“Western values are that tribe and skin color do not matter” ~ Charlie Kirk, May of 2022
Can anyone think of a more blatant lie about the values of the West (or of almost any other society) for all of known history?
Maybe the following?
Hey Charlie, did you know that the captains and financial groups that brought African slaves to North America were motivated by a strong Christian desire to give Africans better lives in America?
Maybe some slavers actually believed that. Maybe Charlie Kirk and other “respectable” “conservatives” who shill for a “colorblind society,” like CRT adversary Chris Rufo, also believe their own horse manure.
Their efforts would never produce a colorblind society, but just a society like today’s in which only White people are colorblind. White colorblindness blocks Whites from having any sense of group identity that would enable them to resist White Genocide.
The final product from the “heroes of colorblindness” would be White Genocide completed, a happy state that Chris Rufo yearningly describes at the link to him above.
I’ve listened to Charlie Kirk only this once some weeks ago when I randomly chose this program to get some idea of him. The statement this article begins with is at 23.23 minutes in this May 23, 2022 show:
It’s very insidious IMO how he slips the statement in for maximum subliminal effect by tacking it on at the end of a list of authentic Western values. An inattentive listener will get his brain slimed.
None of these “conservatives” are going to be speaking and writing the term “White Genocide” even occasionally, much less regularly, even though it’s hard to think of any topic more current and more important than anti-Whites’ steady progress toward blending the White race out of existence.
It’s up to us to repeat the term “White Genocide” everywhere we can as frequently as we can until it becomes a commonplace in political discourse.
Pushing “colorblindness” is just another play in the game sponsored by anti-Whites of “who’s the least ‘racist,'” a pastime of perpetual silliness about something that scarcely exists in America any longer.
Hey, Charlie! Hey, Chris! Could you guys knock it off? There’s a genocide going on!
Someone needs to make a copy of that part of the video before Charlie Kirk deletes that statement.
Yep, that link no longer works.
But I’d noted the program’s title,
GREAT RESET WATCH: All Eyes on DAVOS | The Charlie Kirk Show LIVE 05.23.22
and was able to find the program elsewhere on Rumble.
Kirk’s statement is at 23:23 minutes:
I’ve made the change in the article.
Now that I’m more familiar with Charlie Kirk, I doubt he’d be embarrassed by the statement and want to remove it. What a sorry plague against the truth all the characters like him are.
I thought to write this article after listening to Nick Fuentes talk about Charlie Kirk in the first half of his show last night:
MUG CUCKED: Crowder DISAVOWS Anti-Semitism (Two Sides of the Same SHEKEL) | America First Ep. 1112
I’m looking forward to listening to the rest of that show right now.
Nick Fuentes streams most weekday nights, late, and you can catch him on either Cozy.tv or Rumble. For archived listening, you’ll find recent shows on Cozy or on Rumble, but older shows apparently are only on Rumble.
“Western values are that tribe and skin color do not matter” ~ Charlie Kirk, May of 2022
Anyone living in the United States in the middle of the last century would have regarded that statement as completely deranged.
Western values to cowardly moron cuckservatives means that the gene pool who created them mean NOTHING, all that matters is that the brown people who replace us carry on those “values”. I know from swarming experience no conservative can deal with what I just said, they just get all defensive and call me a “liberal”; they know they can’t refute me, they know I just exposed them as self sacrificing morons, but like the pathological lying psychopaths they are, they’ll just keep peddling their TRAITOR horse####.
White’s still aren’t waking up.
After everything that has happened in the last 40 years there is simply no excuse for them to still be asleep in 2023.
It’s over for us. We are going to lose all of our countries very soon.
Charlie Kirk insults U.S.S. Liberty survivors
On another site, a commenter posted that maybe Kirk was a “gateway for the youth.”
He’s probably a gateway for some, but I’m guessing he’s a deflection for most.
In the article I linked there’s videos of his angrily calling the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty a “conspiracy theory,” and his young audience cheering him for that!
Their deluded cheering struck me hard.
Jared Taylor was my gateway, but Jared never told me lies that I later had to be deconditioned from.
Here’s some material for another article on Charlie Kirk, or more generally, on how cuckservatives are controlled by Big Money.
When Darren Beattie sees something that’s anti-White, he calls it (drum roll, wait for it) “ANTI-WHITE”!
While testing some Twitter names in the “does he say ‘anti-White'” test at the end of that article, I noticed that admirable Darren Beattie (Revolver News) has only 182 thousand Twitter followers, while lamentable Charlie Kirk (TPUSA) has 2 million followers!
Well, Charlie Kirk is just a lot more popular than Darren Beattie, you may respond.
Ah, but WHY is he more popular? What MADE him more popular? Is he just more interesting than Beattie?
Please! Even if you only knew Kirk and not Beattie, you might think that unlikely.
In pursuit of an answer, I googled “Charlie Kirk funding,” and found this:
In 2018, TPUSA raised over $28 million in revenue, compared to $10.8 million the previous year. [17]
Turning Point USA is funded by numerous right-of-center foundations and big Republican donors. TPUSA received $275,000 from the Ed Uihlein Family Foundation, the Rauner Family Foundation (run by former Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner (R)) gave $150,000, the Foglia Family Foundation gave $210,000, and the Marcus Foundation gave $72,500. TPUSA has also received smaller donations from the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Michael and Andrea Leven Family Foundation, the Huizenga Foundation, the Mike Miller Foundation, Dunn’s Foundation for the Advancement of Right Thinking, the Einhorn Family Foundation, and Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation (run by the in-laws of former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos), the Gianforte Family Foundation (run by Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte (R)), the Thomas Patrick Morrison Foundation, and the Family Taxpayer’s Foundation.
Well dang! No wonder Kirk’s TPUSA is able to “have a presence on over 2,500 campuses” and keep Charlie so “popular”!
But hold on, let’s check Darren Beattie’s funding. Here’s a note that appears at the beginning of every article on Beattie’s Revolver News:
“Soros-funded harridans are still trying to cancel Revolver. We are extremely grateful and fortunate to be supported by our generous readership.”
So. Big money supports Charlie Kirk with 28 million dollars a year, but deprives Darren Beattie of as much of his ad revenue as it can!
But at least with so much money, Charlie Kirk must feel able to express himself freely on any topic!
Now I’m just being silly, and we arrive at the important point that shows a large part of how Washington, D.C. works.
All those donor organizations expect Charlie to stay within the bounds of what they support. That’s a chief reason huge donor organizations and other conduits of funds are created. They take control of “dissident” expression and keep it within bounds that the donor class considers “safe.”
Glenn Greenwald discusses that illuminatingly in this recent program:
New SBF Indictment Exposes How Washington Really Works. Plus, Investigative Reporter Lee Fang In-Studio! | SYSTEM UPDATE #45
At random I picked one of the donor organizations listed above for Charlie Kirk, and found that it financially supported “a case in which the Supreme Court ruled that government employees were not required to pay union dues.”
Maybe Charlie won’t be supporting any union organizing?