Eh?! The White man’s medicine has a lot of problems today, but I doubt this “woke” oath has anything to do with that! (I note the unquestioning support given elsewhere in the oath ceremony to today’s mask/vaccine orthodoxy.)
This oath is just another example of today’s pervasive anti-Whiteism that anti-Whites spread to facilitate carrying out White Genocide.
The oath features both today’s anti-White critical race theory and today’s project of attacking White schoolchildren mentally and physically by having them question their gender:
“We recognize inequities built by past and present traumas rooted in white supremacy, colonialism, the gender binary, ableism, and all forms of oppression.”
Are you wondering what “gender binary” means? Get hip, my friend, before the gender police send you to reeducation camp!
“Our institution is located on Dakota land. Today, many Indigenous people from throughout the state, including Dakota and Ojibwe, call the Twin Cities home; we also recognize this acknowledgment is not enough. We commit to uprooting the legacy and perpetuation of structural violence deeply embedded within the healthcare system.”
“the legacy and perpetuation of structural violence deeply embedded within the healthcare system.”
Eh?? Is our medical profession about to turn away from it’s long tradition of routinely mutilating the genitals of newborn baby boys??
“this beautiful final oath that we will read together” begins at time 1:41:11.
The White Coat Ceremony has each incoming medical student don his first white doctor’s coat. The ceremony was begun in the 1990s and is now an annual event at many medical schools.
Whoa! If you thought the “wokeness” in the oath above was intense, check out the oath recited by Washington University’s incoming medical students in 2020!
I watched the University of Minnesota’s whole ceremony, and it was all very warm and sugary. It reminded me of the very pleasant, very cared-for feeling I get at my own medical appointments today.
That feeling is good for my health, but it could be bad for my health if it were to lull me into following bad medical advice. (Refresh the page at that first link if necessary.)
Bad medical advice today hides itself behind the same humanistic ideal that White Genocide hides behind: extend loving, empathetic care to all human beings. (So invite the whole suffering world into your country to blend you out of existence.)
These oaths are much more than just a welcome expression of a new humility on the part of doctors. They’re a degradation ritual imposed on White medical students, who are required to recite the litany of White “sins” that are used by anti-Whites to justify White Genocide.
In effect, White medical students are being required to pledge that they too will support White Genocide!
The graphics in this article are links
The Whites among these students have been conditioned so successfully by their anti-White schools, media, etc. that they arrive at medical school ready to write their own self-denigrating oaths. They’ve been falsely persuaded that their country is beset by “racism” (which is always a White thing of course) when in fact that fight has long been won, and what is going on today is White Genocide.
All of these students could start tapping into reality by looking at what has lately been done to their own prospective profession, which at its present accelerating rate of corruption may be almost a complete scam by the time they become practicing physicians.
France’s long-time vaccine policy chief: Covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical”
Let’s be fair. As Christian Barnard, the first doctor to transplant a human heart once said, “If I have taken heart surgery further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Aztec Giants.”
Let White People Die: America Embarks on Anti-White Medical Discrimination
Read Ann Coulter’s scary review of Heather Mac Donald’s new book about the assault on standards for doctors, When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives.
While White Genocide is being completed, anti-Whites are determined to make our lives unpleasant in as many ways as possible.