Pennsylvania’s Lower Merion School District has cancelled its 50 year tradition of annual Halloween day parades, and will instead offer its young students “fall-themed activities.”
October 31, 2022
“Children, today we celebrate ‘Autumn Leaves Day,’ the day when all our brilliantly colored autumn leaves remind us of our own lovely colors, and of how pale and wan our country was before the brighter colors of all humanity came here and enriched us!
“‘Wan’ is our new word for today, children! It means ‘pale, and appearing ill or exhausted from being racist!’
“Today we’ll celebrate our American rainbow freedoms by assigning gender and pronouns to each of the beautiful autumn leaves we’ve brought to class!”
That and other fall-themed activities will replace the traditional Halloween parades that the District has cancelled “due to ‘inclusivity’ and ‘safety’ concerns.”
“Traditions change over time,” says Community Relations Director and Autumn Leaves Day supporter Amy Buckman below.
No doubt the school district was made parade-shy by the massive media attention given the slaughter of 6 and injury of more than 50 in the Waukesha, Wisconsin parade that White-hating Darrell Brooks purposefully plowed his car through (scroll down to that city’s prominently displayed name at the link).
But I’m just kidding, folks. That crime was Black-on-White rather than White-on-Black (the latter category being rare, but always reported at fever pitch by national anti-White media), so it’s unlikely that anyone in the school district had ever heard of it.
Also, the school district’s parades were going to be held on school grounds as usual.
With enough police on hand — oh wait, probably the police of that school district have been defunded to divert the money to giving criminals the love they need rather than cruelly policing them, and like many police departments now, they are very understaffed.
So, thanks to the dedication of our ruling anti-White elites to making their program of White Genocide as destructively uncomfortable as it is genocidal, danger can always be claimed to be a consideration today. It wasn’t always so!
Amy Buckman, Director of School & Community Relations for the school district and supporter of “Autumn Leaves Day”:
“Halloween is a holiday that some of our students don’t celebrate, for religious or cultural reasons, and in the past they had sort of sat in the library while their classmates were having a parade…
“We looked at all of that and we said, ‘Are the parades really that important to the students?’ And the answer we came up with is not really.”
“Inclusivity” seems to mean that everyone gets excluded from everything.
Well, not everyone.
Ms. Buckman:
As you say, the view that the parades aren’t important is the answer that you “came up with.”
It’s not the answer the children would give, since they obviously love their Halloween parades.
They love the parades because they haven’t yet had their aliveness squeezed out of them by fretting over anti-White mirages like “inclusivity.”
When they participate in their society’s celebrations, they bond naturally to their society and to each other.
Which is exactly why the anti-Whites in charge work to destroy our traditional celebrations and every other cultural expression that connects us with each other.
As we become isolated and weakened by the destruction of our culture and our society, we become less able to resist White Genocide.
Did the Lower Merion School District get orders from on high to cancel their parades? Not exactly, I’m guessing. Educators nation-wide, just like professionals in all other fields, are now trained by workshops and conditioned by the pervasive anti-Whiteism of our culture to support “inclusivity” and all the other anti-White phantasmagoria that flicker on and off continually in conditioned White minds.
“How do you think the children sitting in the library because they don’t celebrate Halloween feel?” is very close to the question “How do you think having the White race around makes other races feel?”
It makes them feel bad — the unavoidable evidence everywhere of what Whites have accomplished, and Whites’ annoying observance of punctuality, and other “White traits.”
We need to realize that all the anti-White measures that are being carried out today are part of completing White Genocide.
We need to understand that all the anti-White measures being taken are connected. It’s not an accident that the anti-White narrative is strikingly the same in every White country. The elites who are working to complete White Genocide and reduce the rest of humankind to bug-eating enslavement are connected to each other.
Many other Halloween parades have been cancelled also:
The article below and the video that follows it are very good for being mainstream responses. The anti-white justifications quoted from school administrators for banning their Halloween festivities make the Lower Merion School District sound almost sane.
But high level anti-Whites are smiling happily that all the outrage is directed at the “woke” nonsense that school administrators have been trained to recite, rather than at the anti-White elite’s program of White Genocide that our culture is being cancelled to facilitate.
School Cancels Halloween Parade, Claiming Black Males Feel Marginalized
The graphics in this article are links
Airlines’ new inclusive “enrichment” flights – book now!
Was this foreigner trying to join in and celebrate Halloween with a small prank?
He was a bit off the cultural mark with the date and a few other things.
Be warned that the headline of this disgusting but hilarious article (well, you be the judge whether it’s hilarious or not!) is its mildest part.
He tried to fit in by being the life of the party, but he misunderstood the term “party-pooper.”