By Hiram Dallyrimple, White GenNOcide Project, February 13, 2013
(Slightly redacted currently by Deprogrammer)
Some pro-Whites protest that the word “genocide” is over the top to most white ears (they are CORRECT!) and therefore ineffective (THAT is their big MISTAKE!)
Do they imagine that the absurd R-word that rules us today initially found the acceptance it has presently?
It did NOT! It violated EVERYTHING that most Whites understood about the world they lived in!
Like all peoples throughout history, Whites knew instinctively that their race had to safeguard itself as a race. But the R-word carried the fundamental lie that racial feeling of any kind is a learned pathology, rather than an innate trait that evolved to protect the survival of human groups.
The R-word said that all races are the same, while most Whites, like other peoples, knew instinctively that races differ.
Like all peoples, Whites knew most of all that they could not protect their race without protecting their women.
But the R-word told Whites that racially protecting their women was a nasty, contemptible thing to do!
Talk about a word being “over the top,” the R-word was preposterous!
And yet look at the absolute rule that the preposterous R-word eventually gained over Whites’ minds!
By what process does a novel term achieve such astounding power?
When the phrase “White Genocide” has been heard a gazillion times, the FACT of White Genocide will be accepted as SELF-EVIDENT!
That’s what was done with the r-word. That’s the way human minds work. And for the term “White Genocide,” the process is aided by the fact that White Genocide is being carried out in plain view…massive immigration and forced assimilation is already producing a higher rate of interbreeding that will eventually reduce us greatly in number or even blend us away altogether.
Once the factuality of White Genocide is bedrock solid in the majority of American minds, White Genocide’s anti-white perpetrators will no longer hold the moral high ground, and their reign can be ended.
The process is extremely comparable to how anti-Whites won power for their r-word!
The links in the article to archived pages load slowly.
The first link in the article, races are the same is to an interesting article about the difficulty mixed persons have getting bone marrow transplants.
It’s not AI generated.
Wow! You’re trippier than AI, dude!
The article was written before AI, in 2013 (note that it’s accessible in archive by the wayback machine), and we knew the author.
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