And hopefully Chris Rufo himself will think through the implications of his anti-White position, and will speak out against what he’s so far spoken fervently in favor of, blending out of existence the White population of the United States.
See also this later and shorter article:
Chris Rufo hammers “colorblindness” to slip support for White Genocide into DeSantis’s campaign
There’s 74 links in this article! Here’s the article’s 10 most interesting links IMO.
1. The first 2 links in the article’s first sentence:
“Chris Rufo” is a quick listen to Rufo being at a loss when asked by Marc Lamont Hill “What do you like about being White?”
“led the war” is to several tweets by Darren Beattie that give excellent advice to Rufo on how he could have answered, followed by Rufo’s disappointingly dismissive reply.
2. The picture of Rufo being interviewed links the essential short clip that’s quoted under the picture.
3. The “White Self Hatred is Sick” picture links to a very readable article on that topic.
4. Much further down, the first appearance of the name of Rufo’s “boss” at the Manhattan Institute, Paul Singer, links to a fun clip of Donald Trump trashing Singer.
5. The second appearance of the name “Paul Singer” links to a longer Tucker Carlson segment on Singer’s vulture capitalism.
6. At the end of the article:
The first appearance of the word “event” is to a clip of diversity mogul Howard Ross speaking a few short words that explain a lot about his career.
The second appearance of the word “event” shortly after is to a 10-minute vid that surely must be THE MOST ENTERTAINING PRO-WHITE VIDEO EVER MADE — DON’T MISS IT!
The word “others” right afterward is to another very entertaining video.
7. The last item in the article, the graphic “Pro-Whites want a future with White children,” links to material that readers are invited to spread. Of course you’re invited to spread any material on this site, no attribution necessary.
Somehow all the objections that anti-Whites make to White Genocide being called a genocide got covered in this article.
For pro-Whites posting our material online, the article above on Chris Rufo covers rather thoroughly most of the flawed “arguments” you’ll encounter from anti-Whites, including from the large number of anti-Whites who describe themselves as “conservative” but who pride themselves on supporting White Genocide:
Chris Rufo hates Critical Race Theory but loves White Genocide!
All you had to do was mention Paul Singers relationship with Chris Rufo and the picture becomes overwhelmingly clear. Rufo along with other “con-inc” approved pundits are nothing more than entertainment for gullible and naive Whites who steadfastly adhere to the “one race-human race” credo. They are a pressure release valve for those who’s virtuosity is more important than admitting that they are White and they deserve to have an identity like everyone else….that they deserve advocacy. By supporting Rufo they can safely voice their concerns without fear of being called “racist”. However, the other side doesn’t care and will deem them racist anyway.
Very well said! Thank you.
What a huge scam this sort of thing is. Steven Crowder’s recent rejection of a $50 million (fifty MILLION!) dollar deal with The Daily Wire if he’d only allow himself to be controlled (is what the conditions amounted to) shows what a huge financial racket is being run — media communicators are being bought off by Con Inc. with huge amounts of money, or at least comfortable salaries for the lesser stars.
It’s hard to imagine how Crowder would be different from how he already is if he became “controlled.”
True! He probably wasn’t my best pick as an example.
But I think the episode does illustrate how Con Inc. runs the show.
What this student reports is in all our institutions today.
‘Leftist Agenda In Class’: 15-Year-Old High School Student Exposes Critical Race Theory In Speech
“When I questioned why the equity statement couldn’t represent all students they told me that to even ask that question was outlandish and offensive.”
Chris Rufo’s sponsor Paul Singer played a considerable role in making Twitter the corrupt anti-White tool of White Genocide that it became.
Twitter’s Jack Dorsey Has A New Nemesis: Hedge Fund Billionaire Paul Singer
Jack Dorsey Reveals He Gave Up Fight Against Censorship Due to Paul Singer’s Hostile Takeover of Twitter in 2020
That video clip, or maybe Scott Greer’s tweet that it’s in, has lately gotten a little corrupted. But if you let it just play through where it goes silent, then after it’s finished the sound will oddly come back on and the clip will automatically start over and quickly skip to finish the part it left out.
I assume Elija Schaffer and Sydney Watson are the interviewers, but I wasn’t able to find the show that that clip is from. If anyone has that clip, or the show it’s from, uncorrupted, a link to it in a comment here would be very appreciated!
I like this commenter’s short extract of some of the points of this article.
Here’s a very interesting Twitter thread that Darren Beattie courteously directed at Chris Rufo about the desirability of using the term “anti-White”:
Scott Greer says:
“Rufo does occasionally acknowledge that CRT is anti-white, but always with unnecessary qualifiers. ‘Critical race theory is explicitly anti-white,’ he replied to Revolver News’ Darren Beattie on the topic. ‘But it is also anti-Asian, anti-rational, and anti-democratic. I think it is [a] much deeper problem—‘anti-whiteness’ is merely one element.’
“Yet based on Rufo’s own reporting, anti-whiteness appears to be the predominant element. School children are not taught to check their ‘democratic’ privilege. These lesson plans don’t say that all ‘rational’ people are racist from birth. We are not told to repeat that our nation was founded on ‘Asian supremacy.’ All of these efforts are directed against whites.”
Pingback: Hey, Tucker Carlson! Will you call God a 'Nazi' for programming humans to love their race? - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: "Conservative" gatekeeper Charlie Kirk blocks White Genocide awareness - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Nick Fuentes says, “White Genocide is the most important thing going on in the world today.” - Fight White Genocide
Pingback: Chris Rufo hammers "colorblindness" to slip support for White Genocide into DeSantis's campaign - Fight White Genocide