The crew discuss current events from a pro-white perspective.
1:33 Barack Obama confuses the Declaration of Independence with the Constitution. Founding of America. Free speech vs. the proposition nation.
7:53 Trump threatens Mexico with tariffs. White demoralization. The wall.
12:45 Abortion. Pro-white reaction to abortion.
18:34 Immigration vs. assimilation.
20:11 Ann Coulter sours on Trump
23:11 Republicans going after the minority vote.
23:55 Reparations
24:39 Twitter trying to justify censoring ONLY pro-whites. Censorship vs opposing views. Deradicalizing anti-whites. Anti-whites can only prove our points.
30:03 Counter-subverting the surveillors.
30:53 Twitter CYA, justification for censorship.
32:08 Non-discrimination doesn’t work.
34:22 Putting anti-whites on the defensive.
34:32 Separation is not supremacy.
35:00 Bob Whitaker why non-discrimination doesn’t work.
35:44 Not discriminating between criminals and non-criminals.
36:14 Why is discrimination wrong? Everybody discriminates.
36:44 We can’t oppose genocide cuz discrimination?
37:14 They can’t be reasonable about integration because if whites are allowed territory anywhere all whites will go there.
37:40 Our discrimination stops genocide; their discrimination imposes genocide.
37:58 Beto says living with brown people is cruel and inhumane -unless he’s forcing it on to whites.
40:31 Trump dog-whistling to whites, fake president.
42:07 Exposing white superiority.
44:10 John Cleese: “London isn’t an English city.”
45:25 Whites have no monopoly on colonization.
45:59 All groups have done as much damage as they could -except whites.
48:20 Everybody knows it’s about race.
50:17 If race doesn’t matter what’s diversity?
50:58 Whites are being subjected to genocide, blacks are not.
52:36 Magic dirt.
52:56 Anti-whites define white all the time.
54:06 Three white females sue New York schools. More diverse=less white. Positive discrimination.
56:40 Lawsuits can be good but they are no substitute for winning the propaganda war and taking power.
57:50 They’re just anti-white.
58:28 Our terms are getting out there.
1:02:34 Toxic whiteness is anti-white hate speech.
1:04:17 Something doesn’t exist until it’s named.
1:05:06 It’s a word war.
1:06:17 False dichotomy: a word war is not a discussion/debate and it’s not a shooting war.
If we don’t discriminate against who we let into this country,then we want to destroy it.
I think the word,discriminate,is too much one of their words. Instead ,I might say if we don’t pick and choose who we let into this country,then we want to destroy it. That avoids sounding on the defensive.