Her actual words:
“I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party. It’s now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness who divide us by racializing every issue and stoking anti-White racism.”
What a welcome thunderbolt! And thank you, Tulsi Gabbard, for using the term “anti-White“! We need to use that accurate term until it’s as common as the anti-Whites’ mighty r-word that they’ve conquered and now rule us with.
And speaking of their r-word, below is a friend’s alert to me today of Tulsi’s bombshell — my reply is in red:
Subject: Tulsi Gabbard used “anti-White”
When are people going to stop using “Anti-White racism” and just start using “anti-white”?
My reply:
It’s a HUGE step for anyone in the mainstream to leave out the r-word and just say “anti-White,” because then they’re committing the terrible sin of caring about Whites rather than caring primarily about “racism.” But dropping the r-word will slowly happen. It may happen very slowly for a long while, and then change almost overnight.
That change can’t happen fast enough! Every time we use the anti-Whites’ mighty r-word as a valid word, we push more deeply into White minds all the anti-White baggage that anti-Whites have loaded onto the word, along with the word’s harmful core lie:
But thank you, Tulsi! I got your news very late in the day, and it will make me go to bed happy!
Note: “Anti-Whiteism,” or “anti-Whitism” is the noun form to spread. Yes, it sounds awkward now, but that’s only because it’s new. It’s not inherently awkward any more than “anti-semitism” is. In fact it’s slightly more logical, no?
I’m sure Tulsi opposes White Genocide. But be sure to ask her, and ask all other political figures too.
Tulsi can fight anti-Whiteism by helping to build The Stop White Genocide Party!
I wonder how many of our more decent politicians actually understand the severity of what’s going on. Paul Craig Roberts doubts that even Putin understands the extent of the evil he’s up against. Tulsi does seem to have at least a clue though.
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