A major center of anti-white operations, the U.S. White House, is willing to display pro-white messages on its website. 150 initials (click on the header) will display this message for the remainder of the 30 days following its submission today:
Distinguished French author Jean Raspail (goo.gl/oQpBae) foretold in his 1973 novel today’s flooding of EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with the third world, which is accompanied by the forced integration/assimilation of whites with those third worlders that will blend whites out of existence or reduce whites to small minorities.
Today’s priests of anti-whitism train their young demoralized white students to support this genocide of their race by calling it “diversity” and “love.”
Anti-whites want a future with no child left white.
Establish “A Future With White Children” program in our schools to read Raspail and discuss these truths:
White self-hatred is SICK!!
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person.
“Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide.
From the very fine 2015 interview with Jean Raspail:
“Yes. They insulted me, dragged me in the dirt, then gradually it subsided. Because, little by little they began to experience what I had described in the book.
“The situation we are living through today is nothing compared to what awaits us in 2050.
“I have written that Christian charity will suffer a bit when faced with the answers to the influx of migrants. It will have to steel itself and suppress compassion of all sorts. Otherwise, our countries will be submerged.
“The last stronghold of faithful and of fighters is composed of patriots attached to their identity and their land.”
Please see also our fresh Stop White Genocide White House messages that we post each month:
Keep a pro-white message on the White House’s website
The graphic links to another article,
“Camp of the Saints” White Genocide Caravan approaches through Mexico
It works to put just initials in the two name boxes, but you need to give a working email address to receive the White House’s email so you can click on the confirming link in it.
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