This article’s original title:
Congressman Jim Banks says his new Pro-White Caucus will fight anti-Whites’ tyranny in schools, military, government!
But Jim Banks doesn’t use the terms “pro-White” and “anti-White. He and the “conservative” media that cover him cripple themselves at the outset by obediently using the term that their anti-White opponents have invented to make anti-Whites look good. That’s the bullshit term “woke.”
The graphics in this article are also links
For the last 50 years we Whites have helped anti-Whites drive their terminology deep into White brains and into White culture, by repeating their anti-White phrases for them over and over. Anti-Whites’ mighty r-word, the slur they hide behind to carry out White Genocide, has been repeated endlessly by us:
I’m not racist! I’m really not racist racist racist racist, at all!
Racist Democrats are the real racists! They are racists racists racists racists! Do you hear me?! Racists racists racists racists racists racists!!
Every time we repeat that word, no matter how we use it, all the anti-White messages that anti-Whites have hung on it are driven a little deeper into White minds, along with the word’s core lie:
And now we’re about to drive anti-Whites’ prideful word “woke” deeper into White minds, where it will deposit its false positive message that anti-Whites are agents of positive change rather than zombie thugs who’ve been hypnotized into a moral coma.
Why are we doing this? Can we think of nothing more effective than blindly repeating anti-Whites’ phony word over and over?
You’re not truly woke! You’re not really woke woke woke woke at all!
You’re not the least little bit woke woke woke woke woke woke woke! Quit pretending you’re woke woke woke woke woke woke!
Toss that lying word “woke” in the trash so you quit helping anti-Whites repeat over and over that lying name they invented for themselves!
Call anti-Whites by their accurate name that shines the light of truth on them: “anti-White“!
“Empathetic,” “tolerant,” etc. is the crap we’re going to have to read and listen to from these anti-Whites so long as we cooperate in calling them “woke” instead of calling them what they plainly are, “anti-White“!

But imagine if we’d identified them so strongly as “anti-White” by now that that was the way everyone already thought of them. Would they post a tweet like this one?
No, and that’s the kind of situation you force your opponents into when you can force your own terminology on them. So long as you’re laboring within the confines of your enemy’s terminology, you’re crippled, but if you can force your terminology on your enemy then your enemy is crippled.
Here’s a couple of the 826 quote tweet replies to Walsh’s tweet that are typical of others I looked at:
Those two and many others are pleasant to read, but they all commit the error of repeating — and thereby strengthening — anti-Whites’ phony name. They also affirm the phony name as something worthy of consideration by engaging in argument about it.
If I weren’t still banned from Twitter I’d tweet this:

That does about as much as you can do in one tweet to replace the false and tactically poor term “woke” with the accurate and tactically advantageous term “anti-White.”
You want to always be forcing your own terminology on your opponents, not operating within a terminology that they’re imposing on you without your even having noticed it!
Here’s Rep. Jim Banks’s original statement on 1/13/23 about his new caucus:
Fighting the Woke Agenda in Congress
But hey, if we had spread the term “anti-White” far enough and deeply enough during the last 10 or 15 years, that headline might have read like this:
Fighting the Anti-White Agenda in Congress
Much better!!
Readers who are new to these ideas may disagree with the above. That’s alright, we expect that. Our top priority is to repeat over and over the terminology that must replace the terminology of anti-Whites who are carrying out White Genocide. That’s what this article does, and in addition we try to give the reader some understandings.
Please take a glance at this article’s (original) title again.
Do you think it’s a poor choice of words, that an actual title like that to a mainstream news article would just cause an unproductive uproar?
I assure you that White people, including yourself if you’re White, would get used to that wording very quickly! Up until recently, America was always essentially a White country in which White people felt proud of themselves, just as Japan has been proudly Japanese, and China has been proudly Chinese. The Japanese don’t feel guilty that their country is principally inhabited by and is led by Japanese; the Chinese don’t feel guilty that their country is principally inhabited by and is led by Chinese. And until recent decades in which anti-Whites have conditioned Whites to hate themselves, Whites didn’t feel guilty that their countries have been principally inhabited by and led by White people! That doesn’t mean there can’t be people of other races living in White countries and being treated well there, but for Whites to utterly surrender their countries to other races is foolish and deadly. Whites need to be proudly pro-White and to oppose everything that’s anti-White!
Anti-Whites have the good sense to slap their mighty r-word on everyone who opposes them!
We must have the good sense to slap the correct label “anti-White” on anti-Whites!
Realistically, congressmen and mainstream media aren’t likely to use that term until we’ve normalized it by enough of us repeating it over and over and over everywhere!
Please understand the power of repetition.
It’s what’s given most people their present beliefs.
Click on that last graphic for a Forbes article about repetition
I assume they aren’t going to actually name the caucus “The Anti-Woke Caucus.”
That would be as silly as arguing with anti-Whites on Twitter over whether they’re “woke” or not.
So what happened to JIm Banks’s caucus? Was it just a publicity announcement and never a thing?