Dr. Darren J. Beattie, former speechwriter for President Trump and founder and editor of today’s indispensable Revolver News, is a Republican gentleman of acclaimed abilities and achievements.
But Dr. Beattie has one talent so singular, so awesome in its total absence among all other Republican (forget Democrat) figures of note, that it sets him well apart from all the rest!
Takes your breath away to see an ability as rare as that, doesn’t it? Calling things that are anti-White “anti-White”! Who among the eminences on the right who want to lead us would ever take that bold step?
None of them! Because calling things that are anti-white “anti-White” announces that you care about White people, and everyone knows that caring about White people is HATE!!
The eminences of the right live in fear of being called haters by the anti-Whites of the left. So they allow the left to prescribe what they can say and not say!
But the situation is actually much worse than that. Most of the eminences on the right are anti-White themselves, because they believe in “colorblindness,” a code word for “Please don’t notice when there’s no White people left.”
The anti-White crazies of the left, and the obedient leaders of the right who pretend to oppose them, are in de facto agreement that the U.S. will be a better place when White Genocide is completed.
But that’s not your view, reader.
So join Darren Beattie: start calling things that are anti-White “anti-White”! An army of pro-Whites doing that will change the national conversation!
You can even do it anonymously, but feel the impact of this fact:
The freedom of White people has been so reduced that simply speaking or writing the term “anti-White” is a bold step.
The simplest and easiest of all the powerful things you can do to restore sanity to whites’ way of viewing race today is to use the term ANTI-WHITE.
The replies that you can think up that have ANTI-WHITE in them are endless, and each time you use the term before an observing white audience, that audience soaks up the term a little more.
“Are you anti-white?”
“What you say makes sense from an anti-white perspective.”
“You’re just anti-white.”
“You’re just an anti-white who supports White Genocide.”
Many more liberated tweets by Darren Beattie that include the term “anti-White” can be found here.
In the Twitter search-phrase at that link, you can replace “darrenjbeattie” with the twitter name (without the “@”) of any other user to check their use of the term “anti-White” on Twitter.
Try it on various Republican eminences, and let us know if you find any surprises!
Also of interest:
The images in this article are also links
“former speechwriter for President Trump”
It’s too bad “anti-White” didn’t appear in any of Trump’s speeches.
Here’s a very interesting thread that Darren Beattie courteously directed at Chris Rufo about the desirability of using the term “anti-White”:
Darren Beattie keeping it real:
“The national security state has become a real bottleneck to freedom and progress and politics generally in this country…unless we bring the national security state to heel, we don’t really have a country, we don’t have politics as people ordinarily understand it. That’s the main thing.
“That’s why it’s so encouraging to see in President Trump’s recent policy statements, a real deep and sophisticated understanding of this problem, especially the second time around. I think he really understands that unless this is addressed and dealt with, which is a very high stakes and dangerous game — it’s outside of the playpen in which GOP kind of politicians are more comfortable playing in — but unless you’re willing to play that high stakes game, to play for keeps, to play for the whole thing, it’s all going to be fake, and it’s going to continue to get fake, and it’s going to continue to get worse.”
(31:45) in the Guilfoyle interview:
Damn, Darren, train your writers! I just posted the below at Revolver:
“There are stark differences between how black and white people fight, as we’ve seen in countless videos, and there’s nothing racist about point it out.”
There are stark differences between how black and white people fight, as we’ve seen in countless videos, and only an anti-White would deny it!
My God, quit defending yourself! Especially against the r-word that anti-Whites have conquered us with and still rule us with! Don’t even use the word!
Take the offense and call them anti-White! Darren Beattie, train the writer to be a good model!
I added this comment:
If there’s anything more pathetic, more humiliating and more undermining of getting Whites to save their race than saying that something “isn’t racist,” what the devil would it be?
Don’t mess with their freaking r-word! Just call them anti-White!
Man, sometimes…
Beattie is one of the more important voices against the anti-White regime, but he lets his writers write this crap! This is BASIC!
Yep, part of this is blurred! But part of it ISN’T blurred!