“Gentleman Jared,” as he is affectionally known by his many admirers, has long labored for the welfare of European peoples everywhere.
Which of course makes him a target of the anti-White rulers of Europe whose task is to complete White Genocide.
Those rulers have barred Jared once again from entering a large part of Europe, where he was scheduled to speak this past weekend before the Scandza Forum in Tallinn, Estonia.
The rulers followed their customary procedure of allowing the traveler to find out he’s banned only by arriving at the airport on the day of departure and being unable to board his flight.
Jared must be blocked from speaking in Europe because anti-Whites’ goal of completing White Genocide cannot withstand free speech!
Why I Cannot Be With You Today
Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, May 14, 2023
I cannot tell you how much I was looking forward to being part of what I am sure has been a wonderful conference.
Why am I not with you here today? Some of you may know that the government of Poland banned me from the entire 27-country Schengen Zone in 2018 — without even telling me. I found out about the ban only in 2019, when I was refused entry into Schengen by the Swiss authorities and sent back to the United States.
All the Swiss could tell me was that my name was in the computer for a three-year ban by order of Poland — with no reason given.
I suspect the reason was that I gave several talks to a Polish Catholic-nationalist group called All Polish Youth. Needless to say, it is a peaceful, patriotic organization. When I first learned of the ban, I tried every possible way to contact the Polish embassy in the United States and also the Ministry of the Interior in Warsaw to find out what was going on. I never got a reply.
It was only when I tried to enter Schengen again this week that I learned that Poland had arbitrarily extended the ban from three years to five — again, without telling me. This time, some European friends are trying to look into how the ban can be lifted.
All this leaves me with two strong feelings. First, anger. I am furious that a European government has capriciously barred me from the continent that is the source of all the things I love most. The second feeling is irony. Every year, Europe admits tens of thousands of people who have no loyalty to the West, many of whom are actively hostile to us. And yet Poland forbids entry to someone who has devoted his life to defending the values, heritage, and people of Europe. This, to me, is a sign of the deep, deep sickness of our time, a sickness that we are struggling to cure.
To summarize very briefly, the key to the future is white racial consciousness. Without it, there may be no “West” in 25 or 50 years. But with racial consciousness, everything is possible. It is our job to build that consciousness.
Without it, white people cannot say to others, “This land was built by our ancestors for us, not for you. We wish you well, but you must seek your destiny where you were born. Bloom where you were planted.” If Europeans cannot say this, your future is, in the short term, the United States; in the long-term, South Africa.
Racial consciousness will also completely reorient our values. Today, especially in the United States, moral worth comes from victimhood. No person is a failure. Instead, he is a victim of white society. Victims can accumulate “intersectional” layers of victimhood, and this makes them moral heroes. I am only half-joking when I say that the person with the greatest accumulated victimhood — and therefore the greatest moral worth — would be a one-legged, illiterate, lesbian, Somali-immigrant sex worker with a learning disability.
Today, the greatest virtue in the West is so-called “compassion” for such people, even if it is an empty virtue. It is empty because it requires no sacrifice; only endless calls for ways to take the wealth from normal, productive people and give it to abnormal, unproductive people.
A racially conscious West would not honor this phony “compassion.” It would honor courage, honesty, achievement, duty to family and nation. Its goal would not be just for us to be white people. It would be for us to be the best white people we can possibly be.
A racially conscious West would also understand that our future can lie only in children. Only healthy family-building and healthy birth rates — in lands that are our own — will ensure our future. This new understanding will end confusion about homosexuality, sex roles, even the purpose of life. A rediscovery that the number-one purpose of society is to build healthy, happy families will reverse our rush towards degeneracy.
Finally, my vision of the West is spiritual. All of us, whatever our faith, find deep meaning as part of the magnificent biological-cultural heritage of our people. We are all part of a colossal organism that stretches back into the prehistoric past and just as far into the future. Each of us is a link in this everlasting adventure of Western Man, and what we contribute to it makes us immortal. This is my vision.
We believe that White peoples’ racial consciousness will be raised as they become more aware that a genocide is being carried out against them.
You can help spread that awareness simply by repeating the terms “anti-White” and “White Genocide” everywhere possible as often as possible.
Jared’s article is published in full at American Renaissance (“Amren”), Jared’s excellent site that aggregates news articles and also publishes its own articles. I’ll mention that another good site with a similar structure but a much different feeling is Darren Beatties’ Revolver News.
Of course both sites fail to repeat the terms “anti-white” and “White Genocide” adequately. But you can make up for that deficiency!
It doesn’t take a lot of people. Everyone reading this knows those two terms today due to the efforts of a very small number of people.
The graphics in this article are also links
You give Jared Taylor a rather big pass. He and all the rest of the board of the American Freedom Party had the chance of a lifetime to become the de facto “Stop White Genocide Party,” when they ran Bob Whitaker — the man responsible for all of us even knowing the term “White Genocide” — for president in 2016. But Taylor and the board blew it because they were afraid to even whisper the term “White Genocide,” or oddly, to even let their candidate Bob Whitaker whisper it. So they bypassed Bob and decided to support Trump in a traditional manner, in hopes of catapulting themselves into being “a mainstream political party” as they said.
And now who’s even heard of their party? As Whitaker said at the time, their problem wasn’t that they switched their support to Trump, their problem was in rejecting the talents of an experienced political operator and as amateurs writing their own stufF.
They immediately extinguished themselves in the current race except for a few honorable mentions from the press as being a “racist” party.
Much of this was reported at the time in a Huff Post article:
That article quoted Jared Taylor, “I agree that ‘genocide’ is too strong…I think simple ‘dispossession’ is better.”
The Board would never have been so bold as to even use the term “pro-White,” which Bob’s supporters were hammering into the mainstream at the time.
Bob’s robo-calls would have been blasts against White Genocide, better even than this call that we suggested and that Bob liked:
I do agree though that Jared’s site has a good history of red-pilling newcomers. Many strong pro-Whites began their journey of understanding at Jared’s amren.com.
But when are all the strong pro-Whites who began at amren going to realize that it would take less than a hundred of them to focus White people’s attention on White Genocide?
Good article though, especially the reminder to readers to repeat the terms “anti-White” and “White Genocide” at every opportunity.
I think Jared and the other AFP board members were honorable and intelligent men and women who just hadn’t learned that unlike Bob they were totally incompetent political operators.
Have they learned that yet?
I remember all that. Imagine how large the press reaction likely would have been if a pro-White political party led by pro-White bigwigs had supported Trump on the grounds that Trump opposed White Genocide!
And we wouldn’t have stopped there. Bob and the rest of us would have thought of new things to do based on what the press reaction and responses to the White GeNOcide robo-calls were.
Even as insignificant individuals, we got the press to respond somewhat to our “petitions” displayed at the White House that backed Trump for allegedly opposing White Genocide. I think it was Salon that reprinted a whole “petition” of ours.
Just a few score people continuing to hammer the fact of White Genocide could likely get White people focused on that fact in a fairly short time. Why more people who call themselves pro-White (after we hammered that term for about 10 years) don’t see the possibilities in that is a mystery I’ll never understand.
I feel kind of bad to have been so critical of Jared Taylor, but it’s history, and history that maybe some readers can learn from, so I’ll leave it up. I’ve felt rather good about Jared for a long time now. He works hard and does a great job of giving a lot of Whites their first racial awareness, judging from the number of pro-Whites who’ve said that his site was where they started. Jared really puts himself out there, which he deserves a lot of credit for.
I posted the comment above when I was looking through some old material that set me off. That bit of history was a huge unpleasantness for the pro-Whites who were swarming mainstream news sites under Bob’s tutelege at the time.
Something to consider that is most often overlooked by white skin people when describing race . If you cannot describe race specifically in a simple SPECIFIC EXACT way , you include other races – ( mixed , hybrid , and Almost pure genetically ) races in your Race . For example , using another race person Obomba , most thought he was blac but in reality , he was mixed race . Most people don’t look close enough at what Race really truly is . ALL anti whites with white skin that look like White Race that think they Are White Race, really truly are not White Race genetically, if you look closely at their ancestral lineage going back 4 generations or more . The percent needed to be at least labeled as hybrid White Race genetically , is 75 percent plus Almost pure White Race genetics , which is 93.75 percent plus Almost pure White Race genetics that evolved from a geographic area over 500 years where people have a cultural and lifestyle and a connection , -( this is hard to describe) mentally ,like it’s home to them , they are part of that environment even if they themselves don’t live there anymore but they still celebrate the important days in that geographic cultural area it’s important ,it’s in their very being or essence / through genetic evolution into a separate genetic phenotype that has white skin in ADDITION other almost instnictive traits that other just white skin people of mixed races do NOT have a deep connection with . If you are TRULY a genetic Almost pure or hybrid White Race person and talk with another white skin person you can always tell when they communicate with you for a few minutes if they are true White Race or not . It is true , white skin people are being genocide and White Race people also.
Jared is wrong about the superiority of east asians and that Jews are “white”,otherwise he is dead right and has done excellent work in exposing the media and establishment myths about race