Tell all the candidates that you are eager to hear them explain how they will stop White Genocide! Tweet them that they must sign up for the debate!
Maximum publicity for our debate is maximum publicity for the fact of White Genocide!
There is no issue more important than stopping the flooding of White countries with the third world, and stopping the use of law and propaganda to compel White assimilation with that third world that will blend us out of existence or turn us into tiny hated minorities.
But our anti-White politicians avoid that issue and never even speak of White Genocide!
Candidates who won’t sign up for the debate must have their noses rubbed in the fact that they are anti-White phonies who care nothing about the survival of the founding population of the country they want to lead.
Keep the question of how they will stop White Genocide in front of them, and in front of the mass of people who observe them.
If they won’t sign up for the debate, they must cop to this:
Trump will say that he’ll stop White Genocide before breakfast his first morning in office. DeSantis may possibly travel abroad for consultation and then declare that opposing White Genocide is “hate speech.”
Both of these guys, and all the rest will need to be pressed!
And don’t neglect to ask Biden and the Democrats too, “How will you stop White Genocide?” We should tweet that question to every person on the left!
See you at the debate!
I’ll create some simple graphics you can tweet or use elsewhere to spread this invitation if you wish.
This one could be attached to any tweet about anything, since it’s addressed to a general audience:
Don’t forget what we’re doing here. We’re spreading the fact of White Genocide.
My comment on Revolver News:
What will “leave me stunned” and will also stun the American political system is if public pressure to have this debate becomes an item in news reports on the presidential race:
Fight White Genocide will host Republican presidential candidates debatimg “How I Will Stop White Genocide”!
it wouldn’t take a whole lot of activity to make that happen. On Twitter, etc. tell the candidates they must sign up for this debate! Tell at least one candidate every day from now until election day!
Good work!

Four of the current GOP candidates aren’t even white. How do you expect them to care about white replacement and genocide in America — let alone the white Republicans who won’t do anything to stop it?
What venue would even allow you to host such a debate? The Right doesn’t believe in total freedom of speech any more than the Left does.
It’s game over for whites. Both in North America, and Europe too. No one will stop immigration, repatriate non-whites, or anything that would save us and our countries. We are finished.
If you think the game is over, you’ve never watched a game in which a team came from behind to win.
As to the rest, you’re missing what is always the point on this site, which is to wake up Whites to the fact of White Genocide:
“Maximum publicity for our debate is maximum publicity for the fact of White Genocide!”
The rich people that CONTROL almost all , maybe all , media’s , want ALL, white skin and ( almost white skin ) peoples to think nothing can be done to stop the genocide , even other mixed , hybrid , and almost pure genetically races as well as ours . They also appear to have a world population reduction agenda/ s also , determined by their rich peoples owned media’s produced information distributed by their rich peoples controlled media’s . Given that , I get your position but , think about their rich peoples agendas , because they are very very very small in numbers in agreement in their agendas , the ONLY way they could achieve their agendas is to convince everyone viewing their rich peoples controlled media’s is to make up non truths to get everyone to think like you that it’s too late ,all is lost . You might be duped by them and all is not lost yet ? I prefer to think it’s not yet , the rich controllers numbers are very small , if you don’t use their currencies they have no control value anymore to influence people . Look at the conflict in the past ,run out of money conflict dies out .
@ Luke and Objective Observer. How is it not game over?
The only way to save the United States and white people is to protect the white majority. Whites were 90% of the country in 1960, and there they’re only about 61%. They’re already almost facing minority status in the next 10-15 years, as millions are crossing the border, and legal immigration remains at an average of 200,000 non-whites a month.
The only way to protect the white majority would be…..
1) A moratorium on all legal immigration, or restrict immigration to whites only.
2). Mass deportations of all illegals.
3) All current Visa immigrants would have to be denied a path to naturalization and repatriated.
4) Even some non-white citizens who are already here would have to be incentivized to return to their homelands or another country.
5) At least 80-120 million non-whites would have to be removed from the United States if whites are to remain the majority, and not face racial extinction.
In order to make any of these things happen, you need political power to force it. Since the early 1990s, whites have gradually lost all political power — both in the federal government and most state governments. All courts have been captured by non-whites. Etc. Not to mention that 90% of whites are loaded with white guilt, they don’t care about non-whites changing everything or coming here, and they’re not willing to openly call for any of these things that have been happening since the 1950s to stop. The political will wasn’t there in 1990, and it still isn’t here 33 years later.
whites no longer have the power to force these things to happen, so how can whites save us and our countries if we don’t have the mechanisms to do so anymore?
The white skin people and White Race people are too spread out on the planet . They must move to one big area . As you stated it’s about majority . Less numbers , consolidate , unfortunately it means controlling less but we won’t be slaves and discriminated prejudiced against .