Article written by Bob Whitaker
The issue that will be the most important in the future is invariably the one today’s establishment is most desperate to avoid talking about. Today, that issue is race.
For a short time during the integration battle in the 1950s, liberals kept saying that we had to integrate because Whites were outnumbered. They pointed out that colored children were being born in ratios of at least five to one to Whites throughout the world. That line of argument stopped abruptly. Liberals suddenly realized that if they kept it up, some Whites might realize the real position they were in in the world.
Though few people are aware of it, this is the effect the shrinking of the world through technology is having on a lot of people. Most people are more tolerant racially, but at the same time the idea that Whites have a right to feel threatened is growing.
In the long run, a victorious political strategy is one that takes what everybody knows is true and sticks to it, letting the other side discredit itself. The ruling establishment, such as that which enforces Political Correctness today, can always be counted on to rely more and more on brute power and intimidation. That is what destroys it.
One aspect of the leadership that wins in the Western world will be that it will simply talk rationally about race, as about everything else.
I have no trouble discussing White fears with real, flesh-and-blood members of minority groups. In the future, Whites with normal concerns will want to be represented, and, once they are, it will become part of the routine political landscape.
I don’t think you can imagine how it would cripple leftism if we were to simply make the point that White concerns are real and legitimate, and leave it at that. Right now, every conservative allows liberals to make them prove that they have no racial thoughts whatsoever. In short, they let the other side subject everybody to a Thought Crime accusation from the word “Go.”
I have spent four decades as an expert on political warfare.
I tell you the right is doomed if they do not deal with this Thought Crime business. As long as the left has this “racism” weapon UNCHALLENGED in their hands, the right can only retreat.
It’s game over for whites.
Look at everything that’s happened in the last 60 years, and especially everything that’s happened in the last 30-35 years. Whites are still spineless cowards, and there’s still no sign of any awakening.
The Rodney King riots, O.J Simpson , 9/11, Barack Obama, the 2020 BLM riots and the “pandemic” all in the last 3 decades, and whites continue to do nothing. If those things didn’t wake them up, nothing will. All of our European countries are long gone too.
By the time that whites DO wake up, when every square mile of the USA looks like South Africa, they won’t be able to do anything about it. To say that I’m scared of the future is quite an understatement, but it’s far too late and all of our countries are finished. It’s over
The truth is , you have learned only what the rich controlled media’s have produced about specific ratios of white skin people that are aware of white skin people’s genocide , – ( white skin people include anti whites and non White Race people with white skin , and White Race people ). True White Race people are much smaller in numbers , they are already ,-( most of them) , that are truly awake to the causes of The white skin people’s genocide , living in all and only White Race preservation areas . They mostly moved to those areas since the early 70′ s , and used free notice boards in stores , on, buildings , po’ s ect. Before the net , web to communicate . The truth is , the White Race people living in areas of preservation of the White Race are waiting to communicate with Other White Race awake White Race preservation people in their areas , post your own WR or WPPO, or WRG , or other note to meet on the free to post boards in your local areas. They were most likely there in your areas for the past 40 years , you just never thought that checking them was important enough to you . Maybe now , ya think, might be a good time to look every year or 6 months . Think about all the years wasted and they were just living down the road a couple miles away from you for the last 40 years but YOU, were just interested more in the brainwashing box than physically meeting , to be in a like-minded community of White Race preservation White Race awake to the white genocide people to preserve our dwindling numbers and stabilize the problem from getting worse through preservation and working together . These are small mini farms mostly but , could be any type of White Race community , the amer. Indian’ s and other races in the us. Have their preservation areas . Don’t you think it’s time for your White Race areas now ? Well ?
Did you ever pass 4th grade English?
I can’t even understand what you’re saying or asking, so I can’t respond
You don’t have to respond , just form your own white preservation group by posting on free local store notice boards where you frequent to preserve your White race or white skin mixed race you are a member of .
In Stings 2 under the category White Spokesmen, sub category Revolution, sub sub category “Conspiracy”:
The greatest asset the enemy has is not the soldier in his own lines, but the defeatist in yours.
In Stings 2 under the category White Spokesmen, sub cat Revolution, sub sub cat The Tide of History:
I can’t make you feel encouraged. Just before the collapse of the Soviet Union, it looked as strong as ever. In 1853 the Whigs held the White House. By 1856 it had ceased to exist. In 30 years, today’s political landscape will look totally alien. You could not imagine today the political alliances that are coming.
In Stings 3 under the category White Spokesmen, sub cat War/Do What Works, sub sub cat War:
You don’t say “General, do you think we’re going to win this war?” No one who is a pro ever brings that up. That’s not even relevant.
It’s not the end IC , Have a wonderful Yule , Yole’ or variation of White Race solstice religious celebrations ! We Are out here check the free notice boards in the areas you live and connect with like thinkers , be specific in the words you post in your note and use big black abbreviations at top on a 2 by 3 card , try to post at top corner , make’s it easier to spot on board from the other garbage posts , just saves time .
How is it not the end for Whites in the USA? Whites are barely 60% of the country anymore, legal immigration remains high, illegal immigration is higher than ever, white birth rates are below replacement, and whites mixing with non-whites is higher than at any time in history.
The only way to save Whites in America would require repatriating almost 100 million non-whites, stopping all immigration (or limiting it to whites only) deporting all illegals, and strongly discouraging interracial marriage and getting the white birth rate back to replacement levels. Whites do not have the political power to make these things happen anymore. The 1970s or the early-1980s was probably the last time we could have done this. Now non-whites have all of the political power and laws favoring them.
So I ask with all sincerity. What could whites do at this point which would keep them the majority of the USA, and stop our genocide? I’m willing to listen if you have legitimate answers
Ok , with all sincerity , ( if your not an AI.post) , It seems by your post , that the rich people controlled media’s information deluge of non true accurate data has sort of depressed you somewhat concerning our ( in particular ,”White Race “future ) , providing you are “White Race “, instead of a white skin person , which have larger numbers than actual “White Race members ” . Fear not , ” White Race people” will live on and work together in “White Race communities ” preserving their “White Race” . You , if your white skin Or , “White Race”-(the 2 are different genetically), just have to look for key word searches on net , or boards in your areas . If you can’t find a note for a community , then what ? Maybe start your own preservation communities ? Make it a life goal to preserve your race , hybrid or, almost pure genetically . Why not ? It gives you a purpose to live and not be depressed like the rich controllers of society and everything want you to be so you are more easily controlled by them . Right? Nothing good and right and true is easy .
You’ve laid out a grim picture, Ian, but it’s important to stay focused on reality and what we can do rather than surrender to despair. Yes, the situation is serious. Yes, the numbers are against us right now. But it is not over.
Here’s why:
Awareness is growing: More White people than ever before are waking up to the reality of White genocide. The policies of mass immigration, forced assimilation, and relentless propaganda promoting White mixing are no longer invisible. The first step to solving a problem is recognizing it exists. We are achieving that.
Political tides change: Demographics are not destiny if people fight back. History has proven that political, social, and cultural shifts can happen far faster than anyone predicts. The fall of the Soviet Union in the 1980s was unthinkable until it happened. Systems that seem unstoppable can collapse under their own weight when the people demand change.
The Mantra works: By repeating the truth that mass immigration and forced assimilation into ALL White countries and ONLY White countries is genocide, we force the conversation. The more we repeat it, the more people question the anti-White narrative. Ideas spread like wildfire once they take root.
White solidarity is rising: Whites will act when they realize they are a minority and face hostile policies aimed at their destruction. Whites are still a powerful political minority with economic, cultural, and social influence. As the reality of the situation sinks in, survival instincts will kick in — people defend what is theirs when pushed far enough.
Don’t get caught in “what ifs”: Your list of demands — deportations, ending immigration, encouraging White families — may sound impossible now, but every significant political change in history seemed impossible until it wasn’t. What’s needed is a change in mindset. When enough of our people demand survival, solutions will follow.
We play the long game: This is not about winning everything tomorrow. It’s about keeping the message alive, waking people up, and shifting the Overton Window — what’s socially and politically acceptable to say. Just a decade ago, no one dared speak openly about White genocide. Now, people are talking.
What can Whites do right now?
Speak out. Use the Mantra. Don’t let anyone silence you.
Build networks. Form real communities that support White interests.
Have families. Raise proud White children who understand the importance of their heritage.
Stay focused. Don’t get bogged down in defeatism or distractions.
Use every platform and every opportunity to hammer the truth home:
“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.”
It’s not too late because we’re still here. As long as there are White people, there is hope. Our survival depends on our will to fight for it.
Fight White Genocide!
History is not over. This is far from the end—this is just the beginning of our people waking up.
Repeat the message, wake up our people, and the tide will turn.
When I feel like this, I remember that Spain was Muslim for over 700 years before the Reconquista.
It’s NEVER over.
Why is this retard who’s talking out of his ass allowed to post on this site? He’s taking up valuable space; but he puts the psychology of an anti-white on full display. B/c he can’t refute anything we say he’s reduced to incoherent gibberish and he’s patting himself on the back thinking showing everyone what a retard he is is being “clever”. To him “victory” is whoever can sink the lowest into the abyss. You can tell by his comment he can’t understand anyone who means what he says, he thinks we’ve posted hundreds of thousands irrefutable comments not b/c we’re just honest & loyal, but b/c we “want to harm non-whites”. What do you expect from a psychopath? “Why would any white man tell the truth & be loyal when that’s heresy?” These lying RATS need to be eradicated, if a reproductive doctor told him he has a psychopath gene & he can prevent it from being transferred to his would be child would he say “no no, I want my child to be just like me” ? Society might have an interest in that decision.
saying diversity is a codeword for dwindling whites is a statement which would tend to be inaffectual or have alienating to the supposed cause effects because its an inacurrate statement. mixing doesnt end family lines. collectivist scapegoatings are what usually does that, and racial collectivism makes people vulnerable to such.
Positive post ! Keep checking the notice boards in your 100 mile radius. FRS ch. whatever when in range. _rpo.